
Jujutsu Kaisen: One Century Later

After the defeat of Sukuna and the sealing of Tengen the modern world is now exposed to cursed energy and jujutsu. 100 years later most humans can now use cursed techniques which causes nuclear weapons and guns to be replaced by jujutsu sorcery. 15-year-old Saigo Akumu is living out his senior high school life until a mysterious man with surgery stitching across his forehead visits his school.

Redist_King · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
85 Chs


Several years earlier

The beautiful white-haired woman once again walked down the iron maze of the facility. As she came upon the heavily protected elevator she once again used it to reach her destination. However unlike before she traveled up the facility instead of down. When the doors opened once again, she was met with a room the very opposite of her own.

The floor and walls were made out of a black marble-like material that was tinted in accents of gold and silver, while the decoration largely consisted of expensive wine bottles, spirits, and gin. 

In the center sat a large luxury desk that was too big for one person to use, yet this man sat there all by himself. He was looking out the window not even noticing the presence of the woman who stood behind him, at least until she called out,

"President Gerald?"

The man then turned his chair around, despite his foreign-sounding name this man was half-Japanese. He was showing signs of old age, his hair was clearly agreeing from its original brown color, and his skin was covered in wrinkles. But the most defining trait about him was the surgery stitching scar that spread out across his forehead. The Old man then spoke,

"Is there anything you want Madame Saigo?"

"A co-worker of mine was starting to have doubts about the Projects purpose. I just gave him a half-assed answer and then sent him away, but now I'm starting to lose faith as well."

The old man thought about it for a moment. Then he asked,

"How is your son doing? I heard he is turning 8 this year."

[Madame Saigo] Can you not avoid my question, President Gerald?

The old man realizing that he couldn't change the topic hesitated. He turns his chair around and watches the outside view of the world before asking her,

"Do you believe in God?"

The woman without hesitation says,

"I am not very religious."

Once again the Old man asks,

"Then what do you think about Tengen?"

Pausing for a moment Madame Saigo then responds with the answer,

"It may be powerful, but at the end of the day, it's just another curse created from human emotions. A simple by-product from our time as a lesser species."

From that answer, the president began to laugh hysterically. Despite the man's name, he was in fact half-Japanese. Madame Saigo was confused by the response but the old man began to tell her,

"What if I told you that Tengen was a human just like us? Once upon a time, she was just another weak jujutsu sorcerer yet somehow she had evolved past our limitations and reached that state of being."

Madame Saigo then asked, "What does that have to do with the purpose of the project?"

He then made the most outrageous statements that would rightfully anger many groups of people in the world, "Would it then mean it would be possible for humans to reach that state? An ageless ultimate being? A God? Now that we have that technique nullifying fragment it may be possible to even dissect its flesh. As a scientist doesn't it peak your interest?

She thought about it for a long while before asking, "Why are you only telling me this? and only now of all times?

[Gerald] Madame Saigo, you are a very important woman in all this. I need you for this project to be completed. I couldn't tell you this before but you're too knee-deep in this now to back out. 

She was very confused by all this but now with some answers, she decided to just get back to work however before she could leave Gerald asked her one more thing,

"If you don't keep what I told you here a secret, don't expect your son to come out of this ordeal in one piece."

Back to the present day

Akumu had been teleported to the same stone platform the competitors before him had once stood on as well. In front of him was a long staircase that reached the heavens as well as the reverse castle that he needed to raid, with stone doors sealed shut.

The timer began to count down once again however the audience didn't follow suit. They just sat and watched carefully, they knew that if Japan was able to win this round they would have a small chance at taking back this whole game.

3..2..1.. FIGHT

The doors swung open as a burst of cursed spirits quickly swept down the stairs. Akumu however just kept waiting and waiting until the multitude of grade 3 and 2 curses almost reached him.

He closed his eyes and thought about everything that had come up to that point, the death of everyone at school, his fight against Senjuro, the battle against the demon king's cult, and lastly his great desire to destroy the Chinese team.

He claps both his hands while generating a great amount of cursed energy. As they unfolded a great black whip emerged from his hand. However this time the weapon he formed was not a mallet but a scythe.

With a single strike, It cleaved through the line of cursed spirits splitting open a path directly toward the castle. Without wasting another second he quickly dashed inside.

Not long after entering, he was greeted with another swarm of grade 3 and 2 cursed spirits. However, he instance lousy shouted,

Simple Domain: Black Palace.

All the cursed spirits that got caught inside were instantly detached from their lower half or at least divided in two in some shape or form. He quickly sprung past the corpses and approached the group of grade 1 cursed spirits that blocked the way to an even more colossal door. 

These cursed spirits were indeed powerful but compared to Akumu they were stupidly slow.

Akumus's scythe grew bigger and bigger until its length grew large enough to encompass the whole dungeon. As he swung his scythe it not only beheaded every grade 1 curse but also destroyed a small portion of the dungeon all at once.

He quickly approached the slowly opening colossal door revealing a tall pedestal with the special grade acrophobia curse resting atop it. Without wasting any time it launched a barrage of hand attacks to overwhelm Akumu.

Yet once again he instantly opened another simple domain slashing through anything that came even remotely close to him.

The Acrophobia Curse then began to open his domain the empty acro park to watch Akumu plummet to his death. And once again his technique fails on him as the crowd is shocked to see Akumu floating in mid-air.

Like the man before him, Akumu with his black whips creates a bow of cursed energy and charges a powerful shot to eliminate the special-grade curse in one hit. 

The acrophobia curse in defense quickly manifests a wall of hands that barely manages to defend against the black arrow. And not long following suit Akumu himself how followed up with his black scythe in tow.

He plunges its blade deep into the curse instantly tearing it apart.


The crowd shouted in excitement, the currently losing Japanese team had made an incredible comeback. But at what cost?

The crumbling Castle had eventually been restored to its original form and the next challenger had already risen to combat it.


Once he too was teleported to the upside-down castle the robotic voice asks how many spirits he would like to combat.

"I don't want to kill the mood that's been going so far, Give me all one hundred too!"

Her eyes were cheerful and innocent. It was as if she had no clue of the horrors that would spawn inside that castle. Yet without hesitation, she urged the robotic voice to hurry up and spawn the spirits.

As the the door suddenly opened the girl immediately pulled out what seemed to be a paper talisman with the Chinese writing for spirit on it. She called out,

Four Guardian God Summoning: White Tiger

As the paper talisman burns a bright blue flame it leaves behind an unusually sized giant white tiger that almost took up the whole width of the platform. 

Meiyangs' cursed technique was the four guardian god summons. It was a technique similar to the ten shadows of Japan, However instead of granting the user 10 shikigami it only gave 4. Furthermore, it used a paper talisman as a conduit for summoning instead of the users' shadow. The white tiger possesses the ability to control wind at will.

Within the second of its summoning, Meiyang sits atop the white tiger and travels toward the swarm of cursed spirits instantly tearing them apart. As it traveled blades of wind emitted from its body that not even the giant curses could withstand taking them from the beginning of the dungeon all the way to the end in a matter of seconds. 

Yukiko and Hikaru could only watch nervously as both of their skills were presented to them in a single fighter.

As she reached the acrophobia-cursed spirit, it quickly opened up its domain without wasting anyone's time. After experiencing death twice in one it for sure didn't want to experience a third.

Unfortunately for Meiyang, the white tiger did not possess the capabilities to attack the mask without getting closer. It was as she fell that the crowd shouted for her danger and yet she still retained that same sense of confidence in her face.

She pulled out another talisman instantly dispelling the white tiger and then called out,

Four Guardian God Summong: Red Pheonix

As the talisman burned a bright blue flame a bird made from an amber fire spawned under the falling girl. It soard towards the sky while emitting a dangerous heat that engulfed the girl,

Extension Technique: Burning piercer

The flaming spear that shot toward the sky burned the Acrophobia Cursed spirit to Cinders eventually burning away its remains as well. Frosty Whipp then shouted over the mic,


The crowd went crazy from the thought, three 1st placers in one day???

But now rose the true question, how would the cursed tool reward be split.