
Jujutsu Kaisen: Clash with curses

Ray was shot in the head due to the conflict between gangs. His life ended with regret and painful memories. But Fate was unpredictable. He was given another chance. At first, he thought he reincarnated into a normal Earth but he was proven wrong. Since childhood, he saw ghosts. But he realized those ghosts were curses. From that day, he walked the path of the sorcerer. *** Mc is the same age as Yuta. There is no system. For romance, there is no one in my mind yet. The world will be slightly AU. Every country has their sorcerers and power. And MC's power will be balanced. But a recent chapter made me think about MC's power. Thank you for reading.

Finn3 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

Blessed child

Ray carried a bag of fast food. He arrived at the classroom. Maki, Toge and Panda were chatting. They were talking about coffee.

It was a strange topic since no one in the class liked coffee. Coffee or tea. Which is better?

Ray liked milk but that was not in the topic. They didn't even bait an eye when he entered the classroom. Talk about the cold shoulder.

Ray placed the bag in front of the table. " Here. I brought you guys a snack. "

" Tuna! " Toge shouted.

" Yeah, I brought throat medicine as well. " Ray grabbed the chair and sat down. While Maki and Panda were searching in the bag.

" Yay. You brought a chocolate stick. " Panda beamed with a smile as he was holding a snack.

He came to Ray and gave a tight hug. " Easy. I never understood the hype behind that food. I had to fight that one with a kid. It was embarrassing. " Ray frowned as he remembered.

He shook his head.

Maki was eating a potato chip. " Do you know why Gojo called the class? "

Ray tilted his head. " Why should I know? "

" You are Gojo's number one child here. " Panda said with a monotone.

Toge agreed.

" What makes you think like that? It is creepy. " Ray visioned Gojo giving a good night kiss. Yeah, that was weird.

" He always called you whenever some missions popped up. He gave you information about Jujutsu Higher up. He even gave you a visit to the warehouse of his clan. That was beyond ridiculous. " Maki squinted her eyes and blinked rapidly.

' Try denying it. ' She scolded.

" He is just trying to build up my strength. " Ray said. " And that warehouse was him trying to please me after throwing me into the Grade -1 curses home. "

" Be careful for now. " Panda warned. " Two clans were keeping an eye on you. We know that you have the potential to become a special grade. "

"Have you developed a domain yet? " Maki asked.

" I am getting close. A close. I just need some push. Something I can add to my domain. " Ray smiled as he thought about the barrier technique.

" And what you got from the warehouse. "

Ray smiled. " Grade - 1 weapon. "

" Wow. "

" What weapon? Show me. " Maki said. Her eyes were beaming with light.

" Of course. I wanted to get familiar with the weapon. We haven't sparred this week. "

The door opened and Gojo entered carrying books.

" You guys are early. " He said. " Now. Now. Don't talk bad about the teacher. My time shows the time is late. It is the watch's fault. "

" Why are you calling us? " Maki said.

" We usually hung out on the training ground. "

" We have a new transfer student. He will enter next week. " Gojo announced.

' Yuta. ' Ray visioned. The plot line was getting near.

" That is all you have to say? " Panda asked.

" No, No. I have another piece of news. Ray will be taking a test for a special grade. " Gojo clapped his hands.

While the rest was dumbfounded. " What! " They all shouted.

Especially Ray was the one who was surprised by this the most. He knew his power, he was nowhere near that peak yet.

" You heard that right? " Gojo smiled. " That is why I have been training Ray this past month. "

' You mean working me to slave. '

" He is slowly taking a lot of Grade-1 missions alone. He can perform well in a nest of Grade-1 curses. A simple domain is right now his trump card. "

' Don't say my trump card out loud. ' Ray was yelling inwardly. He didn't restrict the technique. Rather it was the opposite. The more many knew the weaker it got.

" The only thing he needed right now was domain and his vast cursed techniques. " Gojo said. " That is why I proposed Ray to take the Special Grade test. "

" It is not that hard. You just need to fight special grades and get their approval. "

" And as for the rest. Fighting. "

Gojo gave the books and told Ray to come with him. " We gonna meet your friend. "

" Sensei. About fighting special grade. Who am I going to fight? " Ray asked.

" Forgien special grade. Don't think about that much. I am going to train you first. " Gojo opened the sealed door.

They instantly arrived at the execution room. Ray touched the rope and felt the binding force clawing through his hands.

They made their way and found a boy sitting on the chair crossing hands on his knees. Beside him a twisted knife.

" His name is Yuta. " Gojo introduced.

Ray felt a boundless cursed energy coming from Yuta.

Yuta looked up with a dead face. Seem like he had given up on living. What a creepy boy!

Ray looked into his eyes and said. " Yuta. My name is Ray. Just Ray. "

He turned to Gojo and said. " What is he doing here? "

" Higher up ordered me to kill here quietly. " Gojo waved his head and replied.

" Those old men? So you ignored them. "

Gojo laughed. Yuta was listening to them quietly.

Ray noticed that. He turned to Yuta and asked. " Hey, I am going to be rude. Even though those scum bags are stupid, they probably have some reasons to kill you. "

" Do you want to die? " Ray stared into his eyes.

" I tried. " Yuta murmured while holding his shaking hands. " I tried to die. Even if I want to die, it's not matter. "

" You cursed someone. " Ray said. Gojo was in the back looking at the two. He was trying to see his goal come try in front of him.

Yuta looked down. " It is not my fault. "

" It is easy to ignore your fault. Even if you do it unconsciously, have you considered Rika's feelings? Right now you can change that. Try to learn your power and try to save Rika. "

Yuta looked up. He nodded with a tear.

He grabbed the ring and said. " You will teach me how to control that right? "

" Yes. I am the best teacher. "

Gojo interrupted. " Don't lie. "

" I don't want to hurt anyone because of me. "

Ray smiled and slapped Yuta's shoulder. " That is more like it. Come let's eat. I want to know more about you. "

Gojo looked at this interaction and smiled. The path he saw right now got even brighter. Megumi was the first step but Ray and Yuta will be the foundation for the future of jujutsu.


Author words.

I will create a different version of Yuta's future. So suggest the plotline if you have any thing in mind.

And don't forget to drop big fat power stones.

The review will be beneficial for the story as well.

Thank you for reading.