
Jujutsu Kaisen: Exception

Shuichi, a normal man gets reincarnated to the world of Jujutsu Kaisen as a boy from the Zenin clan, except he gets thrown out of the clan as soon as he gets transmigrated. Unfortunate right? Well, lucky for him, he has a system to help him survive! How will a man with a system at hand change the world of jujutsu kaisen, and more importantly, those around him? . . . . JJK does not belong to me, I only own the oc. Some changes might be there, seeing as its a fanfic. The cover art is mine.

Yesnth · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
45 Chs


The next morning was a special one for Shuichi. Today, he was going to move to a new and better place! Or so he had hoped.

'Arranging a house shouldn't be too troublesome for Ryouta right?' He thought with a smile.

He quickly got out of the bed and got himself freshened up. Getting another set of clothes and changing for the occasion, he moved out of the house and towards his shop.

On the way to his shop, he picked out his phone from his left pocket.

The phone was a simple nokia phone, the most powerful material to ever exist. Yet somehow, the screen was cracked. How or when the screen got cracked, and why it was even possible for it to be cracked in the first place was a mystery to Shuichi.

Rummaging through the contacts, he found the number he was looking for. Being a clan dropout and not having any friends to begin with, Shuichi did not have a lot of numbers in his contacts. The ones that were in the contacts were acquaintances or clients of his shop.


Shuichi sighed, thinking if it was even worth it to make friends. Why would he need friends if he was going to be the strongest right?

Be that as it may, it was just a way for him to avoid socializing any more than he needed to. Yet, the allure of having a friend or to was great.

Shaking out of his thoughts, he dialed the number given to him, Ryouta's number.

Triing~ Triing~

Triing~ Triing~

After a couple of rings, the phone was picked up and a voice sounded from the other side.


"Hey, it's me, Shuichi." He said

The other side went silent for a moment, yet the sound of something falling was heard.

"…Yes, right. What is it you need?" The voice replied with a strange tone.

"I have something to discuss, we need to meet." Shuichi said.

Once again the other side went silent, this time for a good amount of time.

Then the voice sounded once again, this time sounding a bit doubtful in its approach.

"Is it to discuss about the sorcery training?"

"… That too." Shuichi said.

"Got it, can you come to the warehouse in 2 hours?"

"I'll be there." Shuichi said and put down the phone. As he walked, he could not help but berate himself for having made a very difficult promise.

'I did say I was going to train his men, but if they don't even have the most basic aptitude I can't help them. They need to be able to see curses at the minimum…' He mused 'If not, I'll somehow need to trigger their brain to produce a large amount of cursed energy in a short amount of time. Probably through severe trauma…' Thinking that, Shuichi realized something.

'Didn't I already put most of his men into trauma? I mean, I hit them pretty hard. Most might have felt like they were dying…'

If they couldn't awaken the ability to see curses even then, there would be nothing Shuichi could do. Perhaps he could still make some talismans for them that would allow them to see curses.

"I should make a talisman that concentrates the cursed energy in the body. Though gathering subjects for it would be hard, even a slight mishap might just make the body implode on itself." Shuichi whispered thinking of the possible solution.

He had not even realized that the corrupted mind had started to change his mindset to such a degree that he was beginning to consider a taboo like human experimentation as a viable path to achieve his goals.

'If it doesn't work it doesn't. After all, a sorcerer is nothing but a con artist.' He smiled in contemplation.


Gojo Satoru, the wonder child of the Gojo clan, one of the three great families of the Jujutsu world; someone that was born with the six eyes and limitless.

He was someone born the strongest. The greatest cheat code of the Jujutsu world was given to him at birth.

Born the strongest and hailed as the strongest, it could be said that he had the greatest golden spoon in the entire world. Yet, as big as that golden spoon might be, it did not do anything to alleviate the solitude and loneliness he experienced.

"I'll eat some pastries after I exorcise this one." Gojo Satoru said as he stretched his shoulders and got ready to enter the veil cast by the window. All around the veil various police vehicles were stationed, maintaining a parameter around it so no normal person could enter.

It was not like the police personnel knew of the veil's existence even. They were just doing what they were told. In the face of adversity and an unknown dangerous force, all normal humans bowed down willingly, not wanting to risk their lives. The policemen that worked for a lot of years in the department knew of their limits and realized that there were things beyond their scope of understanding. That was the reason they let high school students walk headfirst into danger without asking even a single question.

With a twist of his arm, Satoru walked into the veil and in front of him, a giant building, a mental asylum came into view.

Beside him, inside of the veil, a middle aged man with a dark beard was standing. He was the window that had erected the veil.

"Gojo-san, it's a relief you're here." He said with a relieved tone, exhaling a breath of air that he didn't even know he had been holding in.

"What grade is it?" Gojo asked with a smile.

"It's a 1st grade. The asylum has been completely transformed on the inside. Although it's not a domain, it is suspected that the curse has a technique that can mutate the surroundings." He replied. "But that's not a confirmation. In the worst case, it may have manifested a technique that can turn the surroundings into a pseudo domain..."

"Hoh? That's interesting." Gojo said while lowering his glassed to look at the building. It was a three storey building made of bricks and concrete. The building was divided into three parts, each having its own purpose. At this moment, Gojo noticed something peculiar.

"Hm?" He continued, "Has the building been merged?" He asked.

"That's right." He got a nod of affirmation from the window. "The curse has transformed the entire building into a single giant complex. Along with that, it has merged the entire structure into the ground. Somehow, it can control the ground inside the building.

"All of the people that couldn't be evacuated in time are still in there. Their status of life or death is currently unknown. There were a total of 37 people still in the building before the building itself changed to capture them in.

"The grade 2 sorcerer that was dispatched previously came out with grave injuries." He continued in a grave tone, "His abdomen had been obliterated, the internal organs turned into mush, the residuals suggested that it was done through sheer cursed energy. His back had several stone spikes sticking out, making the damage even more severe."

Puling back the glasses, Gojo laughed.

"Geto would have liked something like this." Saying that he began walking to the asylum.

Holding his hand up Gojo stated, "I'll be done in about 10 minutes!"

Hearing such a bold statement, the man could not help but shake his head and smile.

"...Good luck." He said, no whispered; just like how he did with every single sorcerer that went to confront cursed spirits.

'What a troublesome job I have...' He thought.


Gojo calmly stood in front of the door that led to the inside of the asylum, his hands in his pocket as he calmly looked around.

'The residuals are behaving strangely...They don't just feel like residuals, it's as if they're still connected to the curse and are being manipulated.' He concluded as he looked at the movement of the roof above his head, meant to shield people from the rain. The roof seemed to be moving to close him in, to prevent him from leaving.

Smiling at the display, Gojo moved, his leg enhanced by cursed energy, he kicked the door, making the door fly into the building.

Taking off his glasses, Gojo glanced inside. The inside of the looked to be complete darkness, as if there was a complete void behind it.

"Any normal sorcerer might not be able to see through this thing." Gojo said and moved into the building as if he were taking a normal walk down the park.

Walking inside of the darkness, the door behind him, even though it had been destroyed just a moment ago closed off, leaving no light at all. Yet, to Gojo Satoru's six eyes, everything was as clear as day.

'A killing pot...' He mused as he looked around himself.

The darkness did not impede his vision in the slightest, allowing him to take in the finest details about the structure that he had found himself in.

Where he was standing was a gigantic pot shaped structure, with enormous monolithic structures at the top. And up above, at the top of the ceiling nearly 100 meters into the air, a strange grotesque creatures, too eerie looking to be put into words was hanging down.

It had gigantic claws that riveted it to the ceiling, an amorphous blob shaped body that mimicked an octopus, reptilian eyes that divided itself into hundreds, giant masses of tentacles that spread out from the head, and the most eye catching feature, the dense growth of stone all over its body.

"There you are..." Gojo said, his six eyes gleaming in the dark, possessing an eerie glow that made the curse spring into action.

Distorted roar**

With a distorted sound that seemed utterly inhumane, the monolithic structures around the pot extended and transformed. Morphing into a gigantic landslide of dust and dirt, or sand and stone that rushed into the pot, threatened to drown him inside.

Seeing this, Gojo only smiled and clasped his hands together.

And just like that, he disappeared and appeared right in front of the curse that hung at the ceiling.

"Cursed technique lapse: Blue" he whispered, and with that, an infinitely converging mass of cursed energy materialized at his fingers. The converging mass of power that emitted ethereal hue sucked in the air around it.

With a small flick of his fingers, the blue ball of destruction burst forth, destroying the curse in its wake, skewering it and making it implode in on itself.

"That takes care of that..." Gojo said as he witnessed the layout of the building return to normal.

The walls and the ground moved as if possessed by a supernatural force, wiggling and curling as if it was alive, turning he building back into what it was.

As the building receded into its previous normal state, Gojo landed back to the ground and looked around. Using his six eyes, he scanned the entirety of the building, searching for survivors.

And luckily for him he found them. Unluckily for them, they were about 30 meters below the ground, embedded in stone and dirt. It seemed that killing the curse did not bring the people back up from the ground.

Thinking for a moment, Satoru turned back and walked outside.


On the outside of the asylum, the window was talking on a phone when Gojo made his way towards him.

"Yes... I understand... Of course, I will head there immediately... What? You want me to take him? What makes you think he'll come... I'll try my best..." He ended with a troubled tone.

"Yo!" Gojo yelled from beside him, making him turn to him without an ounce of surprise. Windows were the perfect curse sensors, trained to keep their senses up at all times. If someone like Gojo, with monstrous reserves of cursed energy was able to sneak up on him without trying, would he really be able to call himself a window?

"The curse has been exorcised. Although the people inside we're lucky enough to survive." Gojo said with a less enthusiastic tone than usual.

"What? They're dead!?" He asked in shock.

"Yeah. The curse had buried them into the ground before I even got here. They're long dead." He said with a somewhat somber tone.

"...I understand. I will notify the concerned people. Thank you for your efforts."

"No problem! Then, I'll head back, I have to get some pastries to eat... I wonder which flavor I should get?" Having said that, Gojo began walking towards the veil. "You can take this veil down now!"

"Ah, wait! Gojo-san!" he called out.

"Hm? What is it?"

"Ah.... I'm not sure how to say this... But there's been abnormal cursed energy aggregation in the area. Mr. Yaga had informed me to check it out." He hesitated, wondering if he should continue.

"And... he told me to bring you along.." He finished in a meek voice.

"Hah?! Why?"

"He said you would be helpful with your six eyes..."

Gojo grumbled. "I'm don't want to go. Take someone else."

"But Yaga-san has specially stated that you have to accompany me." He said.

Just then, Gojo's phone rang with a message notification. Taking it out of his pocket, he looked at the message.

The contact was titled 'Yaga-sensei'.

Reading through the message with an annoyed expression, he sighed.

"Hah* Fine! Let's get going and finish this quickly!"


A/N: Wow, it did not take long for 400 stone goal to be reached... I had not expected that. Like I just woke up and 415 stones? Crazy...

Anyway, there's the chapter. The next bonus chapter will be 1000 stones. Can't have you people burning through my stocks.

The chapters may be getting boring for now, but things will pick up the pace in five chapters or so. The fight in this chapter was also pretty bland but what can I do? Gojo's just op like that. It wouldn't have felt right for me to take more than a single chapter for a minor fight to be concluded.

Random quote of the chapter:

"At the edge of darkness and the heart of chaos, heroes are born..."