
JJK: Unrivaled Under The Heavens

Guy Reincarnated into the JJK universe with Op Cursed Technique. -Op Mc -Wish Fulfillment -Mc x Nobara Upload time will be whenever I feel like it. I don’t own anything but the Mc.

Papakuna · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs


-Location: Kashmir Mountains, India-

-Date: September 18th, 2017-

-POV: Narrator-

In a beautiful mountain range, Naoto was enjoying the scenery. He was sitting on top of the mountain while looking at the beautiful sunrise.

"Man, the world sure is beautiful. If only curses didn't exist, this would be a fun world to live in." Said Naoto.

He enjoyed the current world, but he missed the "peaceful" world, that didn't have curses running rampant. Maybe in the future.

Naoto's eyes glowed red, then he turned around and seen a man with Buddhist robes, and a yellow blindfold.

'Satoru has an impersonator, he'd probably enjoy it.' Thought Naoto.

"You are?" Asked Naoto as he went back to looking at the scenery.

"Greetings Sorcerer, My name is Raj, Leader of the Buddhist Temple. We protect the human world from the wicked." Said Raj.

Raj was a well built man, bold head, and strong facial features. His blindfold is what really stands out, because he's seemed to not have any trouble getting around.


"So what happened to your eyes? I know you must get this question a lot, but I'm curious." Said Naoto.

"That's not an issue, curiosity leads us to discover many things. But to answer your question, I removed them as an offering to Buddha. You may think that it makes no sense, but my offering was to increase my power, so I can protect the weak and powerless." Said Raj.

Naoto turned and looked at Raj. He didn't push any further, as he knew exactly what he did for power.

'He made a binding vow, in exchange for power, he had to give up one of his five senses.' Thought Naoto.

The five senses were obviously very important to a person, sorcerer or not. So giving one of them up willingly, spoke volumes of the type of person he is.

"Okay, so why am I here? You're more than strong enough to take care of the curse. Why did you ask for assistance?" Asked Naoto.

"It's because of his wicked technique. Shani induces misfortune and bad luck onto the land and it's people. So purifying him would help the people." Said Raj.

"Okay, I'll handle it quickly." Said Naoto as he stood up. But was stopped by Raj.

"I will come with you, your way of doing things is not just. He may be a wicked, but he's still a lost soul. He needs to be cleansed." Said Raj.

Naoto looked at his hand, and smacked it off. He just told Raj to follow, and teleported away. He didn't have time to argue. He wanted to get this over with so he can go sight seeing.


Naoto appeared where the most cursed energy was coming out. It was a large temple, that looked abandoned. Naoto guessed that's where the curse must be living.

Raj then came from the sky as he stood of a golden hand made out of cursed energy. Naoto looked at him and shrugged his shoulders.

"It seems you've found our wicked spirit, I will assist you like I said before." Said Raj.

"That's fine, as long as you can keep up." Said Naoto as he walked into the temple.

Raj followed behind, and went with the flow. Naoto sensed a malevolent force beyond the doors that were in front of him.

'He's pretty strong, for a curse. Hopefully the monk can keep up.' Thought Naoto.


Naoto kicked the door down. Raj almost broke character, but kept his cool.

{Who dares enter this gods home?}

"I did, along with him." said Naoto as he pointed to Raj behind him.

{Oh? You're overflowing with good luck. It seems the world favors you.}

"Yeah, I tend to have that effect on people. But anywho, are we gonna fight?" Asked Naoto as his hair started to rise.

{I shall rip you apart, and smash your bones into fine powder.}

Shani stood up from his throne, and shot pitch black energy at Naoto and Raj. Naoto dodged, while Raj protected himself with a golden bell.

Naoto charged at Shani and sent a flurry of punches and kicks. Shani took the brunt of the assault, and then counter attacked.

[Curse Technique: Black Despair]

So black liquid formed around Shani and burst towards Raj and Naoto.

"Sir, don't like that cursed liquid touch you. It takes all your good karma away, and gives you bad karma. Be careful." Said Raj as he defended himself with a golden bell.

Naoto just jumped into the air and teleported behind Shani. He slapped Shani's back and teleported back to Raj.

"What did you do? You had a chance to strike him." Said Raj.

"He seen me coming, what is that ability? He shouldn't be able to see me." Said Naoto.

"It's his weapon. It gives him suggestions and clues on our next move. It's not clairvoyant, but is close." Said Raj.

'So take the weapon, this will be easy.' Thought Naoto.

"I haven't done this is a long time, so I may be a little rusty." Said Naoto as he took out his staff.

It was In the form of a small golden ball. He heated it up and transformed it, into a staff.

[Extend Nonosama.] Said Naoto as he bo shot towards Shani at rapid speeds.


Shani got hit, and was sent flying through the temple. Naoto didn't let him move, so he appeared in mid air, and transformed his bo into a huge hammer.


Naoto crushed Shani under his hammer. He retracted his hammer and made it into a bo again.

{Such futile effort. You humans make us gods look at you with pity.}

"What? You? A god? No, you're a curse spirit, thats born from the malice of humanity. You're no god, don't claim to be such a thing In front of me." Said Naoto with some anger.

"That's enough you wicked creature, you've caused enough damage." Said Raj as a giant golden hand slammed down on Shani.

"What took you so long? You done watching?" Asked Naoto.

"I was observing your fight, and my suspicion was proven right." Said Raj.

"And what suspicion is that?" Asked Naoto.

"His ability, it takes any misfortune and gives it to a random citizen in India. We have to put a stop to this quickly." Said Raj as a golden Buddha formed behind him.

'Is this guy netero or something?' Thought Naoto as he looked at Raj with a deadpan expression.

[Cursed Technique: Guanyin Palm]

A giant golden palm fell from the sky, and crushed Shani. He tried to defend himself, but Raj's technique was meant to destroy evil.

"Keep him busy for a while, I have a move that will end it quickly." Said Naoto.

Raj nodded and rushed towards Shani. Naoto began floating into the air, while looking down.

"In order to get the more power of this strike. I have to use incantations, and hand signs. This a bullshit, but it works." Said Naoto as he began his chant.

[Shimmering Stars]

[Dawn of Man]

[Twin Destroyers]

[Gods Hand]

While Naoto was busy chanting, Raj was fighting Shani in hand to hand combat.

Raj had the upper hand because of his small stature compared to Shani, who stood well over 8 foot tall or 243cm.

Raj used a style of martial arts called Blissful Buddha Fist. It used fluid movements, and strong striking, to pulverize an opponent.

Shani could keep up because, Raj was infusing his punches with his cursed technique.


{How dare you disgusting creatures lay your hands on me? I AM A GOD!}

Shani yelled and released all of his built up bad karma. A think black dog acted like a sort of miasma. It rotted everything it touched, taking away its good fortune.

"You're truly a wicked creature. There is only one way towards enlightenment, and that is Buddha." Said Raj as he fully manifested his technique.

[Cursed Technique: 100-Type Guanyin Bodhisattva]

A giant golden Buddha appeared behind Raj as he floated in the air.

"You shall feel the wrath of Buddha." Said Raj, as he clasped his hands together, than did a chopping motion.

[Technique Amplification: First Hand]

A giant Buddha hand appeared above Shani's head in an instant. He didn't have time to react, and was hit by the attack.

"You have plagued this land for far too long. Your death will bring peace. Now begone, you wicked being." Said Raj, as he clasped his hands together and did a clapping motion.

[Technique Amplification: Third Hand]


But to Raj's surprise, Shani stopped bout palms with his hands. He was still struggling, but he defended himself.

'Dammit, his luck is starting to recover. I have to end this quickly.' Thought Raj.

Raj was so overcome with rage, that he forgot one of the abilities of Shani's technique. It's that when a bad situation warrants his death, it's passed in to a random person in India.

So both of his actions, caused the deaths of two innocent civilians.

[Technique Amplification: Ninety-Nine Hand]

A barrage of hands were sent towards Shani. Ninety-nine strikes were sent its way. Shani was barely able to hold on.

Thanks to his technique, he was able to return some of the damage to a random person, but his technique couldn't stop the rest.

He was getting hurt, but that was his plan. He didn't reveal another part of his technique.

[Technique Amplification: Karma Inverse]


In an instant, Raj was rendered unconscious. Shani had reversed his luck with Raj's, giving him all the accumulated bad luck he received.

{You did well human, time for you to die.}

"NOT YET!!!" Screamed Raj as he sent a Palm towards Shani.

Shani just slapped it away, and kicked Raj. Shani felt a an ominous sensation in the air. He then realized Naoto was not there.

{Where is your partner human?}

"I will not tell you, even though his personality is unbearable. He's been chosen by Buddha. You shall soon see samsara, you wicked creature." Said Raj as he smiled.


Shani yelled in frustration, and kicked Raj in the gut, sending him flying,

"Look at the little curse, throwing a tantrum. Did you miss me that bad?" Teased Naoto.

{Your companion is finished. Come and join him.}

"Nah, I good up here. But I hope you have enough luck stored up. Because you're about to be atomized." Said Naoto, as he got into his stance.

"I went through all of my chants, and found the perfect ones. I can't do a full chant as it would take too long. So this will suffice." Said Naoto.

[Shimmering Stars]


[Dragons Breath]

[Maximum Output: Bararaq Saiqa]



A giant explosion was heard, and felt throughout the land. The sound echoed throughout the mountains.

Naoto descended from the sky and landed in the giant crater he made. He could seen the Shani's body was still there. But it was only his upper half.

He was missing both arms, and his body was charred all over. It was slowly dissolving.

Naoto his shot a Mimi lightning bolt through his head, killing him instantly.

Naoto teleported to Raj, and seen the state of his body.

"Broken ribs, shatter collar bone, torn muscle, broken arm, and a cracked skull. Damn, how hard did he hit you." Said Naoto as he started healing Raj.

After a while, Raj was healed and woke up.

"It seems like I'am alive. And you've healed, you have my gratitude." Said Raj.

"It's no problem, but that martial art you were using. Can you teach me?" Asked Naoto.

"It's a secret art of the my temple. But since you save my life, and since helped vanquish our enemy. They should let you study it." Said Raj.

Naoto nodded and helped Raj walk.

-10 days later-

Naoto had visited the temple, and learned the martial art on a week. He's always been good at learning new things.

The monks were astonished at how fast Naoto could digest information. He did master the martial art, but he had the fundamentals.

Now it was time for him to leave. His next destination is Cairo Egypt.

At the gate of the temple, Raj was saying his goodbyes.

"It was an honor to fight along side you. I hope you have a safe journey, and let Buddha protect you." Said Raj.

"Yeah thanks, if I need something in the future, I'll call you." Said Naoto.

(A/n: Foreshadowing?)

Naoto then disappeared. The next time we see him, he will be in Egypt.

To be continued


Got a new phone, so was late with the upload.

Y'all see chapter 252? What are y'all thoughts.

My thoughts:

- Maki>>Toji

- Yuji=Future Power-up(hopefully)

- Uraume= Top 1 Glazer

- Yuji>>Hakari, he can't heal soul damage

- Sukuna was holding back apparently

- Ui Ui Redemption

- Yuta almost dead, Rika Crying

And if y'all were confused about Raj's technique. It's just Netero's Nen Ability with low level purification.

Thanks for reading.