
Job transfer for all: I can add unlimited mana

Global changes have occurred, the world has turned into a game, and strange monsters are raging all over the world. To become stronger and to resist disasters. Everyone is changing classes and moving up their ranks like crazy. Some people become wizards in their first transformation, while others become professional thunder warriors in their second transformation. But Ling Zhan did the opposite. First, he chose a non-professional class and added the blue bar to all attribute points. “It's crazy. I don't have a class. All I have are low-level skills before I change classes. How can I fight in the later stages? What's the use of the blue bars? It can't increase combat effectiveness. It's really funny...” However, when the battle occurs, Level 3 Thunder Warrior: “I'm shocked, non-professionals are so strong?” A certain third-level Elf Queen: “Infinite blue bars, invincible in one-on-one combat, No. 1 in team battles, how can we fight like this?”

FALCON_N · Jogos
Classificações insuficientes
273 Chs

Chapter 78: Ban and Rebound.

Chapter 78: Ban and Rebound.




"What the hell happened?"


"It's so exaggerated, damn it! It's really so exaggerated!"


"Who said non-specialists have no future? Defend for it!"


"You keep pretending! Have you forgotten how you acted when you were belittling and criticizing the non-specialists in the dormitory?"



No surprises.


A short period of numbness and lethargy.


Then a wave of violent exclamations and discussions broke out.


"Teachers, why are you silent?"


On the platform.


Wang Shi looked at the teachers with a smile on his face at this moment.


The excited look in his eyes could be seen clearly by a blind person.


Teachers: "..."


Lee Manchun: "..."


"Okay, Xiao Wang, put your proud expression aside."


Zhou Hongfu stood up to brighten up the atmosphere.


He smiled and said, "I don't think any of the teachers saw how this little man came back from his desperate situation, right?"


Several teachers nodded.


This is the test of the race of life and death.


Once you miss the opportunity, others will overtake you in an instant.


In particular, this freshman class has a lot of talented students.


Moreover, Ling Zhan, as a non-specialist individual, did not have high-explosive, large-scale AOE skills.


Facing a monster that has entered a "bloodthirsty" state, it is impossible to pass the test immediately.


The result is that others outperform you or even leave you behind theirs.


No wonder the teachers looked away, disappointed.


"Xiao Wang, you are good at theoretical analysis. Come and explain it to the teachers."


Wang Shi nodded.


Then he smiled lightly and said:


"Actually, this little guy's method is very simple."




Simple! ?


What simple means could cause such a horrific explosion and sea of fire?


The teachers looked skeptical and disbelieving.


An explosion of this level, in terms of power alone, is an A-level skill!


"I'm not lying to you, because this little guy only used two basic equipment to create this devastating explosion feast."


"One is a liquefied petroleum bomb, and the other is a small fixed mine."


"Isn't this a simple way?"


Wang Shi asked rhetorically.


"That's not true. Even if these two pieces of equipment were combined, they wouldn't be that powerful." A teacher from the Battle Academy asked.


"Teacher Zhang is right, if there were only a few liquefied petroleum bombs, the explosion wouldn't be so powerful."


Wang Shi nodded.


Then he casually asked: But what if it was a mixture of 999 liquefied petroleum bombs?


everyone: "???"


one sentence.


This makes all teachers feel shocked.


999 pieces! ?


This little guy has already prepared 999 liquefied petroleum bombs! !




They never dreamed that the truth would be so simple under this horrific explosion.


Classical quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes.


"Okay, let's continue watching this little guy's performance. He already killed the Ogre leader on the spot using 'Poisoning' and 'Backstab'…"





Inside the cell.


The Snow Cave had long ago turned into a Fire Cave.


The dazzling firelight illuminated the entire cave as if it were daytime.




The Red Ogre Leader completely stopped breathing.


Purple toxins were flowing from the wound at the back of the neck and spreading to his various organs and kidneys, wreaking havoc on the body's functions.


As the outside world says.


The skills Ling Zhan used to kill the Ogre leader instantly were 'Backstab' + 'Poisoning'.


[Poisoning (E): The basic skill in Street Fighter. Apply a layer of deadly poison to your weapon. When causing damage to the target, the poison can invade the target's body and 100% cause it to enter the "Poisoned" state within 1 second. ]


[Notes: Poison can be effective against targets with level 25 and red qualifications. ]


With the "Almighty" improvement, this skill was originally only effective on Level 10 monsters, but now it could have an effect on this Level 18 Ogre Leader.


In the game, the "Poisoned" condition is similar to the "Bleeding" condition, which causes a character or monster to lose health.


But in reality, "Poisoning" is a more deadly condition than "Bleeding"!


It was as if Ling Zhan had been bitten by the poisonous insects summoned by these Ogre Shamans.


The poison will also spread to the kidneys, causing instant death regardless of HP volume.


The "Immortal Body" is useless!


Because an "Abnormal Condition" is not, of course, considered an "Injury."


If Ling Zhan were to have abnormal conditions such as dizziness, coma, and a negative martial spirit, the Immortal Body would not help him solve them.


After poisoning the Ogre leader.


Before he had time to use the Intermediate Regeneration skill, his body's functions were completely destroyed.


He probably never expected that this vile human would smear his weapon with deadly poison!


Moreover, he did not expect that his high resistance to abnormalities would have no effect at all!




The other two Ogre leaders saw their fellow tribesmen being killed by this human using despicable means.


There was a deafening roar.


Among them, the blue-skinned Ogre leader rushed at Ling Zhan in the blink of an eye, carrying a huge hammer. He raised it high without any hesitation and smashed it into Ling Zhan.


Before the huge hammer fell, a huge shadow had already been cast on the ground where Ling Zhan was standing.


Powerful arms with bulging muscles swung to deliver a powerful, heavy blow.


The howling wind caused by the hammer is enough to show how terrifying the power of this hammer is!


"You vile human, Die!!"


The hammer fell.


The Ogre leader seemed to be able to see the pitiful appearance of the small and humble human being smashed into a meat pie shape.






A metallic crash sounded clear and pleasant.


Mother! ?


The Ogre Leader's eyes widened, and he found that he couldn't even wave the giant hammer in his hand!


When he looked down, he was shocked to find that the small human was holding a shield in one hand and a sword in the other, with the crossbar in front.


He withstood such a powerful blow that shattered mountains and rocks!


Heavy sword and shield are Yue Shan's form!




How could this person be so powerful! ?


It actually withstood a strong blow!


While he was shocked.


A strange feeling arose in his mind.


He looked down and found that he felt helpless for a moment, completely unable to hold the weapon in his hand!




Ling Zhan couldn't give up this precious opportunity, and the heavy sword in his hand suddenly rose.




Under Ling Zhan's extremely clever counterattack, the Ogre Leader felt his arm go numb, and then the giant hammer weighing a thousand kilograms was lifted into the air!!


"Recoil mechanism"!


[Block (E)]: Enters the blocking state, blocks most incoming physical damage, and provides a bounce mechanism. ]




If the gap in level, strength, production, etc. between the user and the enemy is too large, the enemy's attack will not be effectively repelled.


Recoil mechanism: After the user successfully blocks, the enemy will enter the "Disarmed" state for 0.01 seconds. During the "Disarmed" state, the user can take the opportunity to skillfully deflect an enemy's weapon. ]


The essential generic skill for all physical melee professions!


It's also a skill that severely tests proficiency!

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