
JJK : With a Shotgun in Jujutsu Kaisen

Humanity has been marked with Bloodshed and warfare through out its history and in it there have been countless of evolution of Weapons from Hands to Stone tools to Bronze weapons to Swords to Martial arts. However the one above all, the one that gained Humanity the edge over all other lifeforms was [THE GUN].

Ariseto · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

Frustrating the Gun

"Ha" Gensui let out a hoarse voice as he was lying on the ground.

'This place... it's too boring and awkward!'

It had been some time since both he and Megumi were taken to a different room where they were made to sit in silence.

Sitting in silence however wasn't the worst thing, what was the worst was the past lone occupant of the room who had been there even before he came.

The two girls who were already present in the room provided no topic for conversation every single conversation that Gensui tried to create would be shot down with a single-word reply., what was worse was the fact that there was a servant in the corner of the room and judging by her facial expression she seemed to mock Gensui with each word that he said in the room.

Meanwhile, the other three were completely silent and sending silent glares to the two green-haired girls in front of Gensui.

Gensui had already started reaching his melting point and was about to do something rash….

There was no entertainment in the room they were in.

No Tv.

No Games.

No nothing.

The only fun thing to do was think... and who the hell likes thinking?!

The 10 dead Grade 1's? Yeah, who cares about them?

What conversation is ongoing in the meeting room? Who gave a fuck!

The hype of being in a Clan? Dead as soon as he arrived!

Looking at strong people? Everyone is fucking old here!

Challenge strong people to a fight? If only he would be allowed to leave the room!

For Gensui this place was anything but a prison... and hence,

He decided to break out.


"So..." Gensui dragged catching everyone's attention as the two girls in front of him jolted slightly and looked at him with fear?

"What do you guys do for fun here?" He asked with a smile, by the way for the 4th time.

"H-huh?" One of the girls couldn't help but mutter as Megumi's face palmed.

"Y-you asked the same question 3 times already" The braver of the two replied.

"No no, like I said…." Gensui said as a smile started creeping up on his face.

"Are you really REALLY sure there is nothing fun in here?" 

"Y-yeah" The braver girl replied.

"Are you sure that there aren't any places to go to? You know? One where a loud sound won't be heard easily, too far from this place?" Gensui said leading the conversation.

"If you are talking about that then...… There is a Clearing in the forest a couple of hundred meters awa-" 

"GREAT!" Gensui yelled loudly as he flipped to his feet.

Pushing his Blonde hair back he opened his eyes more widely making his completely black pupils visible as he pulled up Megumi who could only yelp as he was picked up and kept on Gensui's waist.

"Let's go there, NOW" 

"W-wait a minute why would you wanna go there? We can just mess around here" Megumi asked trying to pry Gensui's hand off him which proved to be a foolish endeavor as Gensui's grip did not lessen and only held onto Megumi with the same exact force.

"Ah well, you know my Cursed Technique right?" Gensui asked as a Grin appeared on his face.

"Wait, you don't mean....." 

"Yea, I do mean!" Grinning, Gensui replied as Megumi completely gave up.

"W-wait just because the place exists why do you think I'll bring you there? I'll get in trouble If I bring you there!" The braver one yelled out.

"Unfortunately I could not find who asked Naruto" Gensui curtly replied.

"N-naruto….?" The Shyer twin asked bewildered.

"Exactly Narutwo, the servants sure like to give you some unsavory look just like the dude whose name I am calling you, aren't you happy?!" Gensui replied slightly raising his nose as he felt proud of himself 

for the 'legendary' nickname he had just come up with.

"No! Just call us our name" Naruto replied with anger and continuing yelled out, "I'm Maki, not Naruto and this is Mai no-"

"Lalalalala Not listening, let's leave right now" Gensui yelled covering his ears, genuinely not listening to anything Naruto said.

"This bastard" Naruto yelled as she tried to walk over to the table to punch Gensui but was swiftly stopped by Narutwo grasping her waist and stopping her.


[AN- For those who didn't get the memo.

Maki = Naruto

Mai = Narutwo

Yoinked this shit right off Maerry's Fanfic btw (Goddess of Ice) Pretty sure everyone knows this ff tho lol

The one with Yuna in it if someone forgot!

Gonna refer to the twins normally from now on though!!!!!!]


"I'm afraid that isn't possible Gensui sama," One of the servants said slightly bowing.

"Hm?" Gensui turned and looked at the one speaking.

"We have been given strict order to not allow you to leave out of the Clan Compound….s…." The servant dragged her words as she incredulously looked at Gensui and widened her eyes looking at Gensui, specifically what was in his hand.


"You talk too much," Gensui said blowing smoke from his gun as the servant fell down.

Silence roamed through the room as everyone looked at the collapsed woman in front of them, and immediately as a servant was about to scream for help Gensui gunned down the rest three.

"O-oi what the hell are you doing dumbass?" Maki yelled as she pulled Gensui's collar.

"No need to worry, it was just mere tranquilizers" Gensui replied.

"Not that! You just knocked out Zenin clan members... do you think you can go scott-free from this, you are a Dumbass, Idiot, Blockhead, Retard, Stupid, Washing machine, Donkey!" Maki yelled and continued cursing until Gensui had to physically shut her mouth with his fingers.

"Man I'm hearing such weak talk from you, I knocked out a few servants, what the big deal?" Gensui asked pushing Maki aside.

"You aside... after you leave don't you think that it might cause us trouble?" Maki asked as she had already started sweating.

"No, not with your strength at least so leave my arm already," Gensui asked as Maki quickly pried her hand off Gensui's hand which had started turning purple.

"If you're this strong then just beat up the ones who trouble you, simple as that" Gensui replied as Maki kept on staring at her hand.

"B-but there are others who are stronger than me, who can beat me up easily, even with my strength" Maki muttered.

Gensui merely cringed on hearing this, "As far as I can see your Cursed energy is below average but you have been born physically gifted...… AARRRRGGGG, fuck this shit, take me outside this place first, I'll drop whatever wisdom you want from me later!" Gensui said annoyed by the people around him.

"R-right" Both the twins muttered as they both got on their feet and ran out of the room with Gensui following suit with a Megumi by his waist.






[Power stone for bonus chapter: 198/222]

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