
JJK x SL | I Level up in Jujutsu World

*This is reupload! My previous book was copyright striked! Warning: the reason I'm writing this is because I want to merge brutality of both fictions. I do not own any of the material here essentially and I don't make any money out of this!.* Sung Jin-woo is the weakest sorcerer in the Jujutsu World. He has been working for the Jujutsu Association for a while, stationed in Seoul - South Korea, as the sole available sorcerer in the country. At some point, very unlikely thing happened in his city, a cursed womb materialized out of nothing, causing him to call for the help of association. The mission was provided to two very known sorcerers in the world of Jujutsu and Jin-woo was tasked to escort them and only provide information. Unfortunately, he had to get involved and cause some trouble, which eventually led him to becoming what he is now...

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Welcoming Screen

Year 2014 - Metropolitan Curse Technical College, Tokyo, Japan.


Report to Jujutsu Association - [Date: XX/XX/XX] 

Submitter: Kiyotaka Ijichi 

On Behalf of: Special Grade Sorcerer Gojo Satoru, Grade 1 Sorcerer Kento Nanami, Grade 1 Sorcerer Mei Mei

Topic: Mission in South Korea, Seoul. 

Mission Overview: The mission in Seoul, South Korea went unsuccessful. The Grade 1 Sorcerers found themselves unable to find clues about appearances of Special Grade Cursed Spirit. On the apparent arrival of Special Grade Sorcerer, Gojo Satoru, the cursed object mentioned by the sorcerers and the domain itself have disappeared. Korean Associate and Grade 4 Sorcerer Sung Jin-woo was found wounded at the scene and had to be rushed to Japan for immediate treatment. 

Details: 1) The unregistered Special Grade Cursed Object "Altar" was lost. Possibly an item for Sacrificial Ritual. 

2) The Korean Associate was possibly cursed by the item, further studies must be conducted for more concrete information. 


"Thanks, Ijichi!" The annoying white-haired male tapped the back of his ex-underclassman. It was truly a spectacular occurrence that the man upon whom the entire Jujutsu world depended was this carefree and casual about the incident that happened in Seoul. "Mei-san, Nanami, can you describe what the Altar looked like? The boy hasn't woken up yet, Shoko is still patching him up." 

Mei Mei began explaining, "Can't really tell you what it looked like, but the cursed energy coming from it was… much sinister than anything I encountered before. It was so vast that it could power multiple curses that seemed to be puppets."

"Curses were puppets…like Sugu-?" Satoru couldn't finish the sentence, he was cut off by Nanami.

"No, they were not like Geto's. From what I've observed it could create multiple similar curses, the object had the mind of its own and channeled cursed energy between the curses as it wanted. Either made them stronger or weaker. I've noticed some runes on the Altar, but I couldn't decipher it… but I'm confident that Geto is not capable of doing that."

"Alright… let's wait for him to wake up. Shouldn't take much longer, there is no curse placed on him." 

… … … 

"Augh!" Muffled voice of his scream was the only thing he could hear at that moment. The claws of the curses dug into his flesh, cut through it, they were tearing him like an animal. The blood flowed down his clothes, soaking them and turning new blue clothes into dark red.

He kept screaming, out of pain, not even attempting to communicate with Nanami or Mei Mei, they weren't even on his mind. "Mphpmmmm!" He tried his hardest to suppress his screams gritting on his lips… they also burst under the force. 

His eyes were blurry, he couldn't make out how many cursed spirits were around him… but there were a lot. He knew what was going to happen, but he didn't know it was going to actually happen to him. Tears mixed with blood strolled down his face as he thought about it…

'Mother…Jin-ah…' They were the only things remaining on his mind. He failed in his responsibility of taking care of them with this decision. Maybe there was a slight chance?... no, Mei Mei and Nanami won't be able to save him. He was going to die…

The malevolent beings were not stopping, one's large hand smashed onto his right side of the chest. *crack* The bone crushing sound reverberated through his body, he couldn't scream, because lungs got filled with blood. He coughed, puking out the blood that accumulated in his throat. 

Meanwhile the cursed spirit's fingers tightened around his right chest. *Crack* The bones cracked, muscles and skin were ripped away, and the entire hand went into the right side of his chest just like that… in cursed spirit's fashion he saw it before he was greeted by darkness… his organs outside of his body. 

'I don't want to die…not like this…just one more chance…' 


'At least I'm the only one who will die…' 

'What is that…' 


[Notice: You have met necessary requirements for completion of the secret quest "Courage of the Weak."]

[You have met requirements to become Player.]



[Alarm: In case of declination, your heart will stop beating in 0.02 seconds.]


'If I accept…I won't die?' 


'If this is a chance…I will use it.' 


[Alarm: Welcome, Player.] 

He woke up in sweat, frightened of what happened to him, the horrors that he saw scared him for life… but everything was gone, he was not in that place. Instead he woke up in a gray room, laid on a patient's bed. 


Jin-woo looked around, he was indeed in a hospital. Although he wasn't attached to any of the machines, which was almost impossible considering the situation he was in… his organs were literally thrown on the ground. 

His attention was suddenly caught by the white haired man who stood next to him, with half of his face covered in bandages. "So, you finally woke up…Jin-woo, right?" Confusing part was how he knew about his awakening, his eyes were covered.

"Gojo Satoru?" That was the only possible way. Jin-woo had known about the strongest sorcerer in the world and had an idea about his appearance as well… but couldn't imagine meeting him so soon. "Excuse me, but where am I?" 

"You are in the Tokyo Jujutsu High…you, along with Nanami and Mei, were transported here instantly after I arrived there. Alright, before we continue the chit chat it is mandatory for you to explain whatever happened, so I can report from your point of view as well, blah blah blah…" Gojo was annoyed. He clicked his tongue at the end of his sentence and faced korean teen directly. 

He began, "Instead of taking a lot of our time, let me ask you directly, have you made any binding vows? Have you agreed to anything else?" 

Jin-woo shook his head, he remembered what binding vow was and there was no intellectual cursed being or sorcerer there, he couldn't have made a binding vow… "No, there wasn't anything like that. I remember being swarmed by curses and them tearing me apar-"

"Stop it there, no need to remember those past things…wait, how crazy it must be to have your limbs torn apart." 

"You did not just…"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself, it's really crazy and gross!" The white haired mage laughed, in an annoying way, causing a vein to pop on Jin-woo's forehead. "By the way, here is the thing I needed to give you." Gojo stood up and handed Japanese dictionary.

Jin-woo raised an eyebrow, "What is this for?"

"You'll need to learn Japanese, because you will be enrolled in Tokyo Jujutsu High and graduate from here, then you will be able to return to Korea… It's sudden, but you'll get used to it." Gojo tapped on Jin-woo's shoulders. 

'Wait what? I'm in Tokyo…' Both of his eyebrows shot up in realization, "Wait! What about my mother and sister?! I can't leave the-" 

"Oh, right. For your mother we arranged a flight and she is here in Tokyo as well, undergoing treatment, with studies we believe we can find cure for the curse she is under. I already paid for it so there's no going back. Your sister is also here in Tokyo…" 

Another question arose in Jin-woo's mind… how much time has passed since he fell unconscious. He remembers most of the things as if it happened a few minutes ago. Meanwhile his family was transported with him and he also got enrolled in another school… this felt unreal, without anybody's consent. 

"It was a state of emergency. You will be placed upon monitoring by the Jujutsu Association, it's not like they were just generous enough to give all of that... If not for my intervention, they would only bring you here for dissecting. Thankfully, the strongest sorcerer like me prefers more humane approaches…"

"So, my mother's treatment is…arranged…thank you. I have no words, this is so sudden." Jin-woo lowered his head to show his appreciation, Gojo only waved him off as if it meant nothing. 

"Let's just see if my assumptions about you are correct. I believe you will become much stronger and won't be so dependable on the association in the future. Then I'll be grateful if you stand next to me when I remove those old geezers from their positions…" Even though his eyes were behind the bandages, Jin-woo could guess that the man winked at him, understanding that Gojo also seeked some help from him. 

He nodded, "I won't disappoint! If there's anything I can do, I'll try my best."

"That's the spirit! Young sorcerers are so much better to talk to than those prick elders heeh." 

Gojo Satoru left so that Jin-woo could rest up. He couldn't get to sleep again though, one thing that puzzled him was the blue screen that popped up in front of him. The same blue screen that he thought was just hallucination in the domain…

[Alarm: Welcome, Player.] 

'Am I still sane… or is this real?'


Metropolitan Curse Technical College, Tokyo, Japan.

"Satoru, what did you find out?" The man who asked the strongest sorcerer in the world, was none other than the principal of Tokyo's Jujutsu High School, Masamichi Yaga, also previous mentor of Satoru Gojo. 

"If he had cursed energy on the level of a Grade 4 sorcerer, then it did remain so, but it felt like there was room for more. I can't tell what changed about him, since I never knew him before, but I can tell he can house a much larger amount of cursed energy in him." 

"Don't tell anyone about this. From the words of Kento Nanami and Mei Mei, the cursed object was definitely a sacrificial altar and I suppose that the boy came out alive due to striking some kind of deal… monitor him, Satoru." Yaga looked at his former student with evident seriousness. 

Satoru smiled, "I also thought about this, but since I'll be his teacher from now on, I'll take care of everything." 

"No more half-assed type of work flow, I appointed you as the teacher this year because there were no good options." 

"Whatever, old man." 

Meanwhile the Korean teenager was looking at the blue screen in front of him, which reminded of many RPG games he once played with friends. But was disheartened seeing everything in there, his stats were not big, he had essentially nothing to his name. He was just starting out.

"This looks exactly like it…"


[Name: Sung Jin-woo]

[Job: None]

[HP: 100]

[Fatigue: 0]

[Level: 1] 

[Title: None]

[CP: 10] 


Strength: 10

Stamina: 10

Agility: 10

Intelligence: 10 

Perception: 10 


"How will I level up though?" *Ding*

[Notification: You have 3 Unread Messages!]