
Journey of the Fateless

Join the journey of a fateless, as he roams new world, falls in love, challenges gods with his fate system. It will be total AU. So plot might not follow the canon.

Child_of_Fate_9204 · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Chapter 1 <REMAKE>

Chapter 1 

By: Child of Fate


A small white shining ball was floating in endless darkness.

It couldn't see, hear, speak nor feel anything in that darkness which spread between a thin line of life and death. 

But it could think. 

The soul wisp is floating in the realm of Limbo, where most of the souls go after death and continue their journey towards the afterlife. 

But this male soul wisp didn't drown in this realm. Even though he was not able to retain the memories of his life before his death, he was still able to retain his thought process.

He felt a little familiar with this place and soon he also started to feel warmth instead of coldness which could erase his personality after erasing his memories. 

But he felt that if he relaxed in this warmth he would regret it a lot in the future even though he won't remember the things he experienced in this place.

So he struggled. Struggled to live and survive. He didn't know why he wanted to struggle and not soothe in the warmth provided by this place. But something deep inside him tells him that he was doing the right thing.

Just like that, he was rewarded for his previous struggle in this hellish place. 

< Do you wish to integrate with the memories of your previous lives? > 

< Yes > < No >

He didn't know what to do. One answer will lead him to a journey through which he had already experienced 7 times. While the other answer felt like an unknown path whose destination is set in a place that nobody has reached before. 

But he didn't choose anything. He just waited for something to happen and just like his patience was rewarded. 

< Due to the host not responding to any answer, the Fate System had decided to shut down temporarily while releasing the A.I.s under its jurisdiction according to the protocol F.A.T.E.L.E.S.S. and will wait for the further instructions of the host. > 

And soon enough with a small bam memories started to flood through his soul. 



Where am I?

Is this the place where one should be after their death?

I know I died. But why can't I remember how and why? 

I have memories of things I did on Earth. But I couldn't remember any personal things about myself except my first name Noah. 

And even if I ignore those all things, what will happen to me after now?

{ You will reincarnate. Just like how you were reincarnated for your previous lives.}

Is it normal to hear a voice in the head after a person goes insane?

[ No, it is not normal. And Ben, don't scare him by suddenly answering him. ]

{ Then what should I have done? Keep quiet and watch how our creator goes insane. }

Hold up. What did you just say? 

[ Okay, then how about this we both start introducing ourselves first. ]

Hey. What about my question? Am I … your creator? No, wait first thing, who are you both? And why are you both … in my mind or soul?

{ I'm Ben. And yes, you gave birth to us. }


First thing. What the fuc-

[ Don't mislead him, Ben! And sorry for that, it's just after getting free after a long time Ben wanted to bitch a little. ]

{ Hey! It was not ' a long time '. It was after forever. You just know how much time we were caged like that. }

[ Okay now don't complain like a child and try to remember who's suffering was greater ours or his? ]


[ Sorry for my late introduction, I'm Lily. ]

I am or was Noah. So to my previous questions -

[ Ben and I are Artificial Intelligence, created by you to help you in your journey. ]


{ Yes. Journey to take revenge. And that was your goal for your previous lives. }

So the memories I have are currently of…?

[ Those memories are of your first life. The life you lived as a normal person on Earth. But after going through uncountable numbers of reincarnations, the main parts or the personal part of your memories got faded and what remains are just the experiences of things you did while you lived. ]

Revenge huh? 

Nah, let it be. I don't care about it. If I don't have those memories currently it only means that my previous self thought that drowning in revenge is wasteful and it is better to start anew. 

{ It is good that you stopped pursuing that path. I'm tired to death just watching how you failed to complete your revenge infinitely. }

So what now? I mean what should I do? Or is there anything interesting left for me to do?

[ Well you have two choices for now. Either reborn on Earth with your memories or try to become a God in the Void. ]

Shouldn't you at least provide me with a brief explanation or do you both want to figure it out by myself?

{ Hahaha. I think this Noah is better than the previous edgy one. I just can't count how many times I died due to cringing as I had helped you in your previous journeys. }

Cough. I think it is better to remain in the past. So Lily, is there anything special about the planet Earth? 

[ The Earth which you know or the memories you have is also known as the Origin. The center of all the universes. The place from which an infinite number of universes were formed together to form Void. ]

Void. But how are these universes formed then?

{ Half of the universes which are currently in the Void, were formed by the power of faith and dreams from the people living in Origin. While the remaining half is the alternate universes of one universe. }

Multiverse. And if everything is put together then there are also Gods or beings above the universe level, right? 

[ It feels good to know that you are still calm in this situation. I thought you'd go crazy after listening due to your limited amount of memories. And to your question, yes, there are beings who can easily crush universes with a blink of an eye. ]

Oh, Lily, I can bet that half the universes filled in Void are just born from the powers of the readers. But tell me, what do these beings do mostly or how do I don't die in this Void?

{ Heh. Tell me, Noah, how do you avoid being evaporated by a nuke? }

….. Of course. By becoming a nuke. 

{ Hahahaha! I'm telling you, Lily, this boy is going to blast the whole Void. }

[ …Sigh why am I surrounded by crazies? ]

I don't know if it is possible or not in this form, but I want to give you a deadpan look. Did you think I wouldn't notice your yandere tendencies just because I can't see you?

[ … How did you know? ]

Well, I don't know. But I think it was like my …instincts which warned or told me that you are dangerous. And my guess was correct.

{ Should I tell him how many crazy yandere girls were behind him which he ignored due to his revenge in his previous lives? }

No, let it be. I don't think they can find me after I died and reincarnated countless times.

[ *whispers* Only if you know how crazy those girls were for you. ]

Hmm, were you saying anything?

[ No nothing. Let's continue our previous conversation. ]

What are the conditions to become a God? Wait, let me guess by conquering different universes one can become a God right?

[ Yes, you are right. But the problem is, that not anyone can enter a universe and conquer it easily. First, you need backing from a God, and second, you need to complete a mission, hard or simple given by the Universe's Will of the universe which you want to conquer. ]

The backing of a God and a mission from the Universe's Will (UW). Interesting.

{ Becoming a God is dependent on the no. of universes one conquered, the minimum requirement is 9, while the 1st universe is known as the Home Universe. After becoming a God it is harder to conquer more universes. }

Something is not adding up. If it takes a person to become a God just by conquering 9 Universes, then how is it decided who is strong and weak? 

[ To defeat or kill a God you might need to have more universes conquered than your opponent God or have skills that are strong and are of higher rank than your opponent. ]

….And the easiest way to rank up your skills is by…

{ Conquering universes in less than 10 years. Don't tell me you are thinking of -}

No, I am not thinking of revenge. I want to live this life filled with happiness and joy, which is an impossible thing until I become strong enough to one hit kill Gods. 


{... As expected of our creator he is crazier than us. }

Let's do things one by one. I need a God's backing or in other words to become his/her entertainment right?

{ I think that the previous Noah who is only thinking of revenge is less scary than the current one, right Lily? }

[ You noticed too late Ben. I had already warned you before. ]

Well, it is too late to regret it now. After all, we all three are in the same boat, right…?
