
Jujutsu Kaisen: One Century Later

After the defeat of Sukuna and the sealing of Tengen the modern world is now exposed to cursed energy and jujutsu. 100 years later most humans can now use cursed techniques which causes nuclear weapons and guns to be replaced by jujutsu sorcery. 15-year-old Saigo Akumu is living out his senior high school life until a mysterious man with surgery stitching across his forehead visits his school.

Redist_King · Anime e quadrinhos
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85 Chs

I Chose You

"I'M SO SORRY ANIKII", wept Ken. He was crying all over the floor while moaning like a baby.

It was an understandable reaction, everyone had been flabbergasted from the events of that round.

"At least we know he can fly now," Hikaru said.

"That doesn't mean we can relax yet. The official one-on-one battles will start tomorrow," stated Yumeno.

"But China still has almost double the amount of points you guys have?" stated Hagone

Akumu simply responded, "Then we just have to win all of our matches."

The Next Day

As per usual Frosty Whipp was shouting over the microphone,


And once again the crowd responded.


It wasn't surprising that the audience was so hyped up for the vs battles. These were the main points of the curse tournament after all. To find out who was the strongest from each generation of sorcerers. Leonie then began to speak into the mic,

"The Vs Battles will be split into 2 different categories. The servant battles and master battles. The servant battles will be battles not including the team leader, they will be just purely 1v1 battles between 2 opposing teams. Every member of that team will fight against another member of the opposing team. The winner of each fight will receive 1 point for their team."

Tyrece then took over, "Master Battles on the other hand will be structured like a bracket. The Captains of each team will fight against each other with the champion being crowned as their generation's strongest as well as winning 3 points for their team."


Akumu looked back at his team. They all stared at him with eyes of determination. Long before the rules were even decided they had all already chosen who their opponents were going to be.

Akumu then shouted, "CHINA DON'T RUN FROM US"

Haoran who heard the declaration responded, "I NEVER TURN DOWN A CHALLENGE."


The two walk into the arena from opposing sides. Meiyang politely greets the man while Hikaru says,

"It is such a shame that you are on the other team. I didn't want to beat up such a beautiful woman today"

Meiyang without saying anything looks at him with disgust. The arena laughs at him for his rejected advances. The once overconfident Hikaru had been immediately replaced with a grudge-bearing personality.

The display then lit up as the number counted, "3..2..1.. Fight"

Without hesitation, the two immediately summoned their shinigami. In Hikarus Corner sat the red Oni while Meiyang started with the white tiger. The two shinigami charged towards each other, preparing to rip the other to shreds.

Before the two clash, however, the white tiger throws a claw made out of wind which the Oni blocks with its heavy club. While he is defending the Tiger sprints past it and aims directly for Hikaru.

Meiyang then taunts him, "In a battle between Spirit summoners the fight ends when the user takes too much damage, dumbass".

Hikaru simply smirks before stating, "You think I have been sitting on my ass doing nothing these last 5 days?"

A cloud of smoke appears around him revealing the blue and yellow Oni.

"The Blue Onis music doesn't just weaken the enemy anymore, But it enhances my allies as well DUMBASS."

The Blue Oni begins to play its Shamisen loudly, stimulating the yellow Ogers cursed energy. Hikaru then shouts,


A streak of blue lightning instantly pierces the incoming white tiger, annihilating it from the field. The thunder travels all the way to Meiyang who quickly summons another one of her Shikigami,

"Four Guardian God Summoning: Black Turtle"

A hard shell surrounds the Girl successfully shielding her from the lightning.

"As long as I remain in this shield your attacks cannot reach me" she added.

Hikaru thought about what to do. He then concluded that the girl while in that shield was immobile, but she could still summon other shinigami to defend her. An idea then sprung in his head. 

He charged towards the girl along with the red and yellow Oni. He commands the blue Oni to enhance the red Oni's attacking power.

Meiyang then shouts, "If you get close to me like that then I will just take all three of you out at once."

"Four Guardian God Summoning: Red Pheonix"

A blazing red bird then erupts from outside the turtle's shield. It releases a blast of burning heat towards the attacking group but Hikaru simply counters by having the yellow Oni shoot a bolt of electricity at it. The two attacks collide causing them both to cancel out.

The Red Oni then jumps up over the flying red bird and prepares to attack. Hikaru then shouts,


The Red Oni smacks its heavy weapon into the bird while also crashing it into the defensive shield. The attack successfully takes out the phoenix but it leaves a massive crack on the shield.

Seeing the failure of the attack Hikaru shouts,


The audience closes their eyes not wanting to bear witness to what the demon was about to do to the girl. Then Haoran shouts from that stand,


Meiyang then smirks as the iron club crashes into the shield and lands on top of the girl, Crushing her instantly.

The audience gasped at the brutality of the scene. Is she dead? they all wondered. If that was the case then the Judges would have stopped him immediately.

A Flash of blue light then emerged from underneath the Demons iron club.

Its weapon is quickly destroyed as a pillar of light climbs towards the sky.

"Four Guardian God Summoning: Blue Void Dragon."

The unharmed Meiyang then began to explain, "Once all of my other Guardian Spirits are destroyed, I can gain access to my strongest Spirit!"

The Blue dragon releases a breath of blue light from its mouth. Hikaru and the yellow Oni were able to dodge however, the red demon was unfortunately caught in the attack.

Once the dust cleared the Oni had been completely Atomized. Nothing remained except for red dust from where it hence came.

Meiyang then pointed towards the two opponents.

The dragon flew towards them at terrifying speeds as Hikaru quickly commanded it to strike back. The yellow Oni helplessly shot barrages of thunder and lightning which didn't even stun the incoming dragon. 

The dragon leans in to bite the opposing Hikaru but the Yellow Oni pushes him out of the way and takes the hit for him instead. Just before it gets its upper torso torn apart it simply looks at the boy while giving him a thumbs up.

Hikaru then screamed, "KIIRO1-SAN, NOOOOOOOOOOO"

As the dragon munches on the Yellow demon's body it swings its gaping tail at its opposer. Hikaru wasn't able to dodge in time and was sent flying back into the arena walls.

The Blue demon who was still summoned at the time hurries to its master's side and attempts to help the boy back up. As the dust clears everyone is exposed to the heavily bleeding Hikaru who is dipping in and out of consciousness.

let me know if I should not skip the Korea Vs America fights. They are very boring.

Redist_Kingcreators' thoughts