
Jo finds love in a Demon

During a job on a stake out Jo and the brothers they see a group of witches summon Akiel the son of Lucifer. He is pissed off and kills them all and walks out of the cabin covered in there blood and see them

RoseMaddox1990 · TV
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4 Chs

Making Friends.

Jo sighs. "Baby," she said. Dean looks. "Jo, you like roundhouse his nuts twice," he said. Sam nods. "Poor guy," he said. Akiel was in a hotel and had ice on his crotch. "You two can't be seriously taking his side; you hear what he said," she said. "Yeah, and he got hit for it and shot," Dean said. "He also said sorry," Sam said. "he is gone forever," Sam said. Jo sighs. "God damnet fine, I will find him and apologize," she said. "Can't we summon him?" Sam asks. "I am not killing a goat," Dean said. "Right," Sam said. Jo slams a book down and finds his name, and starts to speak Latin Akiel screams in pain, and it appears there is blood coming from his eyes and mouth. "Do you like hurting me? I left for this reason," he said. He coughed up blood and fell over. "Using Latin on the son of Lucifer isn't summoning me, you bitch. Your killing me," he said. He slowly stood up. He couldn't leave. He was fo weak. "Great, I am stuck here," he said. "Suck in front of the woman I fell in love with when I first saw her, who has been nothing but mean to me," he said and lies down.

"You love Jo, but you don't even know her," Elen said. "Doesn't matter. I love her. My mom cursed me not to feel happiness until I see my one true love or some crap like that," he said. He sighs. "I am tired, and I hurt. Please, no more," he said. "Jo, the man is almost crying. Say sorry," Dean said. Jo sighs. "I am deeply sorry for hurting you," she said. Akiel smiles. "I forgive you," he said. "The whole you love me thing, we can go on one date," Jo said. Akiel shot up. "Sounds good," he said. "A week from today at 7 pm," Jo said. Akiel nods and smiles. He rushes off, pulls out his wallet and his black card and smirks, and gets a nice red 1969 Camero. He also got a lovely flat and clothes. Ruby kicks open his door. Akiel walks over. "Ruby, really, I just got this place. Can you not be a heathen" he said. "Your father sent me to bring you back," she said. Akiel looks at her, his eyes red, and red smoke fills the room. "You will tell my father to fuck off. I am not leaving," he said as his black wing emerged. Ruby ran off. Akiel shook, and everything disappeared, and he fixed the door. "I am going to send a low-rank demon to get the prince of hell back," Akiel said and sighed. He looked in the mirror and swallowed. "I am nervous," he said. He was setting up his PC since he didn't have friends. He was super broad. He needed food and stuff, and he went out shopping. He loaded his car and drove back home. Cass was there. "Holy fuck, I am not going back," he said. Cass grabs him and leaves. Cas came back and landed with Akiel, throwing up and wobbling. "What the fuck Cass," he said. "Take Jo and Leave," he said. Akiel was so confused and picked up Jo and Elen and got far away. He looked them over and saw bad bite marks all over Jo, and she was severely bleeding. His wings came out, and he picked up Jo and flew to a hospital. He flew back and grabbed Crowley by the neck, squeezing. "Did you hurt her?" he said, covered in her blood. His eyes were all black, and his black halo was appearing. "Your father is no more. He was a shitty ruler," he coughs. Akiel smirks. His horns have grown from his head, and he gets taller. Cas picked up Sam and Dean and flew back. "You hurt the women I love," Akiel said, slowly breaking his neck. He grabbed the black soul and ate it. He looked at Ruby. "Did you help you soulless bitch" he said. She ran or tried to. Akiel ate her. He flew and landed in front of Cass. "Jo is badly hurt. Please go to her. I will be there soon," he said. He left to fix hell.