
Meet Joseph Black

As he was shocked awake from his slumber, he sits up and looks around his room frantically. Everything is in order, and nothing is out of place. The bookshelf was still in the corner of the room with books laying disorderly. The desk is still by the window, with his crappy laptop and a coffee maker.

He shakes his head and gets rid of his brain fog, looking at the small clock next to his bed, he leaps out of it. Joe growls, "Shit! It's 8:30, I'm late for work!" John runs over to his closet; on the way he trips over a pair of jeans and slams his face right into the desk. Holding his nose and noticing the blood, Joe said, "Well, guess I got a good excuse for my boss."

Grabbing a shirt from the floor he wipes his nose, then he grabs his work uniform from the closet and bolts into the bathroom. After showering, Joe looks into the mirror and sees a handsome face hidden behind and unkempt bead. He had dark grey eyes that were had to notice, and medium length black hair. His chest is wonderfully chiseled, and his abs are easy to notice on his tanned skin. Joe then starts to get dressed in his uniform.

Five minutes later, Joe can be seen running out the door of his crummy apartment.

Almost falling down the stair as he rushes down them. Joe thought to himself, 'What the fuck is wrong with me? I don't usually have these problems.' Shaking his head slightly, he chalks it up to him still being hungover from the night before.

Finally making it to his motorcycle, a 1989 Yamaha V Star. He puts on his helmet, before sitting down and starting his bike. Speeding down the street he nimbly maneuvers around the cars in front of him. As he is approaching a stop sign, he blows right through it, barely managing to not get hit by a big ass truck that seemingly appeared out of nowhere.

Joe cusses, 'Damn, that was close." He continues his drive to work as multiple obstacles block his path, joe coming very close to dying many times. Parking next to the multiple new cars in the parking lot, Joe shuts off his bike and gets off. Ripping his helmet off and setting it on the handlebars, Joe starts running into the building, a huge sign over the entrance, "Hewitt's Total Repair".

Slowing down considerably as there are customers in the lobby, Joe walks into a backroom. He walks to a computer and begins to put in his login to clock on. Just as he finished a slimy and fat hand lands on his shoulder. Sighing, Joe turns around and looks down at the living pile of chocolate fudge. Peter Hewitt, his manager, also the son of the owner of this automotive repair shop.

Peter says in a weirdly high-pitched voice, "This is the 3 time this week Mr. Black. Anymore and you will be fired. I'll see to it personally."

Joe responds, "I understand".

Peter smirks and says, "I understand, Sir."

Joe grits his teeth and growls out, " Don't push it."

Peter slinks back before veins appear on his forehead. Just as he is about to blow his top, an old man comes over and pats Joe on the back. He says happily, "Goodmorning Mr. Black!"

Joe smiles at the old man and greets, "Good morning, Mr. Hewitt. How are you today?"

Mr. Hewitt replies, "Great, my back could be better..." Mr. Hewitt pauses before saying, " I believe you should be getting to work? There is a Prius on your lift that needs some serious work."

Joe nods and says, "Alright, I'll get right on that." Mr. Hewitt nods as he watches Joe leave the backroom. Joe thought, 'Hmm, he didn't say anything about the nose. I guess it wasn't that bad."

Joe walks down the hall as he listens to Peter try to argue with his dad. Mr. Hewitt quickly shutting him down. Joe walks into the bay area and starts to work on the Prius after looking at the work order. It takes Joe about two hours to finish all the work as he had to mount 4 new tires and front and rear brakes.

Joe pulls gets in the Prius and goes on a short test drive to burnish the brakes, then he parks it out front. As he was walking towards the building, he saw Peter speeding into the parking lot and parking in the spot next to his bike. Joe can see him smile maliciously as he shuts off the car and slams open his car door.

The door slammed right into his motorcycle, the motorcycle that Lydia had gifted him. Joe began to see red as he runs toward Peter and tackles him to the ground. Peter shouts in pain as Joe proceeds to slam his fists into the pudgy man's body. Peter was completely unable to resist as Joe's fist found their way to his vital points. The throat, nose, eyes, and stomach.

Coming to his senses and seeing the completely mangled face of Peter. Joe smiled devilishly, he stood up and looked around to see a somewhat large crown of people standing around him with their phones taking videos.

Joe picked up his motorcycle and started it before speeding out of the lot. As he arrived near his house, he saw multiple police cars waiting there for him. A younger looking cop saw him and shouts to his fellow officers. Joe continued to increase his speed as the police cars started to chase after him. As he increased his speed to the max, Joe thought about his life. He had gone through high school like any other normal person, but he knew that he was anything but normal.

Joe had always had a sadistic side that he hid from the world, this caused him to join the military as soon as he got his high school diploma. Joe was quickly deployed to many different parts of the world. His commanding officer often had to keep him in check as he would be quite brutal when dealing with the enemy.

Eventually he was forced to leave the military and was almost court marshalled. He avoided this because he had helped protect the country for three and a half years and had done a great service to his country. After the military, Joe was somewhat lost and decided to try and fight for a living. He joined an underground fighting ring and found a lovely woman.

Her name was Lydia, and she was not your average girl. She was a fighter and had beat many women who she was sent into the ring to fight. Lydia beat a young man during one of her fights and after the fight the punk and his friends decided to get revenge.

They dragged her to a small alley as she was walking home. They ripped her clothes off, she tried her best to fight them off but there were too many of them. Just as she was about to be penetrated. Joe happened to pass by the alley and was just going to ignore her situation. But he looked into her eyes and was swayed to help her. Running towards the men, he drops kicked the shit out of the one on top of Lydia.

The man was pushed to the side and his head slamming into the brick wall of the alley. Not letting the man's friends react, Joe kicked one of them in the throat before he spun around and punched another man in the nose. By this time the last man reacted and threw a punch at Joe, which was promptly dodged before Joe grabbed his wrist and it around his back. Joe twisted a little more and broke the guy's arm, producing a sickening, "CRACK". Joe dropped the guy on the ground as he screamed in pain and held his arm, the moaning of the other men accompanying him.

Long story short, Joe fell in love with Lydia, and everything went well for a short while. One night as Joe came home from his new job, he walked into his apartment he shared with Lydia. As soon as he opened the door and turned on the lights, he saw a message written in blood beside the pale body of Lydia.

Joe dropped to his knees and screamed until his voice was raw. The neighbor heard this and called the police. The police came into the apartment and saw Joe holding the lifeless body of Lydia, they also saw the message written in blood. It said, "This is what happens when you mess with the Saints!" Joe was pulled away from Lydia's corpse, and she was put in a body bag and wheeled out of the room.

The police tried to question Joe, but he was closed off from the world. It wasn't until the police had left and the crime scene had been cleaned up that Joe's lifeless eyes burned with an intense flame. If anyone had been there, they would have been completely petrified. The look in Joe's eyes were so intense that even a strong-willed person might pee their pants. Joe said, "I'll destroy them, if it the last thing I do!"

Joe used all his connections to find the gang called the Saints and proceeded to brutally murder every single member. Joe was injured to varying degrees, but he didn't stop until he had completely wiped out the Saints. The last to be hunted down was the young man that had tried to rape Lydia, he died a truly horrifying death. Joe tortured the man for many days, and by the end of it the man had been flayed of all his skin and his limbs had been ripped off, his eyes dug out, his tongue cut and his ears burnt off with a torch. The only sense Joe allowed him to keep until the end was his smell. So that he could literally smell his flesh burning until the end.

The murder of the Saints was all over the news and tv and many were wondering just what this gang had done to deserve this ending.

After this event with Lydia and the Saints, Joe was completely exhausted and left the state and moved to California. It was Lydia's dream to live in California. Joe found a job as a mechanic and worked there for 2 years.

Back to the present, Joe was still speeding down the street, having left the police in the dust. Joe came to a stop at a red light, knowing that the police wouldn't be able to catch up. Joe sped forward as the light turned green, in front of him was a wide-open field with the road cutting straight through it. Joe was going down the road, when suddenly the same truck from the morning appeared in front of him.

Left with no time to react, Joe was hit by the truck going 80 miles per hour, he died instantly. With Joe's consciousness gone, a bolt of lightning falls from the sky and disintegrates his body, the truck disappearing as well.

Joe slowly regains consciousness and looks around himself. He saw a normal looking office with hints of brown and gray. There was a man sitting behind the desk, he had black hair and black eyes. If you saw him in the crowd, you wouldn't observe him for long as he was also average in terms of looks. Joe looks around the room once more before his gaze is stuck on the man.

Joe was unable to look away from the man, so he just stared at him, waiting for him to say something.

The man says in a deep and soothing voice, "Hello, Joe..." He pauses and observes Joe before saying, "You are a very difficult man to meet with."

Joe questions, "How so?"

The man chuckles, "You were supposed to die from slamming your head against the dresser, but you lived. Dresser-Chan was pretty pissed. Then on your way down the stairs, Stair-Chan tried to trip you, but you easily made it down. Then Car-Kun tried to kill you by controlling the cars on the road, but you easily out maneuvered them. Finally, you evaded Truck-Kun. You even made him use 20% of his power just to kill you."

Joe grew confused, "Dresser-Chan, Stair-Chan, Car-Kun, and Truck-Kun? what the fuck are those?"

The man grows a look of astonishment, "You don't know who they are?" Joe stares at the man.

The man starts to sweat profusely, "You really don't know?" Joe shakes his head.

The man curses, "Shit! 2319! We got the wrong guy!" Out of nowhere Dresser-Chan, Stair-Chan, Car-Kun, and Truck-Kun appeared.

They all comically kowtowed and said, "Please forgive us!"

Joe looked on and almost laughed at the display, it's not every day you see inanimate objects try to bow in front of you. Joe said, "I... forgive you? Can someone tell me what the fuck is going on?"

The man stood up snapped his fingers, then said, "I believe that will help you understand."

Joe processes the information that appeared in his mind. When he was done, he asked, "So I am not the guy you were supposed to kill and bring to this office and because of your mistake you would be destroyed. So, I can Reincarnate or Transmigrate to another world from different medias like tv and movies."

The man answered, "Yes, and you get 3 wishes that are not super overpowered because we still have to kill the other guy that we were supposed to kill in the first place and give him wishes."

Joe nodded, "I haven't watched many tv shows and movies, but I remember Lydia liked that show, "The Walking Dead". That's probably the show I know the most about."

The man replies, "That is very doable."

Joe smiles and thinks for a moment before he states his wishes, "First, I want to have a small space that is 3 cubic meters that I can put some supplies and guns in case of emergencies. Second, I want an increased stamina, the stamina of 10 men. Third I want to take Lydia with me to the new world."

The man frowns and says, "You can't bring Lydia with you. But you can meet her before you go to the next world. Your other wishes are granted."

Joe is about to pop a vein and argue with the man, but before he can, he saw her. He hadn't seen her in so long, he walked towards her and pressed his hand on her face tenderly. Finally noticing his ethereal hands, ignoring it. Tears began to pour out of his eyes.

Joe begins, "Lydia..." He is lost for words as he stares into her eyes. He soon crumbles to his knees as he hugs her waist.

Joe cries, "I'm sorry! I should have been there. I should have..." Joe is cut off as Lydia kneels down and kisses him. They stay like that for a couple minutes. Lydia backs away and says, "I know what you did for me." Joe looks away btu Lydia pulls his head to her chest.

Lydia says, "Thank you. My time is up, I'm glad I got to see you again. Don't worry about me, I have my own place in heaven and have made many friends." As she finished her last word, she disappeared in spots of light floating up and out of the ceiling.

Joe smiles heartily, for the first time in many years. Joe then looks at the man and says, "I'm ready to go now." The man nodded and then he snapped his fingers. Joe burst into spots of light before losing consciousness.