
Jujutsu Kaisen Gaiden: Abnormality

Yukinose Aoi is, by definition, hopeless, often running into relationships that quickly turn to ruin. After his most recent breakup, a small series of events reveals an unseen side of the world to him. A world that’s hidden in plain sight. One ran by cursed spirits and sorcerers. [The cover art is the depiction of Yukinose Aoi]

seoyeonghee · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Loud Entrance

Looking at Aoi with a passive face, like he was looking at an ant, a repeated ringtone came from his left pant pocket.

"Don't worry, this'll take just a sec."

The translucent flames on his body lingered, while seeming to fade in and out of existence.

Reaching his hand into his pocket, he pulled out an old flip-phone.

Opening it, he looked for a button to push, like an old person.

After having a moment of trouble, he put the phone to his ear.

Aoi could hear the distinction of a voice on the other side, but couldn't figure out what was said.

The blond invader put his hand on his hip and started to fidget around the room.

Yukinose noticed that the thing in his closet was frozen stiff at this point.

"Yeah. Yeah, it's in here. Grade 4. Pretty sure. Yeah. Alright. Haha, maybe. Yeah, Bye."

Clacking shut the phone, he put his hand up at the strange looking little monster.

He put his middle finger and thumb together, like he was about to flick at it.

All of his flame's concentration slowly flowed and shifted, moving in to his hand.

"Dude, you're lucky I got here in-"

Releasing his finger, Yukinose Aoi couldn't hear anything else from him, except for the unbelievably loud bang of the strangers fingers exploding outwards.

Covering his face to protect from any whiplash, Aoi slowly pulled his arms down, to discover that his closet, some of his ceiling, and floor was caked in blood.