
Journey For Sol

A princess who was torn from her position, a lonely girl who had no aspirations, an author trying to find every story she can and a tinkerer who was cast away from his family. This four who were unlikely to meet were tied in fate by a prophecy an Archwitch received, a prophecy set to change the very balance of the world. Can these people who fit outside of the walls of society come together to guide the world into a new future?

Ramon_Poppy · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

The Theory of Everything

No one knows why the gods gave us all this power, some say the legend dates back to Sol and her march tearing Namm away from Leona, some say it goes back further. What I want to know is how to teach the world this power, to control this power, for if we don't we could end up killing ourselves faster than before. -Archii Cern, Journal of a Thousand Journeys


It was early in the morning and the time of year was transitioning from fall to winter. The trees lost all their leaves only a few leaves remained hanging on to the tree. A leaf finally snapped off and twirled its way down. I stretched out my hand and felt the energy of the falling leaf, I guided it as it fell. With the motion of my hands dancing with the leaf I guided it until it gently landed on the top of my head. I giggled at my own childishness.

After a while, the door to the side of the church opened and out came Andromeda in her new uniform. "How you liking the Warlock Cloak?" I said playfully.

She smiled at me, "They are very nice, I feel powerful." But then she frowned, "But won't people avoid me for being a Warlock?" She asked with concern.

I patted her shoulder, "Don't worry, I doubt anyone knows what your uniform stands for, nor will they care." I pulled her along towards the school, "They are all too busy worrying about themselves." After walking for a bit I asked, "What classes have you been enrolled in?"

She pulled out a paper from her bag, I went from behind and looked over her shoulder putting my chin on her. "Magic Theory Two, Basic Alchemy, Magic History and..... Warlock Designation?"

She nodded her head, "Warlock Designation is with Biznur, it takes up three classes basically." She put her paper away.

I looked at her, "Do you trust Biznur?"

She nodded, "Yes, not only because he saved me or because Cleo wants to change the narrative." She looked back at me, "It's because I know a bit about Biznur's past, he was a man who tried and failed to protect a country, but never gave up." She sped up a skipped along the path, "I want him to teach me how to move past failures."

I shrugged my shoulders, "As long as you trust him, I will trust him."

We walked into the East District, we passed the City Hall, the Northern Bank of Zeke, and the Military Defense of North Zeke. Many officials of both Gupta and Zeke were coming in and out from the Eastern District, a few flustered officials stormed out of a building by city hall and almost ran into us. In the area next to the wall lay the Academy, it took up the majority of the east district because many of the students came in outside of Gupta.

We entered the Academy so I asked Andromeda, "Do you know where your first class is?"

She shook her head.

"Let me check your sheet," I took her sheet and looked for the Music Theory Two's room. "It says 'Gromsk Hall, Lecture Room 204' which means you will be in the building all the way at the end of this road." I pointed to the road on our left, "And the first number of the room indicates that your room is on the second floor." I smiled at her.

Andromeda started to look nervous, "Will I be far behind in the class?"

I ruffed up her hair, "You're lucky the term just started two weeks ago, you have to opportunity to catch up fast."

I looked up at the clock tower in the middle of campus, "Oh shoot! My class is about to begin!" I ran off waving behind me, "See you in a few hours!"


I watched Demeter runoff, slightly amused by when she lets her guard down. I walk down the road she said to. The path led down through many buildings marked for research purposes, a small pond was also along the way, I saw a caretaker carefully pulling out any debris that made its way in.

My white cloak caught the light and my dark warlock coat underneath with the dark trousers together gave the aura of the warlock. Majestic and revered, but mysterious and feared. I saw the building I was meant to go to, 'Gromsk Hall'. It's two large doors open for the day and big hallways to let masses of students in and out.

Because it was morning many of the students were also coming in for the first classes of the day. I walked in without much attention, a few stares here and there, but nothing out of the ordinary for someone new. I made my way upstairs and found '204' second on the right. I made my way in and found only less than half the room filled, people were scattered around without any seating chart. I made my way to the first row, as Demeter told me to learn the most I should sit in the first row.

I pulled out my journal and as I did the Professor walked in, "Good morning to those who are early, we will get started here in a few as soon as more people arrive." He was in his middle ages and had white hair, the sign of an alchemist, he wore his cloak almost as a cape and it was a dark brown color. His clothes beneath gave him the air of an old alchemist who had been researching all his life, they were very formal had had wear to them.

"Excuse me, Professor," I tried to call out without raising my voice too loud.

The professor looked up, "Oh my, you must be my newest student!"

I smiled and nodded.

"Not to worry I brought the extra copies of formula sheets and assignments of the past two weeks, not too many for the start." He walked over to my desk, "And I should have someone sit with you to help you integrate." He looked around the room until he picked out a boy from the second row, "Weisly Gram, please if you don't mind come to sit up with our new student Andromeda."

Weisly stood up and bowed, "Yes Professor." He picked up his stuff and came to the seat next to me. He pulled out his hand for a shake, "Weisly Gram, pleasure."

I shook his hand, "Andromeda Eleusis, the pleasure is mine, thank you for your help in advance."

More and more people began to flood through the doors until the lecture hall was completely full. People around were chatting while they waited for the Professor to start class. 'Clap, Clap' The professor clapped to gain control of the room, "Now, now we must start right away today if we want to finish the first unit."

He started to right on the chalkboard on the table in from of him which appeared on the giant board behind him. 'Incredible!' I thought to myself, 'How far behind was Gorgonia?'

The students quieted down and the Professor began his lecture, "Let us begin right where we left off, the Theory of Everything and more specifically Gromskes' three principals." He wrote down as he talked, "Does anyone know those three principals?"

Weisly next to me raised his hand, "Flow, order, and chaos."

"Thank you, Mr. Gram," the Professor quickly jotted them down, "This is the basis of all magic theory going forward, whether you knew it or not in Magic Theory One and it whatever magic class you took, you were using these principals." He looked around the room to make sure we were all taking notes, "Does anyone want to describe one of these principals?"

A girl in the third row raised her hand, "Flow is the path of magic, anytime we cast a spell magic is created."

"Verrrrryyyy Good, Kelos," He wrote down what she said, "There is still more to it though but we will get there. Who else?"

A boy in the back raised his hand, "Order is the act of all objects acting to the will of the world, for example, a rock falling down a mountain or a river carving a path through the rocks."

"What an active class we have this semester," he wrote down what he said, "Any volunteers for the last one?"

I raised my hand, "Chaos is life magic, for life was born out of chaos, chaos would be when a mage channels lightning, a dragon breaths unleash a torrent of flames down on a city. Anything that would put chaos into the world, external magic not of the world."

"Thank you Andromeda!" He wrote down what I said, "This is a good time for me to add that Andromeda Eleusis here will be joining the Academy, If you find that she is lost please help her!"

"Now!" He picked up a feather and let it twirl in the wind, "Watch as I guide this feather without expending any of my magic." He brought out his hand with two fingers and started twirling them. Soon the feather started to follow the path he was creating. He guided the weather along the room until it reached a girl near the back and he dropped it on her desk. "This is using the Principle of flow to our advantage, we can guide the flow through our own body altering the path of other objects or simply put altering the order of objects. This is not usually as powerful as say, expending our own magic, but as I said earlier when Kelos answered Flow is not just the magic created by living creatures or Chaos magic, but it's also Order magic. Order magic is created whenever the will of the world moves an object, a rock falling down a cliff, a rover cutting its path. So if we can alter that magic, whose to say we can't alter magic created by another mage?" He smiled and lifted his eyebrows as if saying 'Huhhhh? Impressive.' Everyone's eyes in the room began to light up at that possibility. I remembered Demeter teaching me the basics of this theory to me in order to progress and control my own magic.

"Me being an Alchemist I use order magic to my advantage all the time. We constantly use the natural order properties of different resources to create serums and potions. Order is essentially the magic properties of a material." He jotted all of this down on the board. "Now are we ready to move on?"