
Jujutsu Kaisen: beyond infinity

In Jujutsu Kaisen: Beyond Infinity, the world trembles under the weight of cursed spirits, but for Satoru Gojo, the most powerful jujutsu sorcerer, it’s a battle he can handle—until he faces an enemy he never expected: love. Nakamura Sana, burdened by a mysterious curse and haunted by a love from her past, steps into Satoru’s life like a storm, unraveling everything he thought he could control. As the two are drawn together, Satoru begins to feel something he’s never allowed himself to—a connection that threatens the balance of his duty and his heart. But the harsh truth lingers: no matter how much they care for each other, it’s impossible for Satoru to be with her. Bound by his responsibility to protect the world from cursed spirits, and knowing that their futures can never merge, Satoru is torn between love and duty. Sana, still reeling from a past love, must also decide if she’s ready to open her heart again—knowing that it may only bring more pain. With deadly secrets and mounting threats from both cursed spirits and their own inner demons, Satoru and Sana’s bond faces impossible odds. Alongside their allies, Suguru Geto and Shoko Ieiri, they must navigate a world that tests not only their strength but the very core of their hearts. Jujutsu Kaisen: Beyond Infinity is a high-stakes emotional journey, where love collides with fate and where even the most powerful sorcerer can’t always protect what matters most.

0pointsixdegreeC · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs


Sana entered the tunnel and took her first step. The tunnel was deafeningly quiet. The only courage she was getting to move forward in the tunnel was coming from the liquor she had. {xd xd} // It was pitch black in the tube. She was uncertain about her footing. Every steps she took ahead was accompanied by her unceasing prayers. She couldn't see anything, but she could feel strange things surrounding her. She was breathing heavily now. Her heart was now pumping so quickly that even a small rise in heart rate may be fatal. She felt a powerful gust of wind hit her body as she moved forward. She could hear the sounds of small animals, which were terrifying in many ways. She had reached the point where she wished she had died a natural death. She didn't want to die like this in that place. Despite all this she moved forward. She had to go to the end of the of the tunnel and come back. That would complete the ritual. If she returns back safely the curse upon her would be broken and if anything unpleasant happens she would die without ever being found. It was already twenty minutes she was about to reach the end of the tunnel. The tunnel is open on other side. So when you reach the end of the tunnel you would see stars in the sky. 

After walking for about two minutes more she saw the stars. She was so happy and was crying at the same time. Her face was flushed. The tears rolling down her eyes were warm as you feel in fever. She wanted to run away from the other side but it would not break the curse. She turned back as fast as she could. She started to move. As she took her second step. She felt a touch on her shoulder. She was done for. She instantly fainted with a loud scream and lost her consciousness. Loosing consciousness means not even knowing you exist. 

All the other girls were waiting for her outside. They heard the scream and all of them ran away from there instantly.They went back to the house all of them were scared, and locked their door properly. After few minutes the host and the other girl got up and went to kitchen together to get something to eat. 

"You had quite clever plan there,"the host girl said while pouring juice in the glass and looking at the other girl with a cunning smile on her face. 

"Well she was the one who lost, it was her pure luck,"she laughed as she said.

"you are such a devil Keiko, you could have fractured her foot or something, that could have been enough." the host girl said. 

"That bitch was a such an eyesore, now when she's gone I feel at ease. I don't need to worry about being scolded by my family for not being first now." Keiko said. 

"But don't you think there are many other wonderful players apart from her?"Ayaka asked.[Ayaka- girl who hosted the party].

"what do you mean?? Haven't you heard from the coach her speed record in last race was among the top five middle schoolers in Japan,"she said in an angry tone," and that even without any training,"she added. 

"ohhh, is that so? it's very impressive,"Ayaka said. 

"she didn't had a slightest lady like charm. Her very face is enough for me to feel disgusted," Keiko said with an expression of disgust. 

** *** * ** *** *** ** *** ** *** *

"Oyeee, Oyeeeee, enough with your sleep now. Wake uppp." 

It was Sana, whom the person was trying to wake up. She was in a strange place, like the infinite crystal universe. She felt a bit conscious and slowly opened her eyes. She was seeing the most beautiful view of her life. 

"ohh you up?" a melodious voice ranged in her ear.

"am I dead?"she asked in astonishment to this extremely good looking angel like man in front of her.

"do you think so?" he said. 

"i guess I'm dead at last. Are you the attending assistant?"she him disappointed.

He burst into laughter. "you aren't dead yet but it's not too far if you keep on doing such stupidities."

"then where am I? wait,,, have we met before??"she asked him looking at his face with a little pause in between. 

"who knows? well, let me come to the point." he became serious all of a sudden. "do you know Suguru?" he added after a little pause. 

"you also know Suguru?"she asked in surprise and became attentive all of a sudden. 

"of course I know him, you are not the only one"he said.

"Are you his eldest cousin or uncle or something like that???"she asked in excitement.

"I'm his best friend, and you sure have a big mouth." he answered.

"whattttttttt?" she was too pissed of with that answer.

"I'm Gojo Satoru, I know it's difficult to explain but I will try to explain,"he added.

"What that you are Gojo Satoru?" she said in a sarcastic tone. 

"That why I hate dealing with drunk people. Now listen seriously to what I'm gonna say."Satoru was a little pissed. 

Sana was quite now and ready to listen. 

"I don't know you would believe it or not but I'm from future, more like my consciousness is." Sana was listening to him dumbfounded and thought to herself that her dreams are becoming wild day by day. 

"Me and Suguru became best friends in the high school. I never had any friend before that. It was the..." 

" you also? he's my first and best friend as well,"she interrupted in between as he was telling her something.

"you sure like to talk a lot. let me at least finish."he said with a smile on his face admiring her cheerful nature. 

"can I ask something?// please..." Sana said.

"OK, go ahead.."

"are you sure we have never met? I think you are my pri... I mean I think I have seen you a couple of months ago, not like this but he would look like you when he grow up" she asked him while stopping herself from accidentally saying prince charming.

"I suppose so, and thanks for the ice cream. I know it's been a while, but I remember. It was you." He went on to say.

"Seriously, it was you? I thought you were kind of a serious person. But you seem a lot cheerful and talkative."she asked him with excitement. 

'Oh myyyyy, he's talking to me, I am really dead now I believe. Or why my dream of talking to him so casually would come true. He was gonna look like this when he grow up? He's too fine. In the real world, I would never, ever have the chance to speak with a princely like him. Thank you god.. for making my death so beautiful.. But Don't you think I'm still younger? I guess it's my fault dying young. But I know you wanted to present his finest form to me..' she muttered to herself inside her head. 

"You listening??"he asked politely.

"huh? yeah yeahh, of course," she pretended she was listening.

" so as I was saying Everything's messed up in the future, You weren't alive to witness all that. Well either way you can't see that. I want your help. I'm sorry I'm being selfish. But I really need your help." he said. 

"yeah, it's too young for me to die. But how can I help you now. I'm already dead."she added. 

"you aren't dead yet. I will show you something. Close your eyes.," he replied. 

"are you serious? how can I see with closed eyes? You sure you not high? Well I guess I am. It's me who's seeing this weird shit." 

As she stopped talking a lot of memories flashed inside her head, which were not hers. She was seeing Suguru, Satoru and many other people in her head. From the first day of Suguru in high school till his death everything flashed before her eyes. She could even see the curses. As soon as she saw him die. she collapsed on the floor and wasn't able to gather her thoughts. 

"Don't you dare to be funny. Are you implying that Suguru did all this?? Leave everything else, you are saying that he killed his parents???" she was agitated. 

"yes, he did. And I'm here so that this all doesn't happen. Sana san please help me stop all this." he pleaded to her.

The seriousness of his tone was enough to make her believe. 

"how can I stop all this." she asked him.

"you can't do much. Neither you are a shaman."

"then why the hell are you asking me for help? You could have asked any of your friends whom you trust and are powerful." 

he sat down and facing her said "I would never trust if anyone told me something like this about Suguru, but you."he looked into her eyes while saying this. "that man would talk about you day and night,, bla bla.."he added.

she wasn't saying anything but listening to him. 

"well I guess I don't have enough time, but now it's up to you to find me and convince me, Sana san. it won't be easy even for you to convince me but give your best," Satoru said.

Everything was seeming to vanish as well as Satoru. 

"Okk, but tell me how I died? I would be able to help only when I'm alive. " she asked.

"Well, I can't tell you that, but I can assure you if we succeed nothing will happen to you." he answered. 

'I could never gather the courage to tell her,'he thought to himself. 

"you are too kind for not showing me,"she said with a sad smile. 

Satoru turned into some mysterious bubbles and went away. ପ(๑•ᴗ•๑)ଓ ♡