
Jujutsu High Arc. (The Catalyst)

The increase of special grade across the country becomes a big crises to the jujutsu world. Only the strongest can handle the strongest but they are limited of powerful sorcerers the only way to win the battle field is to go to the source. That's why sorcerers are tasks down to find the main source. The Catalyst.

Eilish_Sevierville · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

❦︎: Whirlwind

Curses grow everywhere. But one thing for sure is that Curses is born in the depths of the darkness full of various emotions– hatred, anger, selfishness, sadness– that's why Curses shall die and vanish in darkness to where they originally belong.

At Geto's Household, Shinoa bring forth another curse spirit back home. But the curse is too eager– attempting to free themselves and Shinoa is very impatient. Shinoa can't take it anymore so she uses her ability to make the curse spirit shut up.

"Argghh!!" The curse growl, fighting for its life in another dimension

Shinoa stop by at the flower garden inside their home. She admires the full bloom flowers. She picks some of it to replace the witted flower in her room. She doesn't have the time to take care of it because she's away from a mission for a week now.

Smelling the scent of the fully bloomed flower she just picks up made her happy. But then that happiness fades away when the curse spirit burst into tears but they weren't normal tears, it's blood tears. The body of the curse burned at once leaving its ashes behind.

Footsteps came into view, "You could have at least save it for me, it's useful you know" said Suguru who just gotten back home

Shinoa stared at Suguru for a second, "I wanted to give it to you– a souvenir, but it is so persistent, it got on my nerves, so I killed it"

"Stubborn sister!" he blabbered

Suguru Geto and Shinoa Geto are twins. The day they were born are the day their parents died of a curse spirit attack, since they are the only one who inherited the special ability that only the Geto Clan possessed. All the Geto protected them in the end, which leaves only the two of them survived that incident.

Shinoa replaced the witted flower with a new one. This time she decided to use the flower vase given by Suguru on her 16th birthday.

Suguru fetch Shinoa in her room, "It's time to go, aren't you coming along with me"

"Give me a minute, the curse dirtied my clothes"

"Alright I'll wait outside"

Shinoa closed the door and look for another pair of uniform in her closet. She untied her hair and brush it. After a second of makeover, she meets with Suguru, who seemed pretty annoyed of how much time Shinoa had consumed.

Suguru drove to Jujutsu High. They went in different ways. Suguru is headed to the principal's office to discuss about something. On the other hand, Shinoa went to check on her students she hadn't seen for a week.

As Shinoa approaches the old room she had a lot of memories with, she heard loud noises inside. She took a step and saw the 2nd years with the 1st years— enjoying their youth.

"Sensei??" Maki blurted out seeing her Teacher enter the room

The other students look at the same way as Maki. Pretty surprised to see Shinoa.

"Shinoa-sensei, I haven't heard from you for a long time" said Yuuta who also just got back from his long journey exploring the world

Shinoa pinch Yuuta's fluffy cheeks, "You've grown a lot Yuuta"

"Kelp!" said Toge holding back his excitement, well she was the best Teacher Inumaki ever had– his favorite

"Shi-noa-sen-sei!!" Yuuji run towards Shinoa and they did a fist bump.

Yuuji and Shinoa had been acquainted with each other when Yuuji's around the age of 5. They are in fact a distant cousin.

"Shinoa-sensei, you look gorgeous as ever" Megumi who complimented Shinoa's appearance

"Still handsome aren't we Megumi, I'll look forward to your combat skills later" Shinoa said tapping Megumi's shoulder

Megumi is acquainted with Satoru because of a friend. That's why Shinoa is pretty close with him as Satoru once brought Megumi with them on a mission.

The unfamiliar face struck Nobara. She hadn't meet Shinoa before and she just got accepted here in Jujutsu High— not so long ago.

'What beauty is that?' All she could think of— being stunned by Shinoa's beauty.

"I agree with you, those fine long lashes in that piercing black eyes, pinkish lips and silky smooth long black hair, that sexy body she possessed and that strong charisma, she's indeed Yuuji's and Todo's type of a girl" said Panda out of nowhere

"I'm jealous" Nobara sighed in disbelief, Shinoa notices Nobara as she glances at her once. Nobara suddenly blushes when she saw Shinoa looked at her.

Shinoa got curious of this newbie so she approached her. Shinoa flashes a smile and offered a handshake.

"What year are you? I'm Shinoa Geto in charged for the 2nd years" she said finely

Nobara accepted the handshake, "I'm currently a 1st year, Nobara Kugisaki-desu, hajimemashite sensei"

"Yoroshiku" Shinoa said and patted Nobara's head– showing that Shinoa took a liking on her

Shinoa take her time enjoying talking with her student's. They have a lot of things to talk to, Like the upcoming Sorcerers Competition. Everyone is very excited to that awaited competition with other students across Japan.

Having to jam around they forgot about the time. A sun light crosses the room and Shinoa got the idea of viewing the beautiful scenery of the sunset. So she took them in to the usual place Shinoa, Shoko, Suguru, and Satoru go to when they are still a student.

"Kirei dane" Nobara blurted out making Yuuji and Megumi look at her, then their gazed turn to each other and made a genuine laugh

"Sunset means ending can be beautiful too" Yuuta uttered, holding on to his ring, reminding him of Rika's existence

"Tuna Mayo" Toge agrees with Yuta, this is his first time seeing a sunset this beautiful

Shinoa's looking at the red sphere sunset almost in half— with sadness in her eyes, like she remembers something that really hurts her. That's what Maki thinks as she stare at her.

Maki's gaze averted to the sunset. It was indeed beautiful.

She look back at Shinoa, "Sensei, it hurts right?"

Tear drop on Shinoa's face and she wiped it with her right hand, "It is.." then she smiled

The moon replaces the sun, it's already dark, it's almost dinner time.

"Why don't we go and get dinner together, my treat" Shinoa proposed generously

"Iyo sensei!!"

Smile flashes to the student's face and that made Shinoa happy. She took her student's to a fine dining restaurant. Suguru and the other faculty stuff joined them to dinner. They had different table with the students.

"Woaahh!! Sugoi!!!" — Yuuji and Nobara

"Sushi! Steak!" — Panda soshite Yuuta

"Kelp! Kelp!" Toge thinks that the food are extremely delicious

Megumi took the first bite of the sushi, "Umaiiii" then he took a bite with the other food serve in their table

"Hontoda!" Maki agrees with Megumi as she started eating too

"Got distracted again, Satoru?" said Suguru minding his own business

Satoru's gaze landed on Suguru, "Just enjoying watching my students having fun"

"Anyways, what's with the sudden treat Shinoa?" Suguru asked, because he got curious, Shinoa doesn't usually treat

"I just want to spend my money, is that a problem, baka Aniki!" Shinoa whispered right through Suguru's ears

"Why do you always get angry at me?" Suguru took a big bite

"She doesn't like you!" Satoru teased

"You too" Shinoa mumbled

Shoko laugh and give Shinoa a high five.

They continue to feast. Kento got drunk and had been blabbering about how Jujutsu High and Working at a Company sucks!

"Since both sucks! I choose the one more conveniert of me!" Kento gulped another glass of alcohol

Kiyotaka poured him another glass. While Masamichi put it away.

"His drunk, don't give him another glass!" Masamichi advice

"Just give him more, let's enjoy the night!" Suguru contradicting Masamichi's decision

Masamichi only sigh and drink his tea.

"Why aren't you drinking Satoru?" Shoko asked pouring him a glass

"I hate alcohol— it's bitter" said Satoru whose eyes landed on Shinoa who enjoys talking to her students, they are currently playing a game of cards

Satoru's ocean blue eyes stared at Shinoa. He seems to stare for so long, the moment he saw her smile made him want to look more.

'Not my sister' Suguru's thought as he notice that Satoru had been quite, because he was staring at her sister.

"Are you interested?" Suguru asked meeting Shoko's attention

"Since when did she become a woman?" Satoru asked

"She'd always been a girl, fuck! I think I can't handle this!" said Suguru having the vibe of giving up

"But she's pretty manly!" Satoru finally averted her gazed and focused on his dessert

"Hah???" Shoko almost puked while eating a dessert— "In what way??"

"What I meant is, she always wear boys clothes and even her haircut is like a boy, her interest too— she'd always been like that"

Satoru remembering the days he spent with Shinoa playing video games, basketball, arcade and picking up a fight.

"You just didn't notice" Shoko muttered— "That was before but when she's with me— we both shared the same interest"

"Satoru— you better give up now, not my sister, I won't give her to you!" Suguru making a decision, already rejecting Satoru

"Idiot, she's to much for me" Satoru just eats his dessert and ordered more

In the middle of having so much fun. A curse breaks in the restaurant. Hitting the table of the 2nd years where Shinoa is. Gladly she noticed that and able to transport the children outside together with Suguru and the others.

"What was that?" Yuuji's shock reaction is still engraved on his face

The curse spirit rise again. It wasn't a normal curse spirit. The body change into a human form. Blueish bulky body and have three eyes and those sharpy nails.

"Special grade!" Nobara and Maki said getting ready for a sudden attack

In a nick of time the curse spirit disappeared. Looking around being ready for a sudden move, closely with each other.

On the ground the essence of the curse spirit can be visible to only the sorcerers.

Little did they know that the curse spirit is already down Shinoa's spot.

The ground breaks and the curse spirit captures Shinoa, as it rise to the ground and give her impactful punch in the stomach, throwing her in mid air as she landed back to the ground, leaving Shinoa pain and she cough a lot amount of blood.

"Shinoa!" Suguru shouted out of worry as he hurried towards Shinoa— looking at her if she's fine from that attack the curse throw at her

"Are you alright?" Shoko headed there too

"It's nothing to worry about besides that curse isn't gone yet, and his pretty strong" Shinoa mumbled and hold Suguru's arm as she gets up

Satoru whose only a steps away feel relieved that Shinoa's alright.

Moving back to the curse whose fighting currently fighting with Yuuji and Panda.

They were throwing punches on the curse leaving a huge effect to it's body. Well the curse regenerate slowly that they expected.

Later on, the two steps away, for Megumi, Maki and Yuuta's time.

Not that far, Nobara whose very into this game, revealed her needles and pin it on the curse while Yuuta, Maki, and Megumi attack it with their curse weapons.

The curse spins leaving the three to move away. But then Nobara's move has just begun.

Nobara cast her technique, and the needles reacted as it strikes down the curses body.

But since the curse is too strong he removed it even thought he'll lost so much blood and couldn't regenerate that fast.

But that attack gives Yuuta, Maki, and Megumi a starting point. They attack the curse to where they see weakness. But unfortunately they've lost to that one attack.

They fall on the ground as a spike appears all over the curses body, they got almost killed by that, but to Shinoa's help they survived.

The curse left without a trace but for just a bit of a moment it came back, without wounds. But this time it cames back with someone. A pink bulky body and one eyed curse.

'That must be the healer' they think

They separate into two groups— attack with full force.

The curse earlier is different now, it has more force, it becomes strong.

"That Blue curse is really something!" Maki blabbered

"Focus and study his attack, Kento find it's weak spots" Shinoa said and asking Kento a favor

As Kento studies the curse, Yuuta, Megumi, and Maki are attacking it. On the other side Panda, Yuuji, and Nobara are attacking the Pink curse with the help of Satoru and Suguru.

But they aren't moving a thing— they're just studying and training them.

"So, found any?" Shinoa said looking stiff

Kento holds his chin, "I think it's wounded, it twitch everytime they hit the parts that has been hurt earlier"

"So it wasn't completely heald!" said Shinoa feeling delighted

"Yes if my deduction is right!" said Kento just standing there with Shinoa

"Yuuta, Megumi, Maki, just keep hitting it, we'll find out something!" Shinoa shouted

"Haii Sensei!!"

"You do realize that you're making them fight a special grade?" said Kento

"Don't worry to much, look at Satoru's side, we think the same, if something ever happened I'll step in immediately" Shinoa muttered

"You two are scary!" Kento sigh

"You reeked of alcohol Kento!" said Shinoa smelling the essence of alcohol in him

Because of the attack he woke up, "I've finish 6 bottles of it"

Shinoa was speechless. She couldn't even drink that much.

Shinoa's team continue to hit the vital points of the Blue curse spirit.

Megumi unleashed his shikigami's. Yuuta charged in to another sword attack infusing a large amount of curse energy onto the sword.

He went with it, slashes the flesh of the Blue curse. Half of it's body got slash, since Yuuji and Panda are attacking the Pink curse— the Blue curse can't heal in a nick of time.

It is badly injured but the Blue curse can still fight.

With the same strategy earlier, Yuuta, Maki and Megumi took the lead and Nobara throw her needle in silence. Cursing the curse spirit with her Curse Technique. Refraining it from moving— as the needles become large thorns stabbing the curse and it exploded to tin air.

On Yuuji and Panda's side, the Pink curse evolve— the moment it consumed the remains of the Blue curse— they become one.

The Pink curse isn't the same earlier, it become stronger, it got the ability of the Blue curse.

Yuuji and Oanda exchange a fist fight with the Pink curse. This time Yuuta and Megumi went to help them.

Megumi call onto his shikigami again. Nue arise and give the Pink curse lightning. To be followed by Yuuta and Megumi's attack.

The flesh of the Pink curse is like metal, you can't cut through it so easily.

Yuuta slashes with his curse energy— it cut through but it healed immediately. They repeat the process, Slash— Punch.

The fight continued like that, until the four are begining to get exhausted by the marvelous exchange of attacks.

For the final blow they used teamwork, they think of an idea on their own. Without any communication— but understanding each other through this group fight.

Yuuta gathered his curse energy to the sword, swinging it to tin air. Breathing slowly as those pierce eyes become sharper and move fast as it surprises the Pink curse with it's attack— he made it, Yuuta cut through it.

Nue uses the lightning again, as Megumi uses the snake shikigami to restraint it. But it got away— its like he knew the next move they are going to make. Or it was just fast.

But that didn't end there— 'They still had me!' Toge's mind

"Don't Move!" Toge shouted at the curse and it wasn't moving— Inumaki's technique is really something

"I'll leave it to you Yuuji!" Panda giving the Pink curse a massive blow

Yuuji stored up his strength for this last shot, infusing the curse energy in his fist, emitting that red aura.

"I got it Panda-san!!" Yuuji wiped the curse out in a whim using his black flash fist throwing the Pink curse in a whack

The Pink curse blood and flesh bursts out. Leaving nothing behind.

The students are breathing heavily while their teacher are just fine— except for Shinoa whose also injured.

"Congratulations for executing 2 special grades in one night" Satoru muttered clapping his hand— his proud of his students

"Good job!" Shinoa smiled

The students feel so relieved! They hug each other— feeling happy of their achievement right now— most importantly, they are happy because everyone survived.

"Shoko you know what to do?" Suguru reminding Shoko about her job

Shoko frowned, "I know— let get down to business, follow me back to the school— in my private clinic"

Shoko is a healer, she can heal the wounds in their bodies using the curse reverse technique.

The students and Shinoa followed— went to get themselves treated by Shoko.

While Masamichi, Kiyotaka and Kento already went home.

The first client was Maki, next is Nobara, then Megumi and Yuuji followed.

Panda doesn't need treatment from Shoko, he only needs the Principal— Masamichi Yaga.

Toge doesn't need it, Satoru already bought him a throat healer on their way here.

Their students went back to their dorms and had a good night sleep because tomorrow is another day. They still need to prepare for something.

Shinoa was Shoko's last patient. Suguru and Satoru waited outside— patiently.

There was a tense feeling between Satoru and Suguru.

Satoru confronted him, "What do you want?"

Suguru's eyes become fierce, "Don't tell me you— since when?"

Satoru sighed, "What are you talking about? Look, I'm not, okay!"

Satoru trying to reasoned against Suguru— he just think Suguru is being delusional.

"I don't trust you.."

"Since when did you not trust each other Suguru" Shinoa who happened to eavesdrop on their conversation


"What's with the tense anyway?"

"It's nothing, let's go home" said Suguru throwing a death glare at Satoru

Satoru and Shoko look at each other and sigh as Shinoa and Suguru left.

"What's with Suguru all of a sudden?" Satoru mumbled staring at the dark sky as he walked with Shoko on the hallway

"He thinks you like Shinoa, tell me honestly— do you like her?" Shoko asked, wanted to get something out of Satoru

"Nah! she's too good for me! she's not my— type" Satoru said thinking of Shinoa

"Alright, I'll believe what you said!" said Shoko giving up

They part ways as soon as Shoko got to her room. Satoru was left alone. Still in his deep thought.

On the driveway back home. Suguru and Shinoa didn't talk.

They happened to pass on an accident on their way back home.

Suguru stop the car and left to see what was it. Shinoa got tempted so she followed.

They saw something they shouldn't.

A car crashed. But not a simple car crashed. Curse energy still lingers around it.

As they further investigate— Shinoa gasped as she seen something familiar. Suguru went their immediately. They've saw something connected to their past.

"The sign, do you remember the sign?" Shinoa asked Suguru

His face say so, "That's surprising!"

They saw the sign that relates to the incident years ago.

The Geto Tragedy.

A sign of whirlwind— exactly like the button of their uniform.








This is a work of FICTION.

So everything that includes in this story are all fictional. If something is related to the real word, If some real scenarios or events that happened are similar to the story, If the characters resembles a real person, all are purely a coincidence.

The story is made up by the Author's thoughts, imagination and ideas...

JUJUTSU KAISEN is the original work of AKUTAMI GEGE.

A/N: This is a Jujutsu Kaisen FanFiction.

NOTE: You might encounter some grammatical errors, sorry in advance.






SHINOA I will name the character of this story instead of Y/N because I've encountered to my recent story that it could be difficult for the reader. Specifically, if the reader is a male. Because it is stated as Y/N which means your / name so if ever a male reader gets to read this story he won't be confused and incase if a female reader don't want to be in the story or doesn't want to be considered as the Y/n of the story. So it is convenient to name the character. I'll be naming the heroine of this story, but of course just considered Shinoa as yourself. Shinoa is still Y/n after all.

The characters in this FanFiction story is based on the real story of Jujutsu Kaisen but I will add some characters too.

This is a Gojo Satoru x Y/n.

Hope you'll enjoy this story.

Thank You!