
Journey through the Multiverses.

In the cultivation multiverse, a young man named Li Xin is an aspiring cultivator who is desperate to become the strongest in all the land. He trains relentlessly, ignoring all distractions and focusing only on his goal. But despite his hard work, Li Xin is constantly overshadowed by his peers, many of whom are born into prestigious families and have access to resources that he can only dream of. Frustrated and jealous, Li Xin becomes determined to do whatever it takes to become the strongest cultivator, even if it means cutting corners and making deals with questionable characters. As he becomes more and more ruthless in his pursuit of power, Li Xin begins to alienate those around him, including his friends and mentors. But he doesn't care. All that matters to him is becoming the strongest, and he will stop at nothing to achieve his goal. As he climbs the ranks and becomes more and more formidable, Li Xin begins to attract the attention of other cultivators and sects, many of whom see him as a threat to their own power. They plot against him, forming alliances and making deals in an attempt to bring him down. But Li Xin is not one to be underestimated. He uses every trick in the book to outmaneuver his enemies and emerge victorious, becoming a feared and respected cultivator in the multiverse. But as he reaches the pinnacle of power, Li Xin must confront the question of whether or not the ends justify the means, and whether or not his ruthless pursuit of strength was worth the cost. Or at least that was what Li Xin tought his journey would look like.

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6 Chs

New Location

Chapter 4

Li Xin's heart raced as he faced off against the embodiment of destruction, his sword shaking in his hand. He knew that he was no match for this powerful enemy, and he was starting to think that he might not make it out of this alive.

But even as he faced certain defeat, Li Xin refused to give up. He was a cultivator, and he had always known that the cultivation multiverse was a dangerous place. But he had never expected to face off against an enemy like this, and he was determined to do everything in his power to protect his friend Zhang.

As the embodiment of destruction approached, Li Xin braced himself for the worst. But to his surprise, the enemy stopped just short of attacking, a sly smile on its face.

"You are no match for me, mortal," the embodiment of destruction said, its voice dripping with arrogance. "But I am in a generous mood today. I will spare your life, if you promise to serve me."

Li Xin's eyes narrowed, a fire burning in his chest. He would never serve such an evil being, and he would rather die than be its pawn.

"I will never serve you," Li Xin said, his voice cold. "I would rather die than be your servant."

The embodiment of destruction chuckled, a sinister sound that sent shivers down Li Xin's spine. "You are a fool," it said, its eyes glowing with an otherworldly light. "But I am in no rush to end your life. I will enjoy watching you suffer first."

With a flick of its wrist, the embodiment of destruction unleashed a powerful attack that sent Li Xin flying across the battlefield. He hit the ground with a thud, his body writhing in pain as he struggled to stay conscious.

As he lay there, on the brink of death, Li Xin felt a strange energy pulse through him.

It was like nothing he had ever experienced before, a powerful force that seemed to be coming from the jade pendant that he had always carried with him.

With a fierce cry, Li Xin activated the pendant, allowing its energy to flow through him. The embodiment of destruction was caught off guard by the sudden attack, and it staggered backwards, its eyes glowing with an otherworldly light.

Li Xin seized the opportunity, launching himself at the enemy with all of his might. His sword flashed through the air, slicing through the embodiment of destruction with a single blow.

The enemy let out a roar of pain, its body dissolving into a cloud of smoke. Li Xin watched in shock as the smoke cleared, revealing a strange portal that seemed to lead to another universe.

Without hesitation, Li Xin grabbed Zhang and jumped through the portal, his heart racing as he entered the unknown. He had no idea where he was going, or what he would find on the other side, but he knew that he had to get as far away from the embodiment of destruction as possible.

As he emerged on the other side of the portal, Li Xin found himself in a strange new world. It was a world unlike any he had ever seen before, filled with towering skyscrapers and strange, advanced technology.

But Li Xin had no time to marvel at his surroundings. He was focused on getting Zhang to safety, and he knew that he had to get as far away from the embodiment of destruction as possible.

He stumbled through the streets, his heart racing as he searched for a place to hide. He knew that the embodiment of destruction would not give up easily, and he was worried that it would follow him through the portal and continue its pursuit.

But as the hours passed and there was no sign of the enemy, Li Xin started to relax. He had managed to live and he had saved his friend Zhang in the process.

As he settled into a quiet corner to rest and recover, Li Xin couldn't help but wonder what the future held for him in this strange new world. He had no idea what he was going to do next, but he knew that he would do whatever it took to protect his friend and keep them both safe.

He wrapped his arm around Zhang, his heart filled with a sense of determination. He had survived the encounter with the embodiment of destruction, but he knew that there would be more challenges ahead.

But he was ready for them, his sword at the ready as he prepared to face whatever came his way. He was Li Xin, and he was not afraid of anyone or anything.

As he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep, Li Xin knew that he would always be ready for whatever the cultivation or other multiverses had in store for him. He was strong, he was determined, and he would never give up.