
Jujutsu Kaisen : Legacy of the Senju

In a world where cursed energy reigns supreme, Hiroshi Senju emerges as a force to be reckoned with, wielding the ancient and formidable Shinboku no Jumon. With unwavering confidence and boundless charisma, Hiroshi navigates the complexities of the sorcerer world. P.S Cover not Mine, Tell me if you want it taken down, but it looks cool so I put it here.

Impulsive_69Author · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
70 Chs


Wassup! So Here I am once again.

So I've been thinking alot, even in Work My mind keeps going back here.

Here's the thing.

A. Should I Skip Directly to The Shibuya Incident summarizing the changes?

B. Showcase the changes that happened with Hiroshi's existence? Then Shibuya