
Journey of the True Illusionist

Hou Zhi an very unfortunate genius, that all his life seems like universe hates him, but never gives up. He gets reincarnated in a ruthless cultivation world of Gods and Demons, where by chance of fate gets involved in the world’s Greatest event: The True Dao War. Where people fight to prove their Own Dao and to prove himself between the Heavenly Dao and became the World’s Ruler- The Ruler of his Own Dao - A True Emperor -the art is not mine, if it’s yours tell me and I will delete it

Secrets_Guardian · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

An End and a New beginning

2 hours ago - October 15, 20XX, 7:00 a.m - London

A young man in a patient gown was lying down in a hospital bed.

In his face you could see an evident tiredness and resignation. He was not handsome, but his appearance was pretty good, not like this matters, because if you see his eyes you will know that he is blind. But there was something special about it, because if you were in front of him, you will not feel the same feeling as with other blind people, something about it was estrange, but anyone could you mention what.

The name of the strange was Hou Zhi, the super genius of this era, his face was beautifully decorated with a intriguing smile. Even in the luxury room he was in, that you can recognize as a hospital just for the many high-tech gadgets in the room. His smile shines like a star in the darkest night.

Suddenly, a big amount of people came in the room. There were people of all types, from all nationalities, color and variety.

the expressions of the people where worried when a person came out of the group.

"Are you okey honey?" This person was Hou Mei, the grandmother of Hou Zhi. Even if she is his grandmother, she looks like a person about forty's. All thanks to the miracle machine that is the anti-aging capsule.

"Yes" Hou Zhi, said.

"Uff, that's a relief" Hou Mei said.

"But I'm dying. Specifically I think I will die today" Hou Zhi said with a sigh

"What!?" All people in the room scream. That's understandable, a lot of people here were doctors or researchers seeking from a way to avoid specifically that and the other people were surprised by seeing a person talking about his own dead so calmly.

After people stop making noise a voice the same voice was heard in the room.

"Why? And why are you so okay whit it!?" His grandma said, she was the one who take care of him all his life after their parents died in an accident when they were on a business traveling when he was just a baby. She love him just like a mother or even more.

"Mom Mei, it's okey" said sadly Hou Zhi. Even for he, Hou Mei is more than a granny, for he she is, and ever is gonna be his 'mom Mei '.

"Why!? You are a genius, you can even be the greatest genius humanity have seen ever! And you are gonna tell me that you are gonna die, just like that, with such a calm face!?" Hou Mei just couldn't believe that his grandson, that is more than incredible, a person that a lot of people would believe that can do everything, to accept his own dead without fighting.

"It's not like that!" Hou Zhi screamed. "I tried, I tried really hard, from the moment I born and from the moment I discovered I was sick by, I tried really hard to avoid that ending!" He said.

"But no matter what I do, nothing fix it". Already crying he said. "I'm a person to! I'm just a mortal! Even if I'm a genius"

"But you can keep trying" Hou Mei said with a broken voice.

"I tried everything, From a direct cure, to a specific cure for every face for my desease. But anything works, even if the cure works in others". He said with such melancholic face.

that was true Hou Zhi do everything he can, he even discovered the cure for blindness and paralysis on the way. Fuck! He even discovered a method to delay and stop aging. The true is that nothing worked in himself, and that was not his fault.

"And the time it's over for me mommy" Hou Zhi said. "So we will go to the important part, the goodbye presents!" He said with a happy face.

Yes, a happy face. That's strange, but considering he has a little bit of emotional disorder. He can be kinda random cause of it. But the true is that he is conscious of his erratic behavior but he chose to show it just like that. Hou Zhi really have a strong mind and he know how to regulate his own emotions because he will be crazy if he doesn't, so he can be crying desperately and recover quickly of it.

"Good bye presents? " she asked.

"Yes! All people here work hard for try to save me and I don't wanna see all of you crying so I prepare presents". Hou Zhi Said. "Most of people can go out of the room now and follow my secretary, she will guide you".

"But mom Mei stays, I want to talk with her"

"So what is it? " Hou Mei asked.

"Under my pillow is a USB with a password that is *******, Inside is all my investigation and ideas, there are a lot of things that will be useful to you"

"So, can you give me an idea of what is in?". Hou Mei asked

" hmmm, just the cancer cure and a lot of things that will be useful for scientists and researchers"

"…. Ugh, you and your surprises" His Grandmother was tired about all of this to be surprised anymore, she knows that her grandson is kinda special. "I'm not sure your past affirmation of being 'just a mortal' is true when you give me this sort of thing".

"Mom Mei, can you stay with me until my last moment?" Hou Zhi asked with tears and a smile.

"Of course, Zhi'er " She answer.

"I love you mom Mei" He said.

"I love you to" She answered.

And then just like that, while they were hugging for a long time, the tragedy struck.

The next chapter the true story will begin, so wait for it.

-the past chapter was kind a test, for me to know how to use Webnovel and a prove of writing. So I decided to doed like the Mc's presentation, and cause I don't like the long prologues I doed very fast.

The true beginning is this chapter.

Secrets_Guardiancreators' thoughts