
Your past is quite good Jing.

I gave her an awkward smile I didn't want to make friends After several weeks I was sitting all alone beside a basketball courtyard when suddenly the ball hit straight onto my head. I didn't know what to do there were several statements that came across my mind.

1: Pretend to faint.

2: Give them back the ball without any complaint.

3: Or Just pretend that nothing happened.

When suddenly a large shadow was over me and a high pitched voice came "Are you hurt" when I looked up. A boy with large shoulders and with a serious look was standing infront of me. "No" I replied. I stood up and walked towards the classes. Later after some days when my driver dropped me to the school while entering the gates I saw a huge crowd gathering beside a tree. I went straight to my classes.

During recess time Caria and her friends were talking about a photo. When everyone was out of the class and I checked the photograph that Caira and her friends were talking about.

In the photograph a boy was receiving a trophy on international quiz competition.

And then I was shocked to see a bouquet of flowers on my bench with a letter. When I opened it. In broad fonts it was written " Please be my girlfriend. I was about to faint when I saw the name Laing Lin. I went straight to one of my classmates who was fat had a terrible face an dropped the letter in her bag and kept the bouquet on her desk this was the

Now the day was coming when it was my mother's 5th death anniversary and my days were coming when I had nightmares like my mother wanted me to be careful and she was screaming that I should never trust any one even not my step mom and sis day by day my dreams became even more horrible Next month I was going to get admitted in Wang Zhou university of technology and science.

Perhaps I was going to take medical as per my mother's wish.

But terrible things were yet to come when my step mother announced my engagement I had no choice other than to accept as my father was on his business tour to UK.

During this I somehow sent a letter to my father because my step mom checked the phone recording I didn't want her to know about this so I asked my father to come back to Beijing tomorrow.

And it was fortune that my father was not busy there in UK when my father called up that he was coming tomorrow with a morning flight. And then my engagement was cancelled.

It was time to get admitted in University. And this is how I came to this University.

ãããāāāāā (yawning)

"Your past is quite interesting Jing." says Yao Tai.