
Chapter 18: The white haired girl


It had now been close to 3 weeks since I had rescued Zuri and brought to the palace. It's worth noting that she has integrated splendidly with the rest of the royal family. I was her favourite of course, followed by Queen Ramonda.

[A/N Now that I think abt it, I haven't written much about Ramonda have I?]

Zuri had a special fondness for Queen Ramonda. From the moment they met, there was a natural bond between them. Ramonda's gentle demeanour and nurturing presence made Zuri feel safe and loved.

Every morning, Zuri would eagerly await Ramonda's arrival in the palace gardens. As soon as she appeared, Zuri would bound over, her small body radiating joy. Ramonda would greet her with a warm smile and soft words, gently stroking her sleek fur.

However, she would spend most of waking moments with me, always in my arms or trotting behind me. 

Apart from my loving moments with the little cub, I spent my time acting as advisor or exploring around Wakanda. Today was one of those days I would go out.




[3rd POV]

One bright morning in Wakanda, Darius felt the familiar itch for adventure. As he prepared to leave the palace, taking his staff in arms, he noticed a pair of eager eyes watching him closely.

Zuri, the young black panther pup, had grown attached to Darius since their first encounter. Her playful spirit and curiosity were as boundless as his own. Today, she seemed particularly determined not to be left behind.

"You want to come along, don't you, Zuri?" Darius asked with a chuckle, kneeling down to stroke her soft fur.

Zuri responded with an enthusiastic purr, rubbing her head against his hand. It was clear she was ready for an adventure.

"Alright, you can come," Darius said, smiling. "But you have to stick close to me, okay?"

Zuri let out a happy mew, as if agreeing to the terms. With the pup trotting beside him, Darius stepped out of the palace and into the bright sunlight. As he did, he let his innate powers flow through him, his body beginning to change.

In a flash of celestial light, Darius transformed into a magnificent great white wolf, his fur shimmering like the stars. Zuri looked up at him in awe, her eyes wide with admiration.

"Let's go, little one," Darius said, his voice resonating in her mind.

With the pup trotting beside him, Darius set off into the heart of Wakanda.

They wandered through dense forests, vibrant with life and the sounds of nature. Darius enjoyed the tranquillity, his senses heightened by the rich tapestry of scents and sights. Zuri bounded ahead, her small form darting between the trees, but always circling back to Darius.

After several hours of exploration, they came across a secluded village nestled in a lush valley. By now he had turned back into his human form.

The villagers greeted them warmly, recognizing Darius and welcoming him and Zuri with open arms. As they walked through the village, Darius noticed a path leading to a shrine atop a gentle hill.

Curiosity piqued, Darius followed the path, Zuri padding silently beside him. The shrine was a beautiful structure, adorned with intricate carvings and surrounded by blooming flowers. As they approached, a tall, regal figure emerged from within.

Her presence was commanding yet serene. Her long, white hair flowed freely down her back, shimmering like silver in the soft light.

She wore traditional Wakandan attire, a beautifully woven dress adorned with intricate patterns and symbols that represented her connection to both the land and her heritage.

Her deep brown skin contrasted strikingly with her hair, highlighting her high cheekbones and the sharp, elegant lines of her face. Her eyes, a piercing blue, held a depth of wisdom and a spark of curiosity.

She was tending to the shrine, her hands moving gracefully as she arranged offerings and prayed.

"Greetings, Darius," the girl said said, her voice as soothing as a summer breeze.

"And what might be your name fair maiden?"

"Ororo Munroe, a pleasure to meet you."

"What brings you to our village shrine?"

At this point he was not surprised by people knowing who he was, word travelled quickly in Wakanda. Darius joined the girl in offering. "I felt the call of adventure and ended up here. And who could resist visiting a place as beautiful as this?"

The girl ,now know as Ororo, smiled, her gaze shifting to Zuri, who was curiously sniffing around the shrine. "And who is this little one?"

"This is Zuri," Darius replied, a note of pride in his voice. "She insisted on joining me today."

Ororo knelt down, extending a hand to Zuri, who cautiously approached and sniffed her fingers before nuzzling them. "She has a strong spirit," Ororo said, looking up at Darius. "Just like her companion."

Darius chuckled. "Thank you. What brings you to this shrine, Ororo?"

"This shrine is dedicated to the ancestors and the spirits of nature," Ororo explained. "I come here to seek guidance and to honor those who came before us. It's a place of peace and reflection."

Darius nodded, feeling the tranquility of the place seep into his own spirit. "It's truly remarkable. Would you mind if we joined you for a while?"

"Not at all," Ororo replied, standing up. "All are welcome here. You and Zuri may stay as long as you wish."



Darius settled himself on a smooth, flat stone in the heart of the shrine, his form shimmering briefly in a white golden colour. He sat cross-legged, hands resting lightly on his knees, and closed his eyes, taking in the quiet sounds of the evening.

As he began to meditate, he focused on his breathing, drawing in the cool, clean air of Wakanda and releasing any lingering tension with each exhale. His mind, usually brimming with thoughts and mischief, slowly began to quiet.

He allowed himself to sink deeper into a state of relaxation and awareness.

With each passing moment, Darius felt more attuned to the natural world around him. He could sense the life in the trees, the subtle energy of the earth beneath him, and the ancient spirits that lingered in this sacred place.

The connection he felt was profound, as if he were tapping into a wellspring of wisdom and power that transcended time.

As night fell, the shrine took on a magical quality. The moon rose high in the sky, its pale light casting a silvery glow over the surroundings.

Fireflies began to dance in the air, their tiny lights flickering like stars brought down to earth. The gentle hum of nocturnal creatures added to the symphony of the night.

Darius remained still, his breathing deep and steady, his mind open to the whispers of the universe. He felt a deep sense of peace, a oneness with the world that was both humbling and empowering. In this meditative state, he reflected on his journey, his purpose.

Hours passed, but time seemed irrelevant in the serene embrace of the shrine. Darius felt rejuvenated, his spirit recharged by the quiet communion with nature and the ancestral spirits. 

As the first light of dawn began to touch the sky, Darius slowly opened his eyes. He was met with the sparkling blue eyes of Ororo filled with awe and respect, and a slight hint of curiosity

The world around him seemed to shimmer with renewed clarity and beauty. Zuri stirred at his side, yawning and stretching before nuzzling up to him.

"Good morning, Darius," Ororo greeted with a warm smile. "How was your meditation?"

"Morning, Ororo," Darius replied, returning the smile. "It was exactly what I needed. This shrine has a way of bringing calm and clarity."

Ororo nodded, her eyes sparkling. "It does. This place holds a lot of history and spiritual energy. I'm glad you found it helpful."

Darius chuckled, glancing at Zuri who was now playfully pawing at his foot. "And it looks like Zuri enjoyed her time here too."

Ororo laughed softly. "She's quite the curious one. Just like someone else I know."

Darius raised an eyebrow playfully. "Oh? And who might that be?"

"You, of course," Ororo teased. "Seeking out new experiences and adventures."

Giggling, Darius shrugged. "Guilty as charged. I can't help it. There's so much to see."

"That's a good thing," Ororo said thoughtfully. "It keeps life interesting and meaningful."

Darius agreed, looking around the shrine once more. "This place has a special kind of magic. Thank you for sharing it with me."

"Anytime, Darius," Ororo said warmly. "You're always welcome here. And next time, maybe I can join you for some meditation."

"I'd like that," Darius replied, grinning. "It would be fun to meditate with the such an entuned spiritualists like yourself."

Ororo shook her head with a smile. "You're too kind. Now, how about we head back and get some breakfast? I'm sure Zuri is hungry."

"Sounds like a plan," Darius said, picking up Zuri, who let out a happy mew. "Let's go."

With that, they walked back to the village, chatting easily and enjoying the first light of the new day.

And thus began the very interesting tale of Darius and Ororo and they lived happily ever after yada yada yada....

[To be Continued]


[How was it? Any suggestions lemme know. I'm gong to try make my conversations a little more casual and natural from the next chap and onwards.]