
Jujutsu Kaisen: One Century Later

After the defeat of Sukuna and the sealing of Tengen the modern world is now exposed to cursed energy and jujutsu. 100 years later most humans can now use cursed techniques which causes nuclear weapons and guns to be replaced by jujutsu sorcery. 15-year-old Saigo Akumu is living out his senior high school life until a mysterious man with surgery stitching across his forehead visits his school.

Redist_King · Anime e quadrinhos
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85 Chs

Bloody Murder

<special note: re-read the last chapter if you read it on 6th of February. I changed first scene so that this can make more sense plot-wise. will delete message after a week maybe.>

The Two boys had split up to assist the priests protect the separate sides of the monastery. Oddly the number of enemy forces was much weaker on one side than the other, so using the power of reasoning Hagone left to support the weak east side while Akumu defended the West.

Hagone was taught to fight with cursed tools by his grandmother, yet for some reason he stuck with a mass-produced grade 3 demon dagger. His reasoning behind it was that they just didn't suit him but the truth was when he held a weapon his personality completely flips. 

When holding a weapon he completely loses all sense of guilt and fear for 5 minutes and in consequence, he never hesitates to kill the invaders. This great mastery of weapons combined with his projection sorcery meant that he could wipe out the already weakened forces in the east.

After killing half a dozen of the enemies he quickly targeted what appeared to be the invader's leader. Similarly, he was also dressed like Okiko's assailant however he was much different. He wore much lighter amounts of robes along with an Oni mask that hid his face. He also possessed a katana that rested on his side which radiated a decent amount of energy for a grade 1 cursed tool. He then tried to speak to the bloodthirsty Hagone.

"Are you the one who killed 4th armed Su?"

However, Hagone quickly teleports behind him and prepares to slash through his throat. His projection sorcery allowed him to perform 24 actions in one second making him one of the fastest Sorcerers in the school. 

The enemy quickly opens up a simple domain to counter his near-instantaneous movement.

The enemy forces on the east side were almost wiped out leaving the only remaining invader to be this man. Hagone not wasting another second instantly moves in to go for another strike but the enemy once again counters with a simple domain. No matter how many times Hagone kept attacking the masked man he kept countering his strikes with ease, it was as if he was toying with him.

Finally, Hagone manages to gain control over his bloodthirsty state which is when he finally notices. A trail of dead bodies formed a path that led to the forests of the monastery. Despite him being the enemy it was filled with many of the red-robed invaders. Hagone then asks,

"Who exactly are you?"

He responded, "So you finally calmed down again Hagone, you really haven't changed much since I last saw you."

As the man took off his mask his all too familiar appearance shocked the opposing Hagone.

"What are you doing here? You are..."

On the west side of the monastery, many of the priests had already died. The only one continuing the fight now was Akumu. He fought valiantly and protected himself with his Black Palace Simple Domain. That was when he noticed something peculiar, the monastery monks were attacking him as well yet that wasn't it. The bodies of both dead priests and cultists alike were getting back up to attack him.

Feeling overwhelmed by the mass of enemies, he hurriedly jumps onto the monastery wall to avoid getting swarmed. That was when a red liquid reaching the speed of sound quickly approached him. Sensing the danger he hurriedly blocks the attack while unable to dodge but in doing so his poor decision results in the damage of his right arm.

That's when he saw it, a man wearing heavier shades of robes than any of the other invaders hiding amongst the corpse-like creatures. He jumped onto the wall of the building to attempt a one-on-one conversation with the injured Akumu. He took off his hood which revealed a disgusting burn scar from the time in which he lived amongst the public.

[Ku] Once upon a time my name was Kamo Shinji, I lived as a highly respected member of the Kamo clan as well as the leader's youngest brother. Now I serve as the 2nd arm of Sukuna.

Akumu realizing that he was the assassination target quickly asked him the first question that came to his mind.

"Why did you join the cult if you already had everything anyone could ask for?"

He excitedly responded, "I could eat when I wanted, Sleep when I desired, and get my hands on all the women that were available to me, and even then there was still one problem that I could never fix even if I stayed in that clan for a millennium... I needed blood. The thrill I felt when I killed my parents that day was an unforgettable moment! SINCE THEN I HAVE CONTINUED TO CHASE THAT THRILL!"

He started to laugh maniacally. Akumu concluded that this man was mentally ill. But still quite persistent he asked one more question,

"Just how many people have you killed?"

Shinji stared at Akumu for a good second before a great smile stretched across his face, "HOW MANY PEOPLE I HAVE KILLED???? I HAVE KILLED MORE WOMEN AND CHILDREN THAN I CAN COUNT!"

From that moment all doubts in Akumus' mind had been cleared. He immediately shot one of his thicker blacker whips toward the opposing Shinji and he too responded with that thin red liquid. 

Unfortunately, his technique was way stronger than the black whip. It pierced through the black whip easily. Akumu manoeuvred onto one of the building's roofs. If he takes one more hit from that attack he would most certainly lose his left arm.

The still-firing liquid would then start to move horizontally aiming to split akumu in half. He jumps further up the building now managing to dodge the same attack. However, his footing started to tilt. The building he currently stood on had now been cut in half.

Akumu jumped all the way to the top of the building to gain further distance from the enemy so he could try to think of a new plan of attack, but that's when he saw. The blood of both enemies and allies alike was rising into the sky and gathering into a single circular disk while the opposing Shinji was chanting.

[Shinji] Dyed sea, Cane of Hali, Gather and rectify, Blood manipulation: Pure Red Skyfall.

Multiple Blades of hardened blood rained down from the heavens destroying everything that got in its way, including the now empty husks that they had originated from.

Kamo Shinji inherited the main technique of the Kamo clan called Blood Manipulation. However, even among its users, he was special. He possessed the unique ability to control the blood of corpses. By extension he used it to control the movement of those corpses forming his own unique move known as Blood manipulation: Marionette. The more bodies that littered the battlefield the stronger he got!

Akumu quickly formed multiple black whips to knock away the majority of the raining weapons of red that aimed to annihilate him, however one managed to slip through and pierce his stomach. He quickly pulled it out and bandaged it with his whip but now it put him on a time limit.

He saw that Kamo Shinji was now walking on the ground looking for what he assumed to be his dead body. Akumu lurking among the destroyed rubble jumps in for a sneak attack using his black gauntlet technique.

[shinji] Blood Manipulation: Flowing Red Scale! 

His body's physical capabilities now greatly enhanced were able to clash with the opposing black gauntlet. The two exchanged a multitude of blows. Akumu aimed to destroy his skull with a skull-caving punch but Shinji quickly dodged and responded with a gut punch sending him flying into some rubble. Akumu recovered quickly but looked up only to see Shinji preparing another attack.

[Shinji] Blood Manipulation: Piercing blood.

He quickly gathered blood from the surrounding corpses then compressed and fired it at the boy expecting it to kill him this time but thankfully Akumu was able to dodge it again this time too. Frustratingly he jolted towards him at only mild speeds.

Akumu realizing he couldn't physically keep up with the man decided to run away as Shinji frustratingly shouted, "WHERE THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOUR GOING?"

They both engaged in a game of deadly tag. Akumu parkoured over multiple walls while Shinji could only struggle to turn around the multitude of sharp corners.

[Shinji] Where has that little rat disappeared off too?

As this question pondered in his mind he sensed a presence of cursed energy behind him. He quickly turned around only to see the now crouching Akumu behind him. Shinji tried to summon more blood from the corpses, but that is when he realised, that this guy had drawn him away from his power source. 

He attempted to risk it all by summoning blood from his own body but that was when a multitude of black whips encircled and latched onto him, the surrounding area had already been coated in Akumus' Simple Domain: Black Palace.

As Shinji struggled for freedom Akumu quickly ran up to the now trapped target. He recalled the sensation of that mighty hit he received from Dojima and now he had tried to re-create that moment.

As his fist smashed into Shinji's face, sparks of powerful black lightning emitted from the point of contact sending the curse user flying away and destroying several of the temple's walls before crashing into the main building.

Akumu successfully performed a black flash.

He had now beaten the Grade 1 Curse User leaving behind a punctured stomach and broken left arm.