
Journey from Fairy Tail (Fairy Tail)

Fairy Tail Journey from Fairy Tail

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
385 Chs

Chapter 241

Chapter 237 Rebellion Of Celestial Spirit?

A week has passed since the banquet, and everyone returned to their respective jobs.

"I'm so tired! 35

Li Xiangyang was lying on the table and said to Mila in front of him.

"Thanks for your hard work!"

Mila gently massaged Li Xiangyang's head.

"How can there be a designated dispatch for the current mission!"

Li Xiangyang complained.

In seven years, all kinds of things have changed, and now there is a designated mission.

As the winner of the Great Demon Fight, most of the work is assigned to dispatch the winning team members.

"But the reward for the task is not very rich, is it? 35

Mira smiled softly.

Li Xiangyang did not deny it, because Li Xiangyang's strength is very strong, so it is basically a crusade task, and the reward is also very rich.

This made Li Xiangyang's small treasury full again.

"Finally back!"

Lucy also came to the counter at this time, complaining.

"How's it going, Lucy, are the Celestial Spirits satisfied?""

Mira seemed to know what Lucy had done, and was dissatisfied with the results.

"Celestial Spirits are all satisfied, just too tired!

Lucy complained.

"Lucy, why did you go?"

Li Xiangyang didn't understand what Mila and Lucy were talking about, what they were dissatisfied with.

"Ah, Brother Xiangyang, I was because of the Eclipse Gate, and they helped me, so I went to a place with a very good view and asked about their wishes. 99

"Me and Yukino really worked so hard!"

Looking at Lucy's complaints, Li Xiangyang could also understand the weird characters of Celestial Spirit.

Although with the strengthening of Lucy's strength, the Celestial Spirits gradually showed their strengths, but each Celestial Spirit is a problem child.

Is it possible to be a problem child as long as it is Celestial Spirit?

"Should I be glad that this world is not the world of Hakoniwa"~!"

After all, in Li Xiangyang's memory, the problem children in Hakoniwa are also Celestial Spirit, but in a different form.

"But the weather is really fickle right now!

Lucy looked at the weather outside, it was raining again now.

The town of Magnolia is not bad, it has been raining in some places, and drought in some places.

Most of the mages in the guild basically went to places where they could use their magic.

"Lucy, what are you going to do now, is it a mission?"

Mira asked.

"Wow~ Sister Mila, I'm going to take a day off to do the task, I'm just too tired!"

Lucy said to Mira.

"Really, if you do the task, this is more suitable for you!"

Mira took out a task list.

The content of the task list is that you need the help of the Celestial Spirit wizard, and the strange weather and natural disasters may be caused by abnormal celestial bodies.

"Wow! This mission is just right for me and Yukino!

"Thank you, Mila!""

Lucy saw that the reward for the task was very rich, and only Celestial Spirit mages could do it, and no one robbed her of this task.

Lucy is very happy.

Then I went back to the villa and slept at the end, but before going to bed, after saying hello to Yukino, I did this task after the rest.

Early the next morning, Lucy called Yukino and Li Xiangyang to the location of the mission.

"You two can go to the rescue, why call me!"

Li Xiangyang said with a breath.

"Just in case! Brother Xiangyang!

"If we two weak women hadn't grabbed the keys, we wouldn't have been able to fight the bad guys!"

Lucy shook Li Xiangyang's arm and said coquettishly.

"Okay! I'll help you!"

Li Xiangyang can't help it, no one can resist the beautiful girl's coquetry.

Aside but Yukino's face was very red.

"Ah! Is this the village of Sibels?"

Lucy brought Li Xiangyang and Yukino to a beach, Lucy looked at the map and thought.

At this moment, a large slug appeared and bit Li Xiangyang's place.

Yukino and Lucy turned and ran, but Li Xiangyang didn't move.

An eight-pole collapse knocked the giant slug out.

"I said what are you running for, isn't there me!

Li Xiangyang shouted at Lucy and Yukino.

Yukino and Lucy came over embarrassedly.

"Just be prepared!

"Looks like we've entered slug territory!"

As Li Xiangyang finished speaking, one, two, three… ten slugs appeared.

"Don't worry, leave it to me! 99

Lucy saw that Li Xiangyang had guaranteed himself, so he decided to use his magic.

"Open it, the door of Aquarius – Aquarius!

Lucy put the key in the water and tried to summon Aquarius, but he didn't come out for a long time.

"Ah! What's going on!"

Lucy's eyes widened, not knowing why he didn't respond.

"Open it, Libra's door – Libra!"

Yukino also unlocked his Celestial Spirit key, but still did not respond.

Lucy then experimented with the rest of the golden keys, but none of them responded.

"Looks like I have to come."

Seeing this, Li Xiangyang had no choice but to do it himself.

Li Xiangyang rushed forward quickly and eliminated all the slugs.

"What exactly is going on!"

"Right, let's turn it on!"

"The Door to the Southern Cross – Crux! 33

The old man Crux appeared, but his state was a little wrong. He had wounds all over his body and was very weak.

"Lord Lucy, something big has happened in the Celestial Spirit world!"

Crux said to Lucy.

"Lord Lucy, what should we do!"

"If this goes on like this, the Celestial Spirit world and the human world will be…"

Before he could finish speaking, a pink magic lit up around Lucy.

Li Xiangyang immediately took Lucy and Yukino aside.

The moment Li Xiangyang left, countless potholes appeared in the place just now.

"That's it!

"Talking children must be punished!

Crux is entangled in the big river of stars, and the owner of this big river is a guy with pink hair.

"No way!

Both Lucy and Yukino couldn't believe it.


Lucy said.

The aggressive woman in front of her is the Celestial Spirit Virgo of Virgo.