
Journey For Sol

A princess who was torn from her position, a lonely girl who had no aspirations, an author trying to find every story she can and a tinkerer who was cast away from his family. This four who were unlikely to meet were tied in fate by a prophecy an Archwitch received, a prophecy set to change the very balance of the world. Can these people who fit outside of the walls of society come together to guide the world into a new future?

Ramon_Poppy · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

You're Gonna Walk These Roads

Set the precedent you want others to follow in the future, that is the best way to ensure cultural change for generations to come. -Haidon Hipp, Journal of a Thousand Journeys.


The morning was beautiful, the sun shined down upon the city bringing new life to the day. The bustling was full of laughter, gossip, and bartering. It felt good to be a part of the city then view it from a castle cut off from reality.

Cleo talked with a stride while I walked to the side with a skip, trying to keep up with her. "From now on your days will consist of mainly your Second Lady duties in the morning and noon, with some breaks, and free time in the afternoon. Later at night instead of sleeping, you will meditate in the church with the Goddess."

"What do my duties consist of?" I asked.

"Your duties may seem quite trivial but it mainly just serves the community around us, of course, you are still growing and have a life so in a month or so you will be registered with the Academy and you will go to school there." Cleo took great lengths to make sure I lived a proper childhood, which at the time I didn't know how to appreciate. She grabbed my hand and we continued to go downtown.

Arriving downtown Cleo led me down an alley, "If you want good deals this is the place to go," she winked at me. In the alley, there were fewer people but still many were coming in and out of little shops snuggled in between the two buildings. Barely wide enough for two people we squeezed our way through until we stopped at a small shop.

Inside I could hear the sounds of sewing, sounds of needles and fabric being cut. Cleo approached the door and knocked twice, the sounds stopped, "Cleo?" A voice rang from inside.

"Yes, it is me, Adonis!" Cleo said.

The wooded door swung open, "Ahh my friend!" She spoke with a slight accent of someone from the northeastern region of the continent. They say the best wool could be found there. Adonis hugged Cleo and noticed me behind her, "Who is this young lady?" She looked at me with fascination.

Before Cleo could speak for me I interjected, "My name is Andromeda Eleusis, a refugee from Gorgonia." I smiled with sincerity.

Cleo surprised that I answered for myself smiled with joy, "She arrived yesterday morning, I have taken her in as the Second Lady."

Adonis immediately understand she ushered us into the small shop, "Yes, yes come in in my loves, walk down the isles to find any clothes that you need." After that, she went back to sewing and making clothes.

I into one of the 3 isles, they were long and could not fit many people, the clothes were grouped up into big bunches. As I walked the floorboards squeaked below me. The clothes were all plain and did not have any patterns or decorations. 'Ah, this is not a store for the public but for other clothing stores to buy and make into their own.'

After taking note of that I began to inspect the clothes for their quality, and type of fabric. I then looked to see how easily I could add my own flair to them if I so chose to. I browsed and browsed, through shorts, skirts, pants, dresses, long sleeves. I finally came back to the front with one casual dress that was red-brown, pants, basic undershirts, some overshirts, and garments to top it off.

Cleo inspected my haul-- after a minute she was satisfied with what I brought to her and went to Adonis. Adonis carefully went through the items denoting their worth on a chalkboard, "You have good taste young lady, these are some of my best designs. Would you like me to show you to a talented seamstress if you want to add to them?"

"No worries, I will have a go at it myself!" I said flexing my fingers.

She smiled back at me, "I look forward to seeing what you do!"

We left the shop and went back to the church, on the way there I asked, "When does Demeter come to the church?"

"Hmmmm... She comes later in the evening, she has school and work for most of the day and week and can only volunteer in the evening 4 times a week," Cleo explained.

"Demeter is really busy! Why does she volunteer if she has no time?"

"Well, she has to for the Academy, any child in an academy must volunteer at their local church."

I sighed, "I guess she wouldn't do it if she didn't have to, I can relate to that." Cleo flicked me, "Oww what was that for?"

"You should not guess someone's motives with limited information," Cleo tried to teach me, "While it is true she has to volunteer at the church and many children dread that, she doesn't."

"How would you know that if she has to come?" I countered.

"Because you only have to volunteer once a week for an hour or two, she does 4 times a week and for multiple hours a day." Cleo smiled at me in victory.

I couldn't understand Demeter's motive for volunteering more than she had to, time is limited in this world why waste more than needed. Cleo sighed, "Perhaps you will understand in time."

Getting back to the church I changed into the new work clothes I got, did a few spins, and was happy with the look for now. I went to Cleo in the hall for my orders, Cleo was directing the other sisters around and noticed me, "Ah my dear you are just on time the sisters here were about to go to the blocks to help the elderly, you can join them."

Psyching myself up to suppress any annoyance I may feel, I was told to follow a sister called Chloris. Chloris was quiet as we walked to the block we are to check up on. She had straight brown hair tied up in a bun, while my hair was braided in the back as much as possible. We both wore simple clothes with a necklace signifying we were from the church.

"For the first house please just watch what I do and ask," Chloris broke the silence. Not wanting to embarrass myself, I agreed.

Chloris went to the first door and knocked, she explained that I was a new sister and would observe her for the time. I followed her and watched as she asked what needed to be done in the house. The owner was an old man whose wife died of dysentery a few years ago, he could barely walk himself. She replaced firewood, cleaned any dust, and in the end asked what food they may need to bring at the end of the day. She brought out a journal and wrote down anything the person may need.

After that Chloris confirmed with me my tasks, "Knock and tell them you are from the church and your name. Ask them what they need done in their house and if you may assist them with anything extra whether that be helping them around, or whatever might be in your power of doing." She paused to make sure I was following, I nodded. "Lastly, clean the dust, we found that dust causes attacks in the elderly so churches are ordered to clean as much they can from the city government. At the end ask what extra food they may need when we come by in the evening."

"Got it!" I bowed to her and went off to the next house, I knocked and an old woman came up to the door, "Hello! My name is Andromeda from the church!" I said with a smile.

What have you done for your community? Whether by choice or not ;p There may not be any magic now but in the future there will be -_^

Ramon_Poppycreators' thoughts