
Journey in the Douluo Dalu world as an OP character

Disclaimer: I only own O.C. This is a douluo dalu fanfic. MC will not kill just everyone without a very good reason. Warning : NO HAREM!!!! MC will be a true believer of GENDER EQUALITY. This is my 1st fanfic and english is not my 1st language. Release Rate: Whenever I get time.

ProfJoyBoy · Ação
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84 Chs

Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament part 12

Huo Wu was very beautiful, her build somewhat like Xiao Wu, only somewhat more mature than Xiao Wu. Deep red waves of long hair hanging to her waist, a fair face with exquisite facial features, a pair of big eyes faintly flickering with silvery light. Tang San believed that If the most beautiful women in the tournament were lined up, she would definitely be in the top five.

If others looked at her, Huo Wu would definitely think it was out of admiration. However, as her gaze met Tang San's, she saw his gaze was still brimming with confidence and stubbornness. Tang San's lips moved, and even though he didn't make a sound, Huo Wu could still vaguely make out what he was saying.

"You're too naive."

Although she was surprised, she didn't stop her Defying Flame Ring which went towards JoyBoy.

Grandmaster had always observed the other team's matches, so how couldn't the other teams also have paid attention to Shrek Academy's ten successive victories?

After analyzing the Shrek Academy battles, her team believed that JoyBoy was the second most dangerous member after Tang San because in every battle he participated, he always fought two opponents. Although he only fought two Spirit Elders every battle, he never used his spirit rings. If not for Tang San having a Ten thousand year old spirit ring as his fourth ring, they would have put JoyBoy as the most dangerous member of Shrek Academy team because of the lack of information regarding his abilities.

Huo Wu believed that her team had took everything into consideration while making strategy for today's battle and believed that as long as she separates JoyBoy from Tang San, her team will be able to take care of Tang San easily and then the rest of the battle will go smoothly for them.

With this in mind, she looked at JoyBoy who had close his eyes since the start of the battle and just standing there doing nothing. She didn't believe for a moment that he was looking down on them and instead thought that it was some kind of trap for her team.

She sent her Flame Defying Ring near JoyBoy and activated its ability to eject JoyBoy away from Tang San. But, the next moment, when she saw that her Defying Flame Ring didn't affect JoyBoy, this shocked not only her but also her team members, since they knew just how powerful this ability of hers was. Even her brother Huo Wushuang, who was known in the qualifiers to be the most powerful head-on wasn't unaffected by her ability, but JoyBoy was.

The four people who were attacking Tang San halted for a moment because of their shock and Huo Wushuang quickly looked towards his sister Huo Wu who was looking a little unsure and gave her a look which meant try again. After that, he nodded at his other three teammates and the four directly activated their third spirit ring and attacked towards Tang San. They didn't worry about JoyBoy since they had trust in Huo Wu and believed that JoyBoy was only unaffected by her Defying Flame Ring because of some fluke.

Meanwhile, JoyBoy was having difficulty controlling his martial spirit whose battle hunger had increased to a point where it almost overcame his mind, especially because of the 'Eject' effect of the Defying Flame Ring of Huo Wu which although didn't affect him because of his endurance boost, but still greatly irritated him. The only reason he was able to barely hold on and not show any expression on his face was due to the meditation he has been doing all this time to control his mental faculties.

Unfortunately his endeavor failed the next moment when Huo Wu used her Defying Flame Ring on him once more, to eject him away from Tang San so that her team members could quickly defeat him. This was the straw that broke the camel's back. Although he wasn't affected by it physically because of endurance boost, his trans like state was broken causing his control over his martial spirit to collapse.

Because of Huo Wu's action, his mind was in shambles and this caused him to be affected by Power Gem's hunger for battle and even he felt angry at being attacked when he wasn't doing anything and only standing. But the next moment, he calmed himself by reasoning that he was in the middle of a team battle and anyone would be attacked if he or she just stood in a place with his or her eyes closed.

After that he tried to calm his martial spirit, but failed to do so. Instead he felt like he was given an ultimatum by his martial spirit that he had to participate in the battle. At first, he didn't take it seriously and tried to calm it since it was his martial spirit, but the next moment he was shocked when he felt that his activated boosts had suddenly deactivated and he felt a change in his martial spirit.

The next moment, he opened his eyes and saw Tang San pushing the Fire Leopard Spirit Master in the path of his other three comrade's attacks. When he noticed that everyone present including Huo Wu was shocked by Tang San's Ghost Shadow Perplexing Step and was focused on his battle, he quickly checked his martial spirit, albeit sneakily, making sure that no one was watching him.

His brows furrowed when he saw that his martial spirit had undergone a change. Instead of an illusionary smooth red gem, what he saw was an illusionary rough purple stone.

Power Stone! That was the only thought in his mind before he quickly hid his martial spirit and checked its information from his memories.

The Power Stone embodies the universal aspect of Power. It can be seen as a sort of dial, a control unit for any and all of the power and energy present within the universe; as such, it provides its wielder access to all of the energy and power present in the universe to infinite levels. This can be applied in a number of different ways.

Once the Power Gem became the Power Stone, it seemingly lost its controlled quality and became highly unstable. Therefore, anyone that attempts to access its power suffers the risk of being overwhelmed and obliterated by this power. When its user is destroyed, the stone is temporarily "left open," allowing its devastating energy to be released into the area around it and potentially causing severe destruction. Lesser beings, such as humans, would be quickly killed and destroyed by this power, simultaneously releasing a series of energy blasts in all directions before finally exploding in a single, powerfully devastating explosion.

If not for him trying to calm down and controlling his emotions, he would have an ugly face right now. The part about 'loss of controlled quality and becoming highly unstable' made him worry greatly and he quickly checked his spirit ring abilities.

1. Super Strength: The Power Stone can increase its user's strength to great levels, enabling them to lift heavy objects, crush or smash items, and overpower physical forces with ease. It can increase this strength to potentially infinite levels, allowing the user to dominate any opponent, object, or force no matter how strong they are.

2. Super Stamina: The Power Stone can increase its user's stamina to great levels, enabling them to last extensive periods of continuous extenuating physical activity. Users can run, jump, lift, fight, and perform any other action indefinitely as long as they continue to tap into the energy of the Power Stone; therefore, they can outlast virtually any opponent, machine, or force through any exercise, fight, race, or any other action requiring the expenditure of energy.

3. Super Durability: The Power Stone can increase its user's durability to great levels, enabling them to withstand any physical or energy attack made on them. Users can tap into the Power Stone's energy to augment their endurance to infinite levels, therefore making it impossible for them to take any damage from things such as physical blows, beams of energy, projectiles, explosions, melee weapons, crashes, great falls, or huge objects falling on them.

4. Energy generation: The Power Stone can draw on the energy present in the universe from any form (heat, light, elastic, sonic, gravitational, kinetic, cosmic, etc) and access it at will, perceived as the stone generating that energy for its wielder to use. This can be used to power machines, boost the effects of other items or artifacts (including the other Infinity Stones), overload items or structures with energy to cause them to collapse or explode, augment other beings with power, or augment the powers of the wielder. The generation of energy is not limited to coming straight from the stone, and can be targeted to be generated from any item or being the user wishes, enabling the user to cause opponents to explode from an overload of power, cause a celestial body to generate tremendous amounts of gravity, or cause a device to suddenly send out large amounts of sound.

5. Energy projection: The Power Stone can project the energy contained within it in any form at the user's will. This enables the user to cast blasts of energy at targets, unleash concentrated beams, fire off shaped charges of energy like bullets or missiles any number at once any amount of times repeatedly, or release explosions of power to affect anything around them.

Since the Power Stone was illusionary, the maximum limit of amplification at present was the same as the present age of his spirit rings which was thirty five thousand years.

After checking the information about the Power Stone from his memories and checking his new spirit ring abilities, he was really scared in his mind. This was a clear downgrade from Power Gem. Luckily this was just a temporary situation as this was a warning from his martial spirit. All he had to do was participate in the battle and defeat/bully his opponents which greatly irritated him since what he had to do next might end up putting him on the Spirit Hall's hit list.

Feeling frustrated, he slowly closed his eyes, gently messaged his forehead and thought

"Fine! Fine! Since they were kind enough to make a move against me and drag me into this situation, it would be rude of me to not pay them back in full by absolutely crushing them.

You wanted me to fight them and now I am going to crush them. I hope that makes you happy. Get ready."

He sent the last thoughts to his martial spirit and felt that it was satisfied and somewhat gleeful? That confused him a little but he quickly calmed himself and slowly opened his eyes which now had a purple glow in them.

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