
Journey in Shokugeki no Soma world

Well this is my first ever writing so lets see how it turns out. First of all, if you have come here for plot, details, perfect pacing, character development, background story, etc. please don't read. It is only wish fulfilment, so if you have come here to find things to be in systematic order, don't read it. A boy fan of cooking and with his dream of attending totsuki by watching anime, had a rough life full of betrayal and guilt. Now he will, embark on journey by gaining a system in the shokugeki no soma world, as the god of cooking admire him for his passion in cooking. I don't own any of characters or the cover page

Ayanokoji_Kiyopon · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Chapter 6-Erina and test

On arriving at the academy he saw the large place where the words were written TOTSUKI CULINARY ACADEMY. Seeing it he grinned widely and walked towards the academy.

Rindo said while blushing looking adorable, "Arima-kun i am going into the academy and i hope y-you will pass the e-exam and climb up q-quickly."

Seeing her blushing he felt the urge to just hug and cuddle her right now but somehow controlled himself and then said while grinning, "Be ready to be my first wife Rindo-san hehehe...."

After hearing it she became red and ran from there as fast as she could like a little bunny who is marked by the hunter to hunt its prey.

{A/N: Somehow its correct i guess heheh....}

Seeing her run he just helplessly shook his head and then braced himself and started moving forward, he was looking here and there and noticed many students but was not able to find any anime character and also it was looking like that some senior students were bullying newcomers.

He then realized that how different is this world as it has increased rate of bullying, robbing, blackmailing, pain in the ass rich masters, etc.

The people around were suprised to look at him the girls were just drooling at him and some loose ones tried to act flirty with him but he just ignored her.

A boy looked at him as he was ignoring the girls and thought that he might like boys so he decided to make a move at him and he said while leaning closer to him and smelling his scent, "Hey handsome dude want to have some fun." and then he licked his lips seductively at him.

Seeing him arima got chills through his spine and ran with all his speed towards the exam venue, he was truly terrified and felt it was his second time he was truly scared.

[hehehe.. host i was also truly scared, its good that atleast you are a straight man hohoho....]

Veins popped from his head when he heard his system, but he just shook his head while ignoring it and went to take the exam.

He arrived at the place and there were atleast 50 candidates to take the exam and he was waiting for the examiner, and soma was not here.

Then suddenly two beautiful women came at the center one had purple-pinkish eyes and long honey blonde hair that flows just above her lower back. Her side bangs partially crossing her cheeks and go down all the way to her neck and back, looking extremely beautiful, yes she was the one and only ERINA NAKIRI.

And the other one had short pink hair with bangs that reach to the length of her chin, her hair had a rounder appearance, although she paled in front of erina but she was aslo quite a beauty.

Arima was excited to meet another two waif*cough* beautiful girls from anime.

Erina looked at the crowd swiftly but her eyes stopped at arima and arima noticing her gaze looked directly into her eyes, he smiled and winked at her, seeing him winking at her she became embarrased and blushed.

She noticed that he was the most handsome person she has ever seen. She was from very rich family so she had regularly looked at handsome men but they all paled miles before this young man.

But she also know that how vile were those handsome men and with no skills of their own but just depending on their family background, so she didn't even bat an eye towards any of them as she had received numerous marriage proposals but she directly refused them without a single thought.

Then moving ahead of his gaze she said with emotionless face, "I am Erina Nakiri and i am here to be examiner for the admission test."

All the girls gasped at the introduction as they all know the famous god tongue inheritor erina nakiri one of the elite ten, and her famous strictness when it came to cooking.

Well boys did not gasped because they were in daze seeing erina as she was very beautiful and sexy but hearing the girls gasping they came out of their own worlds and also shuddered as they have heard rumors that she was extra strict with boys.

Well there was one boy with nonchalant expression as he did not care who was she, and that was arima but then a sound came

[Hehehe...host erinaaaa...chan is here, she is a must host, you have to make her yours or else i will watch the whole night with your girls hehe...arghhhhhh...sorryyy....aghhh]


[No please sorry brother, leave my daughter alone she is just 6]

Then they began talking with each other and arima facepalmed himself and asked about status of erina.

{Erina Nakiri-13 years






He was not surprised by her status as he knew she must have higher exp, and her god tongue is natural.

Then he heard erina, "All you have to make a dish and i will examine it, you will have 2 hours and your time starts now..."

Then they all heard a banging on door and a young boy came with yellow eyes and a vertical scar on his left eyebrow and spiky dark-red hair with short bangs, he was huffing continuously and then said, "yo, i am soma yukihira but i was lost on the way."

Erina became irritated at him and said, "You can ask anyone here what to do and your time starts now"

All the candidates started making dishes, and arima also took out his knife which made all the attention of people towards him automatically and then his entire aura changed, his concentration level rose tremendously.

He started cutting vegetables at the speed of lightning which cannot be seen by naked eyes and all the people gasped at his skills, erina and soma became suprised as they never thought that this guy with such good looks can actually cook this good.

Arima put all the ingredients, put the container on stove heated it, calculated everything and also made dish with emotion of desire and admiration towards erina.

After completing the dish he analyzed it



arima nodded his head in approval and then looked towards soma and analyzed his dish



Then it was the time for examination all the people examined their dishes by erina and not a single one passed, then it came to soma, tasting the dish erina became surprised and said that he passed the test.

And then my turn came, i went towards the table and put the dish on the table.

While erina was outside calm but inside she was full of anticipation as she was surprised by this boy's looks and skills, she unknowingly found herself attracted towards this boy which surprised her as she never felt like this with any other boy.

While she was having her internal struggle arima opened the lids and the whole room went silent for moment as it was bathed in aroma which made all drool, soma became very surprised and he thought, 'this boy is very dangerous both in looks and skills'

Smelling the aroma erina came out of her reverie and tasted the dish which made her mind blank

*And she found herself between flowers lying there and roses were falling from the sky and arima descended to her and came closer to her knelt down and said, "Will you give me a chance to pursue you erina"*

While she was in her own world and listening to the question she said while blushing, "y-yes"

And then she snapped out of it and blushed deeply at what she has said and then looked to arima who was grinning widely and winking at her then she recovered herself somewhat and said while sttuturing,

"W-who are y-you w-winking at hmpph"

Hisako herself were in her own world all this time as she was simply shocked by his looks which was simply too much for her heart, and after seeing the skills and the level of cooking of his she decided to pursue him if his personality is somewhat manageable.

Hearing erina he smiled widely and simply said while leaning to her and moving his head towards her ear, "at you and you wait i will make you mine erina-chan"

he then said towards looking at hisako "And also miss secretary, you also taste my dish and brace yourself because i am coming hahaha...."

Erina and Hisako both blushed madly, erina remained silent and did not refute his words while hisako was having butterflies in her stomach and then she tasted the dish and experienced the same torment at her lonely heart as erina and also shouted, "YES!"

hearing the shout arima laughed loudly and moved towards erina, lowered himself and said while looking directly into her purple eyes, "So, erina-chan am i passed"

Looking into his sapphire eyes she felt her soul encaptured in the endless void which made her breath irregularly and then she said, "Y-yes you a-are p-passed and now be ready for speech ceremony." and then she ran with hisako while both blushing deeply.

{A/N: So, yeah now three targets are down guys}

Soma was feeling jealous at his open flirting with beautiful girls and wanted to punch him in his face but he couldn't and he just stomped his feet and walked away while glaring at him.

Arima felt his glare and was startled because in anime soma just cared for cooking and nothing else but now it seems like this is not the same soma.

He then just shrugged his shoulders, put his hand in pockets and went towards the stage with a light smile on his face

As Arima came on the stage everyone became silent and then.....

{A/N: Ok next time will be the speech hehehe....}


{So, how was it, by one arrow i shot down two birds muhahaha....}

Hey guys i have started a discord server, well i don't know much about discord as it is my first time using so if you like you can join it by the link


Ayanokoji_Kiyoponcreators' thoughts