
Journey to the True Martial World

Dr. Frederick Alfheim, was your average lab Scientist. There was honestly nothing spectacular about him. He followed the same routine every day. Wake up, hygiene, leave for work, lunch, and then back home. Every once in a while, Frederick would find himself watching anime, reading a manga or some sort of web novel. That is until the Demons attacked his world. A decade long war ensued and brought humanity to the brink of extinction. When the sun was setting on humanity, that average joe doctor worked his ass off in an underground bunker for the military to create something, anything, that could turn the tides of war in humanity's favor. Dr. Fredrick Alfheim accomplished this feat during his death. His parents, family, lovers, and friends. Had all perished in the war against the demons. His serum was created to protect the reminisce of humanity from experiencing the same. Sometime after his death, that serum was found along with his body and notes. Recreated and distributed. Humanity eventually repelled the demonic horde and won the war. Years after his death and the people of his world were long gone. Fredrick was the last being going through the cycle of reincarnation. However, this time was different. Frederick was different. Learning the truth behind his existence and that his loved ones were created to be nothing more than a stepping stone to be toyed with. Fredrick made a decision that would send him on the journey of a lifetime. All in the name of revenge, to slay the Divine Emperor that created him and toyed with his life. Travelling through the Verses, Frederick will battle his way to the summit of every lifetime and ascend at any cost until he makes it to the True Martial World, to rip the heart from the chest of his creator. He will lose himself. Find himself. Love, mourn, kill, heal, and so much more as he navigates his way to the pinnacle of existence. In the End, after baring so many titles, answering to different names, experiencing a multitude of love and pain, and the climb to the top that is often accompanied by callousness and savagery. Will he still seek vengeance? Will he become better or worse than the creator, he seeks to destroy? Or will Fredrick be the one to find his chest void of heart and his body short of a head? Find out in the Journey to the True Martial World. Starting with the Naruto/Avatar world. -Foundation Black Clover xDanmachi xGrancrest Senki- Gain and train abilities/skills SAO/DxD/ Testament Sister New devil- Acquire Gear (Weapons and Armor) Soul Land- Evolve gear and abilities, acquiring and evolving Physiques TDG/CSG- Last stop before the Martial World Martial world/ True Martial World- Beginning of the end. Crossovers to be expected, canons obliterated, worlds expanded, and darker elements amplified. I do not own Naruto. I do not own the cover photo, found it on Pinterest

Grand_Magus · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
74 Chs

Meeting of Clans Pt.2

'Everyone relax, everything is going as planned , just follow my lead. Whatever you do, just don't emit any intent. Don't give them an excuse to attack. ' Seiichi delivered a mental message to everyone

" okay, the Uzumaki will be the first to compromise. Allow us to adopt Naruto. He is our clansman after all and the Uzumaki will swear loyalty to the hidden leaf village." Seiichi decided to break up the tension in the room. He knew that nothing in this world was given for free. He had to open up negotiations. Sarutobi will happily deal in order to redirect attention. Especially in the midst of the shadow conflict between the Uchiha and Konoha. They were in the market for another kekki genkai clan.

With Seiichi's words many nobles' eyes twitched. Danzo was the first to act.

"let it be known the Shimura will be the second and will enter a Research and development contract with the Uzumaki clan" Danzo felt that the Uzumaki were backed in a corner. That if they didn't get a spot in Konoha it meant Uzumaki extinction. But he had yet to realize how wrong he was.

"The Uzu clan handles the Research and development. and we Accept the offer if you are willing to deal with the a Vassel Clan." Seiichi interjected on Akira's behalf

"Haha the Uzu and Uzumaki, such the traditionalist. All clans are equal here Konoha. It will be our honor to deal with you." Danzo smirked, mentally patted himself on the back for the win.

Realizing the Uzumaki had more claim to the Jinchuriki, clans began to move. Not yet even taking in the biggest plot twist that was made known in the beginning of the meeting of clans.

"The Hyuga clan wishes to deal with the Uzumaki clan, however, have nothing to over each other"-Hiashi

"But the Uzu clan does"-Saito

"And what might that be elder Saito" Haishi's haughtiness began to show

"Two things marriage with the Uzumaki or Uzu, and an offer to make your gentle fist technique stronger than its every been" Saito answered this time. This offer had to be taken with the utmost seriously. And the truth is, it wouldn't be taken as such if Seiichi had proposed it

The Uzu clan struck again, but Hiashi thought he was gaining the must looking at the Uzumaki's newly revealed dojustu

"Marriage can be discussed, but improving a technique created by the Hyuga, for the Hyuga, is preposterous. "- Hiashi couldn't accept, what he perceived as bullshit, to put it simply.

"Match me with your greatest talent of the younger generation and see the true might of what your 'gentle fist' could become" Seiichi stepped up, to when this battle of politics, he would happily play the role of arrogant, overbearing, young master

The room began to wonder just how many secrets did the Uzumaki/Uzu clan hold

"The Hyuga accept on the grounds that the young lord Seiichi is victorious."-Hiashi

"The Aburame, sees no fault in allowing the Uzumaki permission to settle in the hidden leaf village" Shibi Aburame chimed in.

"The Akimichi, second"

"As a shinobi leader I am entirely against it. As civilian leader I have no choice to uphold the law. The Uzumaki have rights to adopt Uzumaki Naruto and reclaim Uzumaki asset, as long as they pay back taxes and reimburse for the 'ALL' of the boy's upkeep since birth to the present day"- The Hokage felt that he could ring out a win, once the Uzumaki's realized just how much money Naruto and the back taxes would coast them. They would have to choose one or the other.

Receiving the nobles' acceptance of the Hokage's decree. Akira stepped in again

"If my ears aren't mistaken, Lord Hokage you said all of the Uzumaki's assets. Not that I wish to claim assets of past low-class clansmen, however" Akira then pulled out another contract. Causing tension to rise once more in the room. Taking the scroll from Akira, Sarutobi looked it over in utter shock.

"according to the deal between the Senju and Uzumaki clans. If, the Senju cannot uphold their side of the contract all assets gained by way of the Uzumaki clan. For example, marriage. May be reclaimed by the Uzumaki clan. As the Senju only married royal Uzumaki and royal Uzumaki only married into the main family of the Senju. The same holds true if the Uzumaki can't uphold their side of the deal."- Akira

Looking at the contract, Sarutobi was at a loss for words

"I see" he said " In order to carry out your claim, I will issue an SS class mission to bring Tsunade Senju back to the hidden leaf to discuss the requirements of this contract"- Hokage

"Then the Uzumaki request all assets shared between the Senju and Uzumaki clan be gather cataloged and held until lady Tsunade return"-Akira

"And Elder Saito will be placed on guard with said assets along with any leaf shinobi until said time"- Seiichi

The entire room was stuck, with the arrival of one clan, the village was stripped naked. They all knew that majority of jutsu created by lord second had Mito Uzumaki's mark on it.

"Then I think were finished here"-Akira

During that meeting many things had happened faster than the leaf village could react. Scattered around the Leaf village Kasumi, Yuri, and Santoshi were moving. The whores, or should I say valuable intelligence assets. We're contacting the Uzumakia that had arrived before them and placed a mind linking seal on them to tune into the meeting. Which is why the Uzumaki and Uzu clan seemed so in line with each other's goals.

Akira had also given them instruction to hide in the village somewhere until the meeting was over. Kasumi had ordered her girls to place duplicates of the signed contracts in the Senju compound. While Santoshi and his man distracted the Anbu and extracted Naruto from the Leaf village's Control.

Before the Uzumaki and Uzu left the Hokage Building they both purchased land on the west side of the village, east if you're facing the Hokage monument. They also paid the taxes on Kushina' s property and put it up for sale. The moment It was Known the clan need Kushina' s Assets the few Uzumaki clansmen that were Shinobi, moved and secured everything before a decision was even made.