
Jujutsu Kaisen: Cursed Smoke

Scottish bore Jujutsu sorcerer travelling lands afar. While on his journey he arrives in Japan, land of the most powerful Jujutsu sorcerers both past and present. How was he supposed to know his life was going to be flipped upside down. Support me on: pa.treon.com/DodgyWriter Discord - https://discord.gg/szr9ySJbAW Cover image isn't mine, contact me if you want it removed.

DodgyWriter · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Japan 5

Watching Fushiguro freeze up in fear after being grabbed brought Hector indescribable joy, the other two not knowing what to do either just added to the feeling.

Good to know that he's still got it. The fight with Gojo made him feel weak, absurdly so, and he didn't like that. Although he might be a bit of a braggart, he's confident in his own abilities.

At least till Gojo went and shattered that confidence.

If you asked Hector what grade he was, he'd easily reply with Grade-1. He'd fought with a few on his travels, and had even slain one who just wouldn't give up on killing him.

He'd never met, nor witnessed a special-grade sorcerer, and had only ever seen one curse on that level, but whether it be arrogance or something else, he assumed that the gap between them wasn't so large.

He was dead wrong.

He never did so much as scratch Gojo, the only reason he was able to touch him to begin with was because of his cursed-tool's ability. If it wasn't for that he probably wouldn't have been able to use his maximum technique - not that it did anything in the end.

In a way, fighting Gojo was a reality check, and helped Hector really put his strength into perspective. Something that he may, or may not be grateful for.

Still to satisfy his own ego, he needed some assurance that he was still indeed a strong sorcerer and not just a fraud.

Messing around and tricking the students of the most prestigious jujutsu school in the world all the while doing it without being noticed was his assurance. Take it as testing the water a little bit before diving it, he needed to know where he stood in terms with his classmates.

From the probe, it doesn't seem like they're anything special. Strong for their age? Maybe. He'll have to find some others to compare them against one another to gauge that..

With the tension between the four running higher by the second, Hector broke off his grip on Fushiguro, letting off a small chuckle in the process.

"Chill out a bit will you, no need to get all riled up. I was just joking around." Hector backed off, holding his hands up in surrender.

"Hey, you're the guy from last night who got beat up by Gojo-sensei." Itadori proclaimed pointing his finger at him.

Although the unintentional jab miffed Hector, he ignored it and replied, "The one and only." Dropping his hands and sliding them into his pockets, Hector smiled "I realise this might come as a surprise, but me and you're sensei managed to get acquainted after I nearly blew everyone up."

Two of the trio shivered at the reminder, while the other just stood there dumbly, having already dropped his guard. Fushiguro and the girl still seemed to be on edge, seemingly wanting some questions answered.

"Suppose I should properly introduce myself. The name's Hector McTavish, starting today, I'm a student of Jujutsu Tech's first years." He stated, gaining various reactions from his peers.

Fushiguro looked surprised, but understanding as if he already knew Gojo's tendency for weirdness. After loudly going "Hah?!" and putting down the hammer. she stared at him up and down, evaluating him in her head before audibly sighing. The last boy noticeably perked up a bit, rushing over to Hector's side he pointed at his face and introduced himself.

"I'm Yuji Itadori! I just joined Jujutsu Tech the other day, so I'm still getting the hang of things." he elaborated.

Not really sure why Itadori was pointing out the fact that he just joined, considering the school year had just started, but he ignored the weirdness and replied, "Nice to meet you Yuji, now what about you two." Gesturing to the others.

Fushiguro unsummoned his shikigami, looked Hector in the eye as plainly said "Megumi Fushiguro"

Raising an eyebrow at his first name, Hector gave his classmate a scrutinising look, taking note of the feminine facial features, "You're a guy… right?"

Huffing in annoyance, "Of course I'm a boy." Before glancing away, trying to ignore Yuji's stifled giggles.

"Pft, Megumi's a pretty funny name for a boy ain't it." Yuji managed to get out while elbowing Hector in the side.

Smirking along with Yuji, Hector mentally agreed with him. His mum and dad must've been arseholes if they gave their son a name like that, or maybe they never thought it through.

Bouncing off Megumi's girly name, the lone girl proudly stated "Name's Nobara Kugisaki. Don't be getting any funny ideas just because I'm pretty, I've already got enough on my plate dealing with these two weirdos."

Hector's first impression of Nobara was one of arrogance, not that he cared. He found it quite hot actually, adding her bangin' bod' onto top of it was just the icing on the cake.

"Weirdos…" Yuji murmured, meekly pointing at himself, "Fushiguro we're not weird, are we?"

Megumi just palmed his face, looking sick of the situation already. Before he could distance himself from Yuji, the two of them were startled by the sporadic appearance of Gojo who arrived next two them at point black range.

"Of course not, You're just different, in a good way." Gojo chimed, before turning to face Hector.

"I see that everyone's acquainted." Glancing at Hector for a moment before freely switching between the other students.

"Guess it's about time for me to tell you today's itinerary. Yuji! Drumroll please." Gojo said, pointing towards the ever excitable student.

Rapidly smacking his hands against his thighs, reminiscent of a drummer building up tension through sound, Itadori and everyone else awaited Gojo's words.

Spinning round in a well performed pirouette, Gojo landed and declared "Today you'll be doing… Self Study!" Stretching both arms out wide to his sides he basked in the sunlight, as if he was expecting some sort of praise.

The praise never came.

Still, he took the silence in his stride and continued, "I'll be out of town for the day, maybe two at max. Make sure no one slacks off for me Megumi."

Hitting us with a brief goodbye, Gojo left as quickly as he arrived. Leaving the four students to mingle among themselves.

Clipping at the fag packet in his pocket, Hector sighed at the disappearance of Gojo, "He ould've waited a minute. I never even got to ask him if I could summon my curses on campus."

"Curse?" Yuji audibly murmured, "You can summon curses?" he asked no one in particular.

"Aye mate, you can. It's not a popular practice, but a couple of people do it." Hector responded to Yuji's question.

"Is it that chest looking thing you were lurking around with yesterday?" Nobara asked.

"That's the one. It's got all my stuff in it as well. I'll need to bring it in the barrier so I can kit my room out." Hector replied, affirming Nobara's question. "Speaking of rooms, principle Yaga said I could pick any of the empty one's. So any heads up the taken one's would be great."

"No problem. Come on, I'll show you where me and Fushiguro's rooms are" Eager to Help out Yuji insisted on showing him where the first year boys stay.


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