
Journey Of The Hollow Queen

The story begins with the awakening of a Hollow in the realm of Hueco Mundo, her memories disoriented and her mind filled with hunger. However, she soon discovers that this realm is the perfect example of the term 'Survival of the fittest', she has been reincarnated as a basic hollow, the weakest of all the beings that inhabited this desolate realm. Her potential, while nothing to scoff at, was not enough for her to survive for long. However, soon she realizes that she has been reincarnated with the unique ability that allowed her to travel to a parallel universe. Admittedly her reception by the inhabitants of this universe was less than pleasant but she soon finds that things were not as simple as they seemed. The creatures of this desolate realm, when killed, left behind an orb that allowed her to speed up her evolution. Indeed this was the realm of pocket hunting that once assisted an ordinary man into reaching the peak of his world. Perhaps it could help her do the same, but the harshness of reality came tumbling down when she was killed by a rabbit on her first entry into this new world. She must quickly gather strength and subordinate to face the onslaught of the soul-reaper maniac. However, unknown to her, the era was still that of chaos. Gotei 13 was still just an idea in the head of a powerful warrior and the soul society wagged war on every spiritual being. Conclusion: She had been reincarnated a couple of millennia before the advent of Aizen the Hair Gel Villain.

EchoingDusk · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Chapter: 1 New Life

Hueco Mundo's giant moon glared down on a wasteland. An endless desert of bone-white sand bathed in the glow of the cruel eye in the black sky that gleaned with ominous light. Here, under a sky forever dark, silence ruled, broken only by the whispered of the ghosts of forgotten souls.

Dust choked the pale light of the moon, turning the sky a sickening blend of violet and grey that refused to surrender to true night. The meager light that struggled through the thick, swirling dust cast long, distorted shadows that stretches across the dunes. Like grasping class reaching for the sky they could never touch.

Beneath all this desolation, laid an intricate network of tunnels and labyrinthine passages that winded through the very heart of this ominous land. These subterranean depths did little to conceal the true nature of the inhabitants of this horror. 

This was the realm of sinister created that were born and lurked in these shadows, awaiting their chance to strike down their fellow creatures for a chance of survival. A prequel to the harrowing race of survival... and evolution 

It was within these desolate caves that a new soul was born. Overwhelming the darkness with its gentle radiance, a sphere of light drifted into the air from the ground below. Yet, it was all for naught as the realm's energy was so oversaturated with darkness and corruption that it was overpowered in mere moments.

A blood-curdling scream tore through the sphere of light as wave after waves of corruption washed over it. Slowly, and painfully, its light dimmed down to a red glow and with one last scream of agony, it was buried beneath a flood of black sludge.

The sludge gathered into a harrowing bat-like body, with its leathery wings outstretched. Its sinewy body started to be covered in a sleek, obsidian-black carapace, adorned with jagged spikes and ridges that ran along its spine, lending an air of menace to its silhouette. The Hollow's wings, spanning broad and taut, possessed an ethereal glow to its membrane-like surface which was covered in veins, with a translucent allowing a faint, eerie glow to emanate from within, casting an otherworldly aura upon the surrounding darkness.

Its eyes, two fiery orbs of burning amber, peered out from the depth of its skull-like mask. They gleaned with a surprisingly intelligent malevolence, reflecting a much higher intellect than its peers. 

The bat-like creature's face was covered with a white ceramic mask woven to its skin, and had a small opening for a mouth lined with rows of razer-sharp fangs.

A chilling silence hung in the air as the creature's new formed body trembled and twitched, still adjusting to its newfound existence. With an eerie stillness, the creature's lifeless face turned towards the world outside of its cave.

And then, with a subtle twitch, its masked face lifted, revealing a pair of piercing crimson eyes..the very eyes that should have been dull and vacant, instead radiated an otherworldly intensity

As its eyes fully adjusted to the darkness, the creature's perception expanded, unveiling a world of dense spiritual energy. With the newfound insight into its surrounding, the creature could now perceive the surrounding walls which gleamed with a glassy luster.

At that exact moment, the creature's purpose began to take form. A hunger, primal and insatiable, stirred within its very core. It yearned for a taste, the taste of souls, of the very life essence that sustained other infant soul's. Its eyes reflected the burning desire to devour and grow stronger... it's based instinct which seemed to be overridden by a human nature foreign to its kind.

It glanced at its reflection upon the obsidian walls and reeled back in surprise,

[Who're you!?]

[Where am I?]

[What hell is this place!?]

Eleanor tried to get a better look at herself, but the darkness was too heavy and all she could see was the dark obsidian walls of the cavity she was stuck in.

Suddenly, a headache assailed her, surprisingly it was the only thing she felt since gaining consciousness in that gloomy cave. 

A shrill scream tore through the silence, sending a shiver down her spiked spine,

'wait... spine?'

Pain. That's all Eleanor knew. That, and a primal hunger gnawed at her, a primal need clawing at her insides. Then, a scream, not hers, echoed in the darkness, a memory, a whisper of warmth, a world of light... dying within her.

Her head... or snout maybe? Throbed. A headache pounding in her skull, punctured by the chilling screams that seemed to deep from the cavern walls themselves. 

In pain, she squeezed her eyes shut, trying to block out the obsidian walls that reflected horrifying images. Was it her own? 

Claws scraped against the slick surface, sending jolts through her body.

This wasn't her! 

Admittedly her nails were a bit long but nowhere this long! 

This thrumming darkness, these echoing screams - they pulsed with terrifying power.

A primal scream ripped from her throat as she lurched to her feet. Her body felt alien, monstrous, panic pawed at her as leathery wings stretched behind her, their sound a dry rasp. Desperation clawed at her. Escape!

Through blurry vision, she spotted a silver of light flickering through a crack in the cavern walls. With a surge of determination, she launched herself towards the crack, the dark essence closing in behind her, her monstrous form a blue against the oppressive darkness.

What greeted her, was not the demonic darkness she had expected. 

The sky was clear and blue, now she was standing on a grassland. The fresh green grass still had morning dew and when the breeze blew, the grassland swayed like waves.

But what was most peculiar to her, were the pair of white rabbits doing... something, before her.


Giant rabbits!


Doing what their species was famous for.