
Jujutsu kaisen: Before the golden age of sorcery

Reincarnated into the cruel and unforgiving world of sorcery will our protagonist survive? Or will succumb to the unfairness of this world

Professional_hater · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

No longer human

rumble!! rumble!!

pitter! patter!

The sound of thunder and rain echoed throughout an empty field. In the middle of this field was an old man standing in the midst of countless corpses, but the odd thing was that though he was surrounded by many corpses and with blood all around, his clothes were as pure white as snow, not at all stained by the blood of those around him, he had long silky grey hair showing that he was extremely old. As the rain fell and wet his clothes they started to cling to his body and became a bit transparent showing the tattoos adorning his wrinkled and loose skin.

His figure was so skinny that it looked like a small gust of wind would blow him away yet he stood strong as the raging winds of the storm brushed his skin.

Standing there he couldn't help but sigh, "even with my blood manipulation technique and reverse curse technique I could only last for 2 centuries, " looking at his own old shaking hands he couldn't help but sigh again " has my time truly come?"

He chuckled, "really, nothing can escape time", he said with much ridicule in his voice.

He remembered everything he experienced from the time he was a child and till his death in his old world his resurrection in this world his trials and suffering in this world till now he remembered everything.

He stood there reminiscing about it.

When powerful men would give up their fief just to please him, and powerful sorcerers tremble in fear just with his presence alone, when powerful demons spirits would abandon their birth place just to avoid him.

Yet now he lost everything, now they just do as they please no longer fearing him disturbing his peace at any chance they get, just because he grew a little old and soft.

He let out another sigh, "annoying ants" he said as the sound of horse hooves reverberated in the field, 10 men each riding a horse were speeding through the plains wearing serious expressions on their face.

They quickly arrived. Halting some few meters away from the old man

Man 1: "surrender now demon and we will make your end swift and painless". The man said with ridicule as he gazed on the so called most powerful sorcerer. Ever since he was a child he heard stories of how powerful this man is reeking havoc wherever he goes, it was said that he had lived for more than 200 years and he was a demon in human flesh but he didn't believe in all those stories, he thought they were just made up just to scare little children and nothing more just like the rest of those myths, and as he sat on the horse looking at the old man this just serves to confirm his doubts more, the so called powerful sorcerer would just die and of old age like any other human.

"oh that's no way to speak to your elders boy" the old man slurred back.

Man 2: "just shut up you demon and die" The second man yelled as he charged towards the old man, and just as he was about to reached the old man his horse suddenly stopped and including him burst into a mist of blood, just like that he died, the other group of men were shocked, cold sweat run down their spine in fear as their instinct was telling them to run, they now realized how much of a threat this man was, yet the first man frowned at this and with a determined look he commanded his men to be on guard and attack from a distance, they complied as they moved back and launched arrows at him, yet all this didn't work as it seemed that every attack thrown at him would somehow come back to the one who shot it and one by one the men and horses died some by the same arrows they shot and some being sliced in half by a scythe, until it was left with their leader.

He had a terrified look on his face as he gazed at the old man thinking how could such a monster like this exist, but soon his face full of fear turned into one of hope and a bit of glee as he felt the ground rumble.

"Hahahahahahahahaha" he laughed maniacally as he said to the old man "no matter how strong you are you wouldn't be able to defeat a hundred men".

The old man smirked as he said, "we'll see", as he the man's head, arms and legs mysteriously twisted in odd directions killing him painfully.

Looking into the distance the old man couldn't help but sigh " if I was in my prime they wouldn't even dare breathe without my permission", he chuckled, "a hundred men huh".

Straightening his back as countless arrows came falling down towards him the crimson red scythe in his hand vanished as all he did was raise his arm towards the falling arrows and with a flick of a wrist all the arrows where sent back to them effectively killing of half of them with scary precession.

The rest of the army halted in shock as they were not expecting this at all.

"Sigh i've grown weak, I wonder what that curse loving freak would have thought" he chuckled.

"Okay let's end this now at least I want to die knowing even a hundred men and a hundred sorceress couldn't even touch a single hair on my head".

"Release" he whispered as the wind picked up around him ,if one where to be standing behind him they would have noticed one of his tattoos vanish.

"North'', he muttered as a bow made of wind appeared in his hand , pulling the string a giant wind arrow appeared, he released it towards the remaining army killing them all at once, he watch as his raging winds sliced the army to death.

He let a sigh again as his body suddenly became weak, he soon fell on the ground he could no longer stand.

Looking up to the sky as the rain fell on his face, others would have given up at this point and accepted death yet he stared coldly at the sky still thinking of ways to survive.

"if my blood manipulation couldn't help and my reverse curse technique which in it of itself wasn't that refined couldn't do, how about I try something new.

In this world nothing is free, if you pursue selfish gains beyond your means, you'll earn retribution, everything is made with a back and front, life and death, love and hate, yin and Yang, everything is about equivalent exchange one cannot gain without loosing something in return.

(Though there are loopholes like me)

"what if I make a pact with you'' as soon as he said that invisible chains rapped around his soul and body.

""Hehe you're so eager huh, well I don't even know if it will work", even if it doesn't I still have my other plan.

But still once I'm dead, let my curse technique blood manipulation run, let it feed blood to every part of me to resurrect me.....in exchange..... in exchange I give up my ......................

As soon as he said that he passed away silently as rain fell on his unmoving corpse.


A few days later an individual with a sinister aura appeared right before his body, squatting down he poked the corpse as his hand sunk into it without any resistance.

"No heart no intestines just rotten old flesh, hehe I would've eaten you if your flesh wasn't so wrinkled and rotten old friend" he chuckled a bit.

Standing up he clicked his tongue and with a smile on his face "though by the looks of it you survived, do not fret as I will find you, and when the day we are to meet comes, our battle will be legendary".

He said walking away from the corpse he signaled for his servant to follow and they soon vanished from sight.

Not long after a young man also passed by his corpse while muttering " sadly it's not the real thing, would have made my job a lot more easier if I had it." he also vanished out of sight heading the<msreadoutspan class="msreadout-line-highlight msreadout-inactive-highlight"> opposite direction in which he came following the previous <msreadoutspan class="msreadout-word-highlight">duo</msreadoutspan>.</msreadoutspan>