
jjk my cursed technique is [gamer]

waking up in the body of mark zenin the mc will now traverse the world of jjk while solving mystery about hidden characters and himself with fading memories [story will be slow at the start 30-60chapters before the main story even begins or is mentioned] {ps: the names I will use are English such as Mark or emma}

Cursedking · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

speedrun to nightmare mode part 3+curse

as i entered the [ nightmare mode] ID i was greeted with a familiar system promote 


[Warning ⚠️ recommended level for nightmare mode ID is 270-500,which holds an undead count of 200,000. If you choose to advance, it may result in the loss of your life.

It is recommended to leave and return at a higher level

remaining undead:200,000]

seeing the level requirement and total number of undead ,my body became numb since if i did not have my shinigami this whole ordeal would not be possible.

with a sigh, i looked around to see that i was once again in the city and almost nothing changed, the only difference being the that here was ocean of cursed energy in the atmosphere if was so thick and plentiful that non sorcerer's may be able to perceive it.

ignoring the cursed energy for now i began to strategize for my plan of attack, the main two things i had to take into account here was the amount of enemies within the city and their level of intelligence.

since there was more enemies in the ID but the space seemed to be the same meant that they were most likely clustered up together, meaning that they were most susceptible to AOE types attack like nues lightning rain attack.

but at the same time there was the problem of the undeads intelligence since from what i observed the higher the grade of the ID the smarter the those in it, which could mean that if nue attacked them and they had high intellect they may find a pattern and a way to evade nues attack.

which meant i may have to use other shinigami in a pincer type of attack, with nue leading them towards other shiragami to finish them of, thinking this i stupid down and stared drawing in the dirt and after five minutes with many plans that i rejected i found one that seems most likely to work.

the plan was for nue to guide the undead towards the end of sectors that i made taking the city size and total undead into consideration, at the end of the sector tigar funeral, demon dog black and white will be there to ambush the undead the comestowardes them while nue makes sure that there was no where for the undead to retreat to by destroying the terrain behind the undead.

the only problem i say with this plan was the amount of undead which forced me to input the minimum of 16 sectors, which would take some time to clear but i highly doubt it would take 40% of the time that demon dog black and white took to clear the [hard mode] ID.

having a plan of attack i decided to enact it, so i summoned nue, tigar funeral and demon dog black/white and gave them orders to enact to the letter, after receiving there orders the shinigami set of .

after which i summoned round dear for protection and company , after two minutes multiple different types of system promotes started to come to me, such as promotes for items and levels but the most important to me was the items since i never got them from normal undead in the past with the exceptions being the potions i received. 

[you have received advanced resistance potion]x1 

[you have received advanced resistance potion]x1 

[you have received advanced resistance potion]x1 

[you have received advanced resistance potion]x1 

[you have received advanced resistance potion]x1 

[you have received advanced health potion]x1 

[you have received advanced health potion]x1 

[you have received advanced health potion]x1 

[you have received advanced health potion]x1 

[you have received advanced health potion]x1 

[you have received advanced health potion]x1 

[you have received advanced stamina potion]x1

[you have received advanced stamina potion]x1

[you have received advanced stamina potion]x1

[you have received advanced stamina potion]x1

[you have received advanced stamina potion]x1

[you have received advanced cursive poison potion]x1

[you have received advanced cursive poison potion]x1

[you have received advanced cursive poison potion]x1

[you have received advanced cursive poison potion]x1

[you have received advanced cursive poison potion]x1

[you have received bottle of undead blood]x1

[you have received bottle of undead blood]x1

[you have received bottle of undead blood]x1

[you have received bottle of undead blood]x1

receiving an influx of consumable item i enabled [ sort notification] which was an option of the system which would allow me to stop the influx of certain annoying notifications while keeping needed notifications enabled .

after doing so i sat down crossed legged with round deer behind me as i claimed my mind and began to circulate cursed energy through my body, slowly entering a meditative state as time passed.

[1 hour later]

[2 hours later]

[3 hours later]

[4 hours and 30 minutes later]


hearing a ding sound i opened my eyes to be greeted by a system promote

[all basic enemies have been slain, a boss monster will be summended within 40 meters of your location in 10 seconds} 

seeing the system promote i unsummoned all the shinigami them resummed them again, i looked in front of me with a smirk waiting for the boss to spawn till pressure started to be exerted on me and a system promote came.

[boss has been changed due to level gap]

after reading the system promote a skeleton knight appeared before me

The skeleton knight stood before me, a towering figure clad in obsidian black. Its height was between 50-70 feet, boasting a red orb in its chest, and it had four arms, each wielding a different weapon – a whip, a sword,a scythe and an axe. Its tail swished back and forth, and three sets of wings fluttered behind it. Despite its skeletal appearance, there was still flesh clinging onto its bones, especially around its mouth where it formed a crooked, sinister smile.

I stood frozen, my heart racing with fear as the colossal creature looked down at me. I had never seen anything like it before. Its presence alone was overwhelming, and I could feel the weight of its gaze bearing down on me. I could only imagine the power it possessed, and the thought sent shivers down my spine.

but looking behind me i saw my shinigami look at me rearing to take a go at it, seeing this my expression changed remembering the power of my own forces and the ones which i have not summoned yet.

with the skeleton waiting for me to make the first move i decided to take a peek at its stats that i was thankfully able to see some of .

[species:undead knight{corrupted evolution}







Strength :????

Defense :????

Agility :?????

Intelligence:100[fully sentient]



physic:infinite aptitude physic

skills:sword art of deprived death,death/poison ki, ki reinforcement, poison mist creation, advanced physical resistance, cursed energy renforcement,cursed bones generation ,bone corrosion , gaseous ilusion, hyper regeneration, defy death,call lesser skeletal knight, call skeleton dragon,call of the fallon, advanced reinforced skeleton,intermediate elemental immunity, blessed by the earth,blessed by death,blessed by curses, death's domain,gods corrupted eyes,gaia blessing...] 

looking at its stats my worry grew once more, since it had multiple skills that boosted its stats simply for existing, but the worst skill of all was definitely summon skeleton dragon.

[summon skeleton dragon:allows the user to summon an undead dragon that is at their level{skeliton dragons can be resummoned 10 seconds after deing destroyed}]

and it still had ki which did not exist in the jjk world and multiple skills that use ki to defend it self, but in the end the outcome to what to happens is the same.


As if the undead knight sensed my will to fight, its wicked smile grew wider. I could feel its anticipation as I ordered the advance of my shinigami. With a flick of its tail, the skeleton knight lunged forward, its weapons ready to strike.


But before it could reach us, my shinigami sprang into action. Its scythe glinted in the sunlight as it sliced through the air, aiming for the skeleton's neck. The creature easily dodged and countered with its whip, but my shinigami was quick and managed to block it with its scythe.

 fled the battle running into the next direction demon dog black left by my side as a asset in case the fight got close to me , while running demon dog black shadowy form began to condense as it also began to grow to 15 feet, seeing tiger funeral do these before i was not shocked.

realising the reason the shinigami grew i jumped onto its back as it blasted of with its full speed ignoring the turmoil in the back only focusing on my safety, rumping on top of cars till it focused cursed energy into its legs then jumping allowing us to move miles till we seemed to be crashing into a building but instead black slowed down allowing us to land safely.

being a safe distance from the fight i began infuse cursed energy into my eyes to observe the fight.

[pov fight]

tigar funeral stayed at a distance and fired shards of ice and blots/spheres of lighting while in the sky nue was raining down lighting from the sky onto shangli which did massive damage which it could only regenerate a small portion of.

with all this happening white and round deer which was now as big as shangli occupied shangli weapons by going and attack when nue and tigar funeral gave an opening which forced the undead to be drawn to them and not the shinigami in the sky that was doing the most damage to it, seemingly ignoring them and contouring round dear and black while looking to have a fear of the attacks that round dear was trying to hit it with.

this attack pattern went on for 20 minutes till shangli raised its scythe that now glowed as it cut through the sky itself creating rip in space from which skelitions started to rain and two dragons emerged.

seeing this all the shinigami rushed back and took a look at the now growing army, after some time new grew to 249 feet its form changing adding two new heads ,its wings and claws now began generating black and blue lighting as it flew into the air and rain down lighting onto the skeletons and shangli.

following nuws lead both round dear and white grew and rushed into the fight, but unlike the others tigar funeral shrank and rushed into the enormous heard of skeletons, reaching the skeletons tigar funeral froze the ground instantly killing all the skellington and freezing shangli legs up to its knees, while white fought he dragons in the back not allowing them to help.

seeing the situation it was in the undead knight started to fly into the air and while regenerating but before it could make it far from the ground round dear hit it with its purple flames stopping its regeneration and destroying three of its hand, only leaving the one which held the whip.

realizing its end is near it aimed to at least take down nue but as it looked up to where nue flew majestically in the sky it was met by black lighting blasting towards it, before it could react its red core was destroyed instantly killing it.

as it died it released a blast of black energy towards the direction of mark,sensing this black grew and condensed as it attempted to shield mark from the danger but to no avail the dark energy passing through its body and entering marks.

{mark pov}

[you have been cursed by shangli]

[effects have been lessened by the cursed technique gamer]

[effects of curse will be shown after leaving the ID]

seeing the system notifications i had a flurry of question but first i decided to check what received for clearing the ID

[you have slain the boss] 

[all rewards have been doubled as a first time clear reward] 

[you have received 100,000,000 experience] 

[you have received 100,0000,0000 ¥] 

[you have received blank skill book]x3

[you have received {sword art of deprived death received} skill rune]

[You have recived soul slave skil]

[you have received {call skeleton dragon} skill rune]

[you have received{ gods corrupted eyes} skill rune]

[you have received {advanced physical resistance} skill rune]

[you have received {death/poison ki} skill]

[you have received physic: dasic infinite aptitude physic]{automatically used}

[you have received 1000 years worth of ki]{automatically used}

[All items have been placed into your subspace rune]

[Your level has increased]x5

Having recived all my rewards I unsummoned all my shinigami and left the ID.

Only to be met with an undescribable amount of pain