
Journey To Become A True God

Ye Chen was an honest and hardworking man, but he caught his girlfriend who was having an affair with a wealthy second generation, because of his sadness he decided to return to his hometown to calm down, while on his way he met a god cultivator and ended up being his student . After that his life began to change, on the right and left arms holding the Beautiful girl, from the start of the School flower, rich young women, beautiful teachers, beauty Ceo, famous beauty stars, beautiful goddesses. one by one the women came to him

DarkForces · Oriental
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3387 Chs

find Zhang Shiyun and Xue Suyin

The youth started flying towards the capital, he began to look for fresh prey to increase his strength.

From now on the national capital will be a dangerous place, there will be a lot of people who died because of this young man.




We return to Ye Chen, Xia Qingyu, and Mei Yueli.

After he finished healing Mei Yueli, Ye Chen immediately walked out of Xia Qingyu's room.

Outside Xia Qingyu was waiting for news from Ye Chen and Mei Yueli, she was eagerly awaiting news from Ye Chen and Mei Yueli.

"Click" Ye Chen opened the door, Ye Chen came out to meet Xia Qingyu.

" Ye Chen How about?, Did it Success?" Xia Qingyu asked Ye Chen about Mei Yueli's state.

"Dear Qingyu, Miss Mei Yueli is fine, you don't have to worry anymore," Ye Chen told Xia Qingyu that Mei Yueli was fine.

Xia Qingyu felt relieved when she heard this, it seemed that Mei Yueli's condition had improved and there was no need to worry anymore.