
Jujutsu Kaisen: beyond infinity

In Jujutsu Kaisen: Beyond Infinity, the world trembles under the weight of cursed spirits, but for Satoru Gojo, the most powerful jujutsu sorcerer, it’s a battle he can handle—until he faces an enemy he never expected: love. Nakamura Sana, burdened by a mysterious curse and haunted by a love from her past, steps into Satoru’s life like a storm, unraveling everything he thought he could control. As the two are drawn together, Satoru begins to feel something he’s never allowed himself to—a connection that threatens the balance of his duty and his heart. But the harsh truth lingers: no matter how much they care for each other, it’s impossible for Satoru to be with her. Bound by his responsibility to protect the world from cursed spirits, and knowing that their futures can never merge, Satoru is torn between love and duty. Sana, still reeling from a past love, must also decide if she’s ready to open her heart again—knowing that it may only bring more pain. With deadly secrets and mounting threats from both cursed spirits and their own inner demons, Satoru and Sana’s bond faces impossible odds. Alongside their allies, Suguru Geto and Shoko Ieiri, they must navigate a world that tests not only their strength but the very core of their hearts. Jujutsu Kaisen: Beyond Infinity is a high-stakes emotional journey, where love collides with fate and where even the most powerful sorcerer can’t always protect what matters most.

0pointsixdegreeC · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs

CHAPTER: 9 - The first herald of spring

Class attendance was being taken by the teacher as usual. "Geto Suguru won't be attending the classes for some time now because of the demise of his grandfather, so class representative duties will be taken over by Akihito," he announced after concluding the attendance. After relaying the message, the teacher departed. That was causing sadness for everyone. Sana had no idea what had transpired; not even she knew. In class, she was completely depressed and absent-minded. She tried to call him during the interval, but she was unable.

**** somewhere on school premises ***** 

She was sitting by herself and thinking about how Suguru was gonna handle it as he was an extremely emotional person. 

As she was thinking about him a girl's voice came saying, "Ohh, look how sad is our little princess," as she approached Sana from behind. 

 It was a voice that she didn't want to hear. Sana got up to leave that place. But all of a sudden, she felt a powerful hand pull back on her shoulder. That was unquestionably not like any typical middle schooler. 

Turning around, she discovered that some high school delinquents had ganged up on her.

A familiar face of someone was among them. It was Keiko (the girl who set up everything to send Sana into the tunnel). 

Sana tried to avoid them but couldn't leave as they all surrounded her. 

"Now as your knight is not here. Let's fix you up. someone like you doesn't have the right to have all this. You are such a sorry sight." the girl was averting all her anger on Sana, some of which wasn't even making sense. 

"I always assumed I needed a couple of strapping lads by my side to confront one of their own," she mused, a sly grin playing at the corners of her lips. "Silly, isn't it?" Her laughter rang out, a melody of subtle mockery echoing in the air. 

As Sana attempted to ignore the taunts and jeers echoing around her, the air thick with anticipation, she felt a chill crawl down her spine. Ignoring the warnings from her instincts, she pressed forward, hoping to evade the looming confrontation at the back of the school. But her efforts were in vain as they closed in around her, their menacing presence casting a shadow over her trembling figure.

Without warning, the first blow struck, a sharp impact to her stomach that knocked the wind from her lungs. Gasping for air, Sana stumbled backward, only to be met with another onslaught of punches and kicks. 

The world spun around her in a blur of pain and confusion as she tried desperately to defend herself, but the boys were relentless. 

As Sana staggered under the relentless assault, her vision blurring with tears of pain and humiliation, a sudden presence at her back caught her by surprise. Strong arms wrapped around her, pulling her away from the onslaught just as she was about to collapse.

"Easy there," a calm voice murmured, a comforting warmth emanating from the figure behind her. Sana blinked, trying to focus through the haze of pain, and found herself staring into the eyes of Akagi Shigeru, a familiar face from her school.

Without a word, Akagi guided Sana to a safer distance and made her sit on a bench. His steady presence was a beacon of reassurance in the chaos surrounding them. He helped her steady her breathing and regain her composure. 

But Akagi's demeanor shifted, his jaw clenched with a simmering rage as he looked at the group of boys who had attacked Sana. Recognition flickered in his eyes; these were not unfamiliar faces to him. They had crossed paths before, and not on good terms.

With a quiet resolve, Akagi stepped forward, his movements deliberate as he faced off against the bullies. Without a word, he met their aggression with a swift and calculated response, his years of martial arts training evident in every precise strike.

The boys were caught off guard by Akagi's sudden intervention, their overconfidence quickly fading as they found themselves on the receiving end of his relentless barrage.

"never ever show your faces again," he said as if telling them- or else it would be their last day on earth. 

Despite his efforts, Akagi knew that victory in this moment would not erase the pain and humiliation Sana had endured. As the boys retreated, nursing their wounds and nursing their wounded pride, Akagi turned his attention back to Sana, concern etched into his features.

"You're not alone in this, Sana," he said softly, his voice a gentle reassurance. "But this isn't over yet. You have to find the strength within yourself to fight back."

Sana nodded, her resolve strengthened by Akagi's words. With a trembling hand, she wiped away the tears that stained her cheeks, her gaze steely as she faced the one who had instigated the attack.

Summoning every ounce of courage she possessed, Sana stepped forward, her movements deliberate as she closed the distance between them. Without a word, she raised her hand and delivered a sharp, stinging slap across the girl's cheek, the sound echoing through the whole ground.

Keiko recoiled, her expression one of shock and disbelief. But Sana held her ground, her eyes blazing with determination as she refused to back down.

In that moment, Sana realized that she was not powerless. She had the strength within her to stand up for herself, to fight back against those who sought to tear her down. She would never again allow anyone to diminish her worth or tarnish her dignity.

Akagi offered Sana a reassuring smile, his eyes conveying a depth of empathy and respect that warmed her to the core. In that moment, Sana realized that she was not alone in her struggle; she had found an ally in Akagi, someone who saw her not as a victim, but as a warrior.

***** ****** ***** ****

As Akagi tenderly tended to Sana's injuries, his touch was gentle yet reassuring, a silent pledge of support amidst the chaos.

"Let me take you home," Akagi suggested softly, his voice a soothing melody in the tumultuous aftermath. "You shouldn't be alone after what happened."

Sana's heart skipped a beat at his offer, her gaze meeting his with a mixture of gratitude and vulnerability.

She accepted his offer. As they made their way back home, the silence between Sana and Akagi was punctuated only by the soft sound of their footsteps and the gentle murmur of the nearby river. Despite the pain throbbing through her body, Sana found herself drawn to Akagi's side, his quiet strength a comforting presence in the aftermath of the confrontation.

With each step they took, Sana stole glances at Akagi, her heart fluttering at the sight of him. There was something about the way he carried himself, a quiet confidence that spoke volumes without the need for words. And as they walked side by side, Sana couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth spreading through her, a feeling she couldn't quite explain.

In the soft glow of the streetlights, Akagi's features were bathed in a gentle light, casting a soft halo around him that seemed to accentuate his handsome features. Sana couldn't tear her gaze away, captivated by the depth of emotion she saw reflected in his eyes.

Though they had only met recently, there was a familiarity between them that felt both comforting and exhilarating. As they navigated the quiet streets together, Sana found herself opening up to Akagi.

And as they finally reached Sana's doorstep, their journey coming to an end, Sana hesitated for a moment, her heart pounding in her chest. "Thank you for walking me home," she said softly, her voice barely above a whisper.

Akagi smiled warmly, his gaze meeting hers with a hint of something unspoken. "Anytime," he replied, his voice gentle and reassuring.

As he was about to leave. He found a tall figure in front of him. It was Sana's father. Her father wasn't so happy to see Akagi. 

But as soon as he looked at his daughter, he forgot everything; rushed towards her and held her tightly. 

" Who the hell did this to you?" he asked.

Sana tried to avoid answering it. Akagi found it odd. Her father asked Akagi.

Without hesitation, Akagi told him everything. 

After listening to it her father couldn't control his anger.

"You're not setting foot in that school again, and that's final. I'll take care of those troublemakers," her father declared, his voice filled with resolve.

"There's no need for that," Akagi interjected calmly, his tone measured yet firm.

Her father shot him a menacing glare, but Akagi remained unruffled, his gaze steady.

"I understand now why she didn't confide in you," Akagi spoke up, his tone gentle yet firm. "You seem to have a one-size-fits-all approach to her problems. But what she truly desires is to remain by her best friend's side. Your decisions, rather than empowering her, only serve to distance her from the one person she cherishes the most. Don't change her school, Mr. Nakamura"

Her father's expression softened, the lines of anger on his face giving way to a pained realization. He took a moment to absorb Akagi's words, his gaze shifting between them with a mixture of regret and understanding.

Finally, he let out a heavy sigh, the weight of his own shortcomings settling upon him like a burden. "I... I didn't realize," he admitted, his voice tinged with remorse. "I only wanted what's best for her, but I see now that I may have been too focused on my own concerns."

There was a vulnerability in his admission, a willingness to acknowledge his mistakes and learn from them. And as he looked at Akagi and then at Sana, there was a silent promise in his eyes to do better, to truly listen to her needs and support her in the ways she truly needed.

He went inside leaving behind Sana and Akagi alone. 

Her heart racing with a mix of surprise and gratitude. His words had struck a chord deep within her, resonating with a part of her soul that had longed to be understood.

"You... you really see me," Sana whispered, her voice barely above a hush. "Even though we've just met."

Akagi's eyes held a gentle warmth as he met her gaze, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Sometimes, understanding doesn't need words," he replied softly.

In that moment, Sana felt a wave of emotion wash over her, a sense of connection blooming between them like a delicate flower in the spring. With Akagi, she felt a sense of validation and acceptance that she had never experienced before, and it filled her with a quiet sense of wonder.

As he turned to leave, Sana couldn't shake the feeling of longing that lingered in the air between them. In that moment, she knew that she had found someone special in Akagi, someone who made her feel seen and understood in a way she hadn't before.

And as she watched him disappear into the night, a sense of hope blossomed within her heart. For in Akagi's company, she knew that anything was possibl, and that their journey together was only just beginning.