
John Snow is A Girl

Olivia retrieved her previous life's memories after a particularly nasty beating ordered by lady Caitlyn Tully. She was a low level alchemist with the ability to communicate with trees and plants but she had very low talent and died after touching a priceless formula manual in an expedition. She not only awakened her memories but the relic that resulted in her death is now fused with her soul giving her precise alchemy formula for every resource she touch. Olivia uses her skills to help her father develop the North, cure the ill and heal the wounded.

Nangonjing · TV
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58 Chs

Snow Flame

The day has come for the army to move out. The rest has all been transported to the red castles but the commotion was too large and many noticed the migration of several thousands of ships headed for the red lands. Olivia had tried to send small batches but in the end she ran out of time and had to send them over all together. 

The increase is because of the new addition to the residents, the free folk old, young and unable are all sent over to the red lands because Olivia is not sure of how powerful the night king is what if her purification spell doesn't stop him after she falls in battle?

After today, the known world will be aware of her kingdom in the red wastelands and those who just lost a lot of slaves to the Targaryen princess will be tempted and because of their arrogance, they will surely attack.

Olivia did not take away the bombs and arrow dispensers so as soon as the fleet makes it to the red castle, they will arm the black wall with tens of powerful arrow dispensers armed with the heart tree arrows. 

These are the most powerful arrows in the known world, they also have several scorpions since their queen is not the only one with dragons. Olivia is not even worried about them at sea so the only thing to do now is to kill the night king. 

There are different colors for several generals in the army but there is no way to distinguish those who used to be free folks. Five generals were dispatched to the red lands with 20 to thirty well trained men. There is a clear plan for the direction of the city structure in further construction. 

Olivia had visited Lola when she was finished breaking through. Lola is now a second stage demon beast after she too half the pills Olivia gave her. Olivia felt an oppressive aura as soon as she entered the cave. The entire cave was covered in frost, the kind of chill that enters the bones and makes you cold to the extreme. 

"You broke through and even gained a skill?" Olivia touched the wall covered in smoking cold. Just as she walked in she felt an energy scan her and quickly retreat. 

"Spirit power!" She felt it. This is the spirit power of the awakened fierce beast. 

Level two is not a huge deal but it is several levels above normal beasts. Olivia's heart palpated at the thought that a skilled beast with awakened ability is residing in her territory without being bonded with her. 

When she finally reached Lola there is no head only the large body of a huge snake. Lola can absolutely swallow her whole now. "Can you speak now?" She knows fierce beasts will stark speaking at level three and above. 

A large smooth snake head came out at the top of the pile of white gleaming scales. The silver crown that had initially attracted Olivia when she was young is now obvious. Her silver eyes now have icy blue slits instead of the dull brown slits from before, She is magical no mater how you look at her. 

The head may have grown big but it still looks cute and slick especially that clueless look on its face. She shook her head to answer her question. "Do you want to have a bond with me like the others?" 

Lola brought her large head closer to her and opened her mouth showing two long fangs and a long slithering tongue flicking it closer to her face. she retreated back after a while leaving Olivia feeling slightly chilly. 

Her large head bobbed in agreement, Olivia made a soul contract with her, she will be able to sent a command using her mental connection. "I am leaving for a while and you need to stabilize your cultivation. I will leave you more pills but if a group of people attack the city while I am gone, get rid of them for me." She sent her acknowledgement of the task. 

"Show me your skill." Olivia asked and Lola's body exuded a chilling fog, she jumped back knowing the fog has now upgraded from a simple fog to a frost poisonous fog. "Cold poison." 

While she is taking everyone away from the city she knows it is in good hands. Lola will patrol the territory every now and then while the army and guards are divided into the attack on the night king and the red city. 

The night king is already very close now only a tens of kilometers in distance from the frost fangs. Olivia had told the nights watch to stand ground and if she doesn't come back they are to flee south of the wall to warn the rest of the world. 

The march had not been too unpleasant so far but as soon as they crossed the frost fangs they couldn't see a small distance in front. Feeling the unholy magic in the air, Olivia floated in the air and just as she had expected, the army of the dead marched in their direction. 

"In position." The supplies team pulled the carriers further away from them the battlefield, at the same time the army separated into several formations drawing their weapons as soon as they make it to their position. The army of the dead didn't even seem all that apprehensive about seeing them. 

When Olivia saw their numbers from the air she believed this creature really is a few thousand years old. How many dead people from the true north have died in the cold from violence or sickness? All he had to do is wait and collect their corpses.

She is up in the sky but she still can not see the end of this mighty army. For the first time in this life, real fear made it way to her and gripped her tightly. It took several moments to shake it off and descend to the ground.

"This is it, the battle we have been training for. Fight to finish your opponent because these guys do not tire, so the longer this takes the more chances we will die. My children will thin out the numbers and I will go meet the king. Do not use too much of your energy and when you can't take it, run back."


Olivia took the dragons and they flew in three different directions. She means to keep a close eye on the king while she helps get rid of the white walkers to reduce their numbers.

They look to be more than 70, this number is too much for a mere 20 number of generals in her own army. Luckily Just before they left Olivia had opened a chest full of wooden bracelets with a small red stone in the middle.

Jaime has walked forward but got pulled back roughly by Veer. "These are magic bracelets, they will recharge your energy and body but their magic doesn't last so I made it so every white you kill will transfer their magic after the gem purifies it and you will be as good as new until you take it off."

"That's all it does?"

"Unless someone cuts off your head in one clean cut, you will recover from almost any injury the more whites you kill, the faster it heals your injuries and the faster and more powerful you become."

"Any you will just give these bracelets to us?" Jaime is skeptical.

"Of course. I am a generous queen."

"This items seems a little too powerful to hand it over like this." Enym admitted.

"It will only work for two months." She took one and threw it at Jaime. The prisoner caught it and put it on. He took off the gauze where his hand was cut off and everyone saw his hand regenerate at a visible speed.

Soon his eyes showed emotion and he turned to Olivia who just shrugged off his sincere feelings. "I need you in excellent shape when the fighting start."

"It will not work on humans or normal animals I made it specifically for this occasion. If you die, the ruby gem will dim and the wood will burn. So I am not worried about it being stolen."

"I only have so many generals so these will go to anyone who thinks they have what it takes to hunt demons and gods for me." After the generals took a bracelet each there was still a few left and to find that all those with ambition took a bracelet especially from Mance Rayder's generals.

Only two bracelets remained in the end. Even her guardians took them.

"There are two more things about the bracelets. It will record your kills of both white walkers and human whites. The ones to impress me will be nobles with a castle, lands and an army under my kingdom. I will have dukes, and a grand duke. For the prisoners, you may ask for any pill in my possession, wealth, ships or maybe you want a political favor." The more she spoke, the more enticing her offers became.

"When we dispose of this pest from our land we will have more than enough space for more castles and armies. All you have to do is hunt as many generals on the enemy's side as possible. The bracelets will also erase the heat and life signals the human body exude making it harder for them to detect you on the battlefield."

Olivia watched from the sky as her men hunt the whites like a pack of beasts smelling blood. She had dreaded this part, when her men would fight, get injured and possibly die.

In her last life she never fit in with the rest of her juniors and seniors because they all looked down on her for her lack of talent and in this life her identity as a bastard isolated her in her own home.

These people depended on her needed her protection. It made her feel important so she never wanted to have them face dangerous situations but looking at them now as they confidently approached the enemy with the strength she bestowed on them.

She shouldn't have worried after all the resources she spent raising them to their current level. She has worked hard. "Hehe.." She can't help the joy at seeing their bravery. Especially the regular army soldiers as they brandished their weapons clashing with the cold bones of the dead soldiers. Seeing it from up where she is makes for a spectacular sight.

The first to claim a white walker general's life is Mance Rayder, living up to his former title as 'king beyond the wall' with a sword and nimble movement the sound of ice shattering sounded.

The cold storm is very chilly but Olivia had long since given a pill that allowed people and animals to adapt to whatever environment they find themselves in very quickly. Even if it is very cold they will still fight with all their might. If anything this storm is allowing her hunters to hunt well for their prey. This doesn't mean there are no deaths but it is not as much as it could have been.

Olivia is watching the night king, as soon as he moves she will make her move. As the two armies met, her two dragons had separated from her and went to the back of the massive army of the dead and started releasing their devastating flames on the enemy reducing their numbers at the back. 

Olivia gave them instructions to try and not make too many roaring sounds and to occasionally reduce their size and avoid spear attacks. The whites are powerful enough to throw them from the ground and if one lands true it will be game over.


The two dragons one on the far left the other on the far right released their fire on the army of the dead from the back. Olivia had warned them to adjust their flames to normal fire if they are just burning the normal walkers so they don't become exhausted.

The king came down from his hoarse when the dragons started breathing fire on the dead army. He walked towards the side where Morpheus is and pulled down his spear but just as he is about to throw it, Olivia basically teleported in front of him sword in hand hacking at his chest.

The power from that surprise attack is considerable, just as she expected the her second awakening allowed her to deal considerable damage with just brut force.

He blocked the attack and pushed her away creating distance between them. Olivia will not be swathed away like a fly, she followed up with relentless attacks. The night king is forced to push behind the idea of harming the dragons and deal with Olivia with full attention.

As if to say 'you asked for it, he pulled a sword from his back and this time he attacked Olivia with his movements fast but straightforward as if he expects her to die from this one attack so there's no need to use skill.

To his surprise Olivia took the full force of his attack, not to mention her weapon which also went against his ice sword as the collision made a horrible screeching sound which attacked the senses.

After welcoming the attack with a skillful blocking move she went on the offensive again. She tilted the blade in her hands because it is not too long, the tip rested on the side of his shoulder. With a grunt, she swipes the heavy sword downwards.

The ruthless attack had been swift but not fast enough as the night king decisively jumped back, a large cut appeared on his armor. Inside is a disturbing picture of blue muscles wiggling healing themselves.

The next moment she took fast steps forward the sword not in a definitive attack position which allowed the knight king to stab at her chest area but Olivia didn't use her sword to deflect but her hand slapped the ice sword to the side and she raised her sword stabbing the night king in the stomach area.

The blade went into the stomach with a sickening 'shhii' sound. The expected scene of explosion of ice didn't happen. Instead she came face to face with those ice cold eyes as she is touching his chest with one hand and stabbing his lower abdomen with the sword on her other hand.

His ice cold eyes turned to Olivia looking at her directly into her eyes. She can feel her fingers getting infected with the evil chill from his very being. She ignited the sword with her dark red flames while it is embedded deep in his lower abdomen. But it wasn't enough to take his life she can feel his monstrous healing ability mending the cut, inadvertently locking her sword in place.

She is surprised by this, pulling the sword didn't work it seems it has become part of him now. While he wants to cut off her head with his sword, she blasted him with her flames. No one knows how hot her two times upgraded flames are but they don't seem to even slow down the bastard. He had to dodge the slash to her neck and use her body as the weapon it was forged to be.

She is still on the offensive even though she doesn't have a weapon on her hand. Instead of blade she is blasting him with powerful punches and strong kicks. Blocking the sword with her arm and retaliate with a punch but this sort of fighting style is for the living not a dead thing that feels no pain.

After they separate again she spit out a bile after her armor blocked a stab to the stomach shaking her internal organs. She needs a plan soon, all around her giants, men and children of the forest fight with all their might and if she kills this pest they will all be saved. She must be missing something. She gets to furstrated that she tried to yank her sword out of its stomach again. This battle is taking too long.

His sword seems too long to turn it and stab her in return so the night king dropped it and his hands gripped her neck tightly trying crush her this way. His cold hand squeezed hard, only reacting slightly at the unexpected resistance from her hardened flesh as Olivia flexed her neck muscles.

Leaving her sword inside his stomach, she aimed her hands in his face and screamed a beastly roar releasing a torrent of scorching flames directly onto his face.

In her mind she called back Morpheus who appeared next to her and started releasing a scorching flame from her mouth, the dragon didn't want to harm her own mother and the only space is their legs so the dragon aimed her flames to the night king's lower body and burned him until only only skinny white blue bones remained.

It is unknown whether there is pain or the night king didn't want his bones kissed by snow like that because he granted and threw Olivia off him. She crashed a distance away and started coughing because her wind pipe had practically been crushed under the night king's hands. 

The night king started walking in her direction step by step, with every step he took the icy blue muscles and bright shimmering tendons grew at a speed visible to the eyes covering his bones. That healing speed is unimaginable.

Olivia stood up sucking in the cold air into her lungs then she floated in the air and extended her hand trying to pull back her sword. The sword inside the night king's stomach only moved slightly and seems to be stuck. 

Olivia felt for her throat which is now completely healed. Looking at the night king facing her direction up in the air, for a moment she thought he would start floating first. But it seems to have been a wrong guess as the Night king turned to Morpheus who is now being overwhelmed by horde of the dead army trying to kill her.

He took a single step forward before he bounced back from what seems to be an invisible barrier preventing him from moving towards Morpheus. "Your opponent is me." Olivia attacked his back with a random dragon glass sword she picked up nearby.

The night king parried the attack tilting his arm so the weapon clashed with armor piece on his arm. But Olivia hacked again, and again stabbed towards his chest, neck, eyes and hacked while her strength seems to be well matched and her attacks are deflected everytime.

This fight went on for a while, Olivia attacking her opponent while her army fights the night kings army. The scene is one of death and chaos Olivia knew she has to finish this sooner rather than later. She released the fire breath and it enveloped her entire being.

In this state her body is operating on magic in her blood as fuel tripling her speed. Her previously relentless attacks became fierce and the night king fell a step behind earning several slashes and open wounds but Olivia finally realized even this gragon glass can not kill the bastard when she stabbed it into his chest. Three times.

"Aah why won't you die?!"

She hacked with anger and took away an arm. For some reason the fight around her has became even more fierce but she can not afford to be distracted. She hopes her guardians remember the plan.

She decided to try something else and let go of her dragon glass sword too after stabbing it deep into his dead chest. Now the fucker has two weapons clutched by his ice cold muscle tissue as it heals around them.

Ignoring the night king's solid punches to the face she put her hand on her magic blade in his stomach and with a final scream, she released all her flame power into the blade just as a white walker stabbed Morpheus on the side but the armor prevail.

The distraction allowed the night king to double his efforts, he tried to claw at her heart but she is wearing an enchanted armor and he has one arm the other is still regrowing. She could see the flames are working she just needs a little more time before he decides to gauge out her eyes.

In a moment of desperation she remembered her most important power. In a blink of an eye the scorching flamed became completely white instead of the blazing red color. In her head she chanted the most powerful purifying spell, not the ones learned from her dragons but the one she learned from the red grand priestess at that time.

This spell is special because it was used to undo the spell that this fucker uses to steal life away in an area. It is the opposite of the spiral symbol the knight king has left in all his hunting grounds.

'Crack' The sound is his ice body solidifying, seeing this he finally had another expression on his face if she is reading it correctly it is surprise. Olivia didn't let go of the now white flaming blade and continued chanting furiously.

Morpheus is now overwhelmed by hundreds of the undead creatures pilling on top of her stabbing her body but she is wearing an enchanted armor. Some probably stabbed to her eyes by now which is why she started releasing painful roars.

Aeryn finally came just as Olivia's concentration is about to be broken by Morpheus's roars of pain.

Aeryn released her white flames killing many of the pilled up zombies. This allowed Morph to concentrate and chant a spell to ignite her own body. Although dragons have fire it doesn't materialize on their bodies unless they use magic to do that.

The night king's body has finally lost all movements abilities at this point Olivia still couldn't pull out the sword from his stomach. She looked around and took a sword from a nearby soldier then with all her brut strength attacked the head so she can shatter it. It only made a dull sound but didn't do any damage 'where the fuck are my giants?' She could use some raw power right about now.

They had agreed the giants will make sure the night king's exagarated army numbers will not overwhelm her small numbers.

She asked her children to share their strength as strength with her. In seconds her power tripled again. She felt a rush of exhilarating sensation all over her body. But there is a problem, her heart and blood vessels are getting overwhelmed. She has to finish this before she explodes from excessive power.

Tightening her hands on another dragon grass sword handle. Her feet sank deeper into the earth and with a shout, she hacked the now ice statue in front of her.

Her powerful attack created a powerful shock wave making those near her get knocked back. The white flame on the sword burns true even as it is inside the night king's body.

Her attack landed on the chest of the ice statue and cracks started from where her sword touched the ice and quickly extended all over the ice then it shattered with a loud explosion everyone taking cover.

Olivia who is very close received a powerful blast from the ice explosion which uprooted her even though she had not been shaken by the night king's attacks before, was uprooted and thrown a few meters away.

A second passed in absolute silence, then every white walker started exploding and dying as if a chain reaction occurred All around the battlefield small and large explosions took place.



The people celebrated all over the battlefield but Olivia who had been thrown away didn't wake up from the fall. Not only did she take on too much power into her body, she released it all at once then got blasted away with many large and small ice shards covering her body before disappearing with the rest of the white walkers.

A while ago her guardians had seen her fight and came closer to surround and guard against sudden attack from the white walkers so while Olivia focused on her fight she was never attacked by the many generals near her because her guardians and Mance gave up hunting to protect her while she fight. Now they stood still surrounding her unconscious body as her two fierce dragons roared in sadness.
