
Jujutsu Kaisen: Immortal

Death is equal, Death comes for all; such a convenient lie. If death was equal then I should have gone by now. If death come for all then I should be in death most wanted list. For me, Death didn't come and life continued reincarnation after reincarnation. Till I decided to search for solution for my eternal torment. This is my story, the story of an being who's death has be denied. ~~~ There are a few things that you need to keep in mind before you read the Fan-Fiction. •There will be a Harem. Even if I said harem, there will a limited number of women and will have slow romance. And you can rest assured that there will be no pokemon catching. •MC presence will change many part of the story. •There will be no NTR elements. •MC is Immortal. Even if his body dies his soul will never cease to exist. •MC is a neutral faction, which means he is neither evil or good. •There will be lots of fight. •None of the characters in this fanfiction is mine. ~~~ Author Note: l know, I know, some you don't want to add romance to Jujitsu Kaisen to some degree I agree with that statment, but come on, some of you wish that all the characters have a happy ending not some gruesome death. So before you drop this fan-fic atleast give it a try, who knows maybe you will like it. •••• And for my hard work—do some charity by giving your pitiful Power stone, doing so you not only support me but you are also giving me the inspiration to continue writing this Fan-fic. •••• Don't expect professional-level writing in this fan fiction. Just think of it as a way to release some of the stress from your daily life. Thank you and I hope you will enjoy my fan fiction. •••• I posted some advanced chapters on Patreon, If you want to support me, check it out. Support me in Patreon: patreon.com/Clockwork439

Clockwork_055 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs

Chapter 3: Small Chat

While Yuji was speaking with Sukuna, Gojo turned to Megumi and handed him a package.

"What is this?" Megumi asked.

"Kikufuku Mochi. It's a popular dessert around here, so I bought some to eat on my way back but you can have one."

'This guy went to buy souvenirs. People are dying here. Does he have a screw loose?' Megumi thought.

While talking to Megumi, Gojo started to stretch in an unusual manner. Then he turned to Yuji, who was standing with his eyes closed.

Gojō thought that releasing Sukuna wouldn't take much time, but it seems he was wrong. No matter who Yuji may be, he is just an ordinary human, so possessing a powerful cursed tool like Sukuna is burdensome for him but how much influence Sukuna has on Yuji is something only Yuji knows. After observing, Gojō came to this conclusion.

"Behind you!" Megumi's voice brought Gojo back from his thoughts.

"I started to nod off waiting for you, So let's get the party started." Gojo dodged the incoming attack from Sukuna.

With strong beast-like arms, Sukuna tried to slash Gojo across his face. But Gojo caught Sukuna's arm and delivered a powerful punch to his face. It didn't stop there; Gojo proceeded with a kick to Sukuna's chest.

"It doesn't matter what era it is, you guys are always a pain in the ass. You stupid Jujutsu Sorcerers." Sukuna said as he healed from the previous injury.

"But that doesn't matter to me." Sukuna said, trying to launch his next attack, but he suddenly stopped.

"Should be about time." Gojo also murmured.

"When I see you next time, I will take your head as a present for myself." Sukuna said as he lost control of the body and the black tattoo marks on Yuji's body also disappeared.

"Was everything okay." The previous deep voice was replaced with a normal voice.

"What a surprise! You can really control it. I just thought your body couldn't stand the strain."

"Yeah, But I am feeling tired." Yuji replied.

"It's a miracle that the only side effect you are feeling is." Then Gojo suddenly raised his hand and pressed Yuji's forehead, making him unconscious.

"What did you do to him?" Megumi asked Gojo, who was carrying an unconscious Yuji.

"I just knocked him out. He's heavy." Gojo replied.

"So what are you going to do with him."

"If he wakes up and isn't possessed, he might be suitable as Sukuna's vessel. Let's leave it at that. Now I have a question for you: what do you think I should do with him?" Gojo turned to Megumi.

"Even though he is a potential vessel under jūjutsu regulations, he will be executed like an ordinary Curse. But I don't want him to die."

"Is that a request?" Gojo asked.

"Yes, it is, but can you do something about it?"

"A request for the student, Haha, let it be to your sensei."


"That man has no regard for others." Yuji said as he entered the Mind World, in front of him was Sukuna.

"So care to continue from where we left off." Sukuna said.

"Alright then." Yuji just waved his hands and two sit appeared, facing each other.

"I told you my name. So what else you want to know?" Yuji asked.

"I have a lot to ask, but let's start with your name. 'Immortal Soul'. It doesn't feel like a name; it's more like an alias. The only reason why I agreed to this request previously was because I was curious of the technique you used to possess the body and not because I needed to know about you."

"Hey, don't be so grumpy. What I said is really my name, but it's also an alias. You see I lived so long that I even forgot my own name. Each time I possess a body, I take the name and memory of that person. So when I introduce myself, instead of my name, I give my alias, which I'm known for." Yuji said.

"What is your age, so you can forget your own name." Sukuna asked while folding his hands.

"I don't know. It could be a million, I think, or even greater."

"What is your objective in possessing this kid? What was the technique you used to take control of the body from me?" Sukuna asked.

"I was looking for a vessel and I ended up possessing him. I don't think you are inhabiting it. And it's not a technique, it's more like my ability. And my objective is very simple: not to become a vegetable due to living too long or to find a method to make other souls immortal, just like mine. Enough about me, let's talk about you." Yuji said as he changed the topic to Sukuna.

"Our deal was to tell about yourself, not mine, right? And what about 'finding a method to make other souls immortal'? What does that mean?" Sukuna asked.

"Exactly how it sounded, don't you know it boredom to live your life alone, and I'm a prime example of that. No matter how many friends and enemies I have, they all die as the time passes. So I'm trying to find a way to make some companions for myself." Yuji said with a playful smile.

"Ok, lets have a match."

"What with a sudden change of subject, We were talking about me and where did the fighting come from." Yuji asked Sukuna.

"What you said was unbelievable, so the only way to clarify it myself is to fight you myself. If you're really a million-year-old person, then you can fight on equal terms with me. Otherwise, I'll just destroy your so-called immortal soul." Sukuna said as he stood up from the chair.

Yuji also stood up and faced Sukuna.

"Don't come crying to me for whopping your ass."

"And don't be dead by my single fist."


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