
JJK:God of Slaughter

Warning:This fanfic contains lemons. so read at your own peril. -------------------------------------------------------------- the god of slaughter a person who murdered an entire universe because of his wife's death. has to move on from his violent past.... but will he be able to do so? -------------------------------------------------------- The mc is reincarnated as Toji zen'in from jujutsu kaisen. Will he be able to change his future? ---------------------------------------------------------

BAALC · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
38 Chs


After saying that she raised her arms upwards inviting Toji for a hug.

"If that's what you want then okay, I'll at least make sure it isn't painful by much."

Toji then inserted his dick into Mai's entrance slowly.


Aas Mai looked at Toji's body on top of her she couldn't start reminiscing about the past, how she met Toji and the experiences she had with him for now.

'this is too slow.'

Suddenly Mai's hips rapidly moved up devouring Toji's dick at once.

" *Hisss* it h-hurts" Mai bit her lips because of the almost unbearable pain.

"Why would you do that ?" Toji frowned as he looked at the drops of blood that came down from Mai's pussy,

"I-its nothing." Although Mai tried to hide the pain she was unconsciously biting her lip so hard that drops of blood started falling down.

"You really are bad at acting."

"N-no it's n-" before she could finish her sentence Toji's lips sealed her mouth.

Toji's hands slowly made their way to Mai's boobs, he molded them in his hands, before pinching her nipples and twisting them occasionally.

The pleasure of Toji's hands on her breasts and Toji's kiss eventually made her forget about the pain.

'hmm it's time now.' seeing that Mai had recovered from the pain and was even letting out moans in his mouth he slowly started to move his hips.

Then, I began to move, slowly love juices began to flow from Mai's pussy and lubricated her walls, increasing the pleasure we were feeling and making my movements easier

Slowly, the expression of pain disappeared from her face, and her eyes turned more lewd, at that moment, Mai let out a loud moan


I increased the speed of my thrust, Slowly the pleasure began to overcome the pain that Mai was feeling and before long, she also began to move

The two of us completely lost ourselves in the pleasure of lovemaking, Our moans and deep breaths spread through the room and the sweet smell of our sweat mixed with our love juices invaded our noses. Her intoxicated eyes locked in with mine.


I closed Mai's lips with mine and began to piston even faster, I could feel something beginning to build inside of me, but I suppressed it, I concentrated only on feeling the body of Mai and hearing her cries of pleasure

The movements of Mai were erratic due to her inexperience, but they had their own kind of charm. The feeling of conquest I felt when I saw her twisting below my body was exhilarating

Nevertheless, Mai was completely inexperienced, Before long, she began to tire out and her movements stopped almost completely, She could only receive the thrusts and moan in pleasure repeatedly.

Seeing it, I moved my mouth to her breast. I then sucked them fiercely and bit soft her nipples.

Mai opened her mouth wide due to the pain, but only a moan escaped from her lips, The combination of pain and pleasure caused her body to tense up and her lower lips tightened over my penis.

I grunted in pleasure and thrusted fiercely, making Mai moan again, She extended her legs and twitched comfortably

Her mind began to turn white, she could only keep moaning, I realized that she was close to cumming again and began to thrust faster


Mai grabbed the sheets of the bed with a hand and used her other hand to grab my back, I felt her nails piercing my skin, but my lower body continued moving quickly inside her, I felt the excitement of cumming building inside of me

"T-Toji~?… Something… Something is coming~?…"

I hugged her shoulders and pressed her down with all my strength, then, she twitched fiercely and cummed

Her expression turned completely black and a moan mixed with a scream escaped her lips, A bit of saliva slowly slid down her mouth and her neck

At the same time, her cave tightened fiercely over my penis and increased my pleasure, I thrusted a few times more and then, something was shot from my dick

Mai moaned again when my semen shot inside her womb, painting it white She twitched fiercely and moaned incoherently while hugging my body

A sigh of satisfaction escaped my lips. Seeing the beautiful body of my maid below me, I approached my lips kissed her gently

Mai unconsciously entwined her tongue with mine and continued moaning in pleasure. I also savored the aftertaste of ejaculation and remained inside her.

After such an exhaustive excercise Mai directly fell asleep right after it was over.

Seeing Mai's state Toji kept her naked body on top of his before falling asleep together with her.

'mhm. That was fun.'


In an invite abyss all you could see was Toji's small figure throughout the wide void that seemed to extend onwards to infinity,

"Why have you called me here once again?" Toji frowned before questioning the void.

'The last thing I remember was having sex with Mai..... Why would it summon me here at a time like this?'

While Toji was thinking about where he was slowly from the ground near him black hands emerged, they made their way towards Toji's legs before trying their best to pull him into the ground.

Out of nowhere whispers started to echo inside the void,

You killed them....

They never cared about you....

She never wanted you....

He was always better then you.....

You were able to defeat him... But at what cost?

Before long the entire void was filled with countless whispers all apparently aimed at Toji, apparently trying to get a reaction out of him.

"Enough." Toji snapped his hands.

From Toji's hands a Shockwave unflured that instantly vaporized the numerous arms that were slowly making their way to the top of Toji's body, subsequently the voices in the void also dissapeared.

"Now now mother, why have you called me here?" Toji said into the infinite darkness.

Yet he received no reply, all that was left was Toji alone in the darkness.

Yet infront of him soon letters coated in white slowly appeared,

{Why did you stop?}

"You know it was necessary Mother, I had to do it..... For her." Yet as Toji spoke to seemingly nothing his fists clenched up.


{You have dissapointed me, Son.}

"Well.... I didn't mea-*ACK* out of the void hands made up of black energy appeared tying up Toji in midair.

Suddenly infront of Toji's body a pair of petite pale white hands appeared that slowly made it's way towards Toji's body.

"Y-you don't have to do this."

The hand touched Toji's chest, yet it didn't stop there. It went into Toji's body as if it was made of air.

As if it had reached it goal it slowly pulled out a blue ball from within his body.

It's other hand appeared infront of Toji's soul, this time it pinched the ball before slowly taking out small parts of it.

'i can make it through this.' at the same time Toji was feeling unbearable pain, veins had slowly started appearing on his face. The pain was so much that his eyes were about to fall out of his eyeballs.

After the hands were done taking out bits of the ball it was merely three fourth of what it once was, the hand then threw the blue ball back into Toji's body. And Toji's seemingly pale body had returned to normal not before long.

{Seek the right path to take back what is yours.}

At the same time Toji could only watch bitterly as the hands once again retracted into the darkness like nothing ever took place.

'yeah..... I deserved that.'

As the ordeal was over Toji watched as white cracks started appearing in the void before it shattered into pieces making Toji go back to his dimension.


"Where am I?"

As Toji looked at the bliding light directly facing his eyes he looked around.

"Looks like I'm a regular at infirmarirs aren't i?"

'what happened this time?' As soon as Toji tried to get up from the bed a radiating pain hit his body.

'So this is what happens when your soul is damaged huh?' he felt as if something valuable.... Something important had been taken away from him.

Soon the blood leaking out from Toji's eyes,mouth and ears had soaked the white bedsheet that covered him.

"Uh... Is that supposed to be normal?" A certain white haired with glasses said while watching Toji.

"Hmmm I don't think so, isn't that right Shoko?" Geto who was reading a newspaper asked her.

"I don't think people having sex and then sleeping for three days and then waking up with blood coming out of each and every pore of their body is normal." Shoko with her tired eyes looked unbothered at the scene.

"Aha! Uhm well I'll be going then." Toji said before snapping his fingers,

'Wait what the fuck?'

The portal that was supposed to drag Toji back to his room didn't appear.

'huh? Alongside my soul my powers are destabilized? Now this is fun.' Toji grinned at the thought.

Toji closed his eyes before clamping his hands down together.

'well better try then nothing.'




Not before long a human sized portal appeared.

'the output is unstable, but whatever.'

"Uhm. Are you trying to take a crap sensei?" Gojo who was watching this whole scene was trying his best to hold in his laughter.

"You're still the same as ever Gojo.... That attitude of yours, I'll fix it soon" contradicting his words Toji hd a smile on his face.

'i better get ou-

[Azriel recommendes the host not to move.]

'hoh? Azriel were you there with me the whole time?'

'this might be awkward'

[ No. After you had sex with Mai Azriel sensed a huge increase in chaos energy in the surrounding area. Not before long your soul had left your body seemingly having disappeared... Though this shouldn't have happened since Azriel is bound to your soul.]

" That's what I would expect from her anyways."

[ The system has been trying it's best to repair the host's body. It is almost in optimal condition. If you are to move now you will only hinder your regenration.]

'hmm let me see because a piece of my soul was taken away although my chaos manipulation is slightly affected I can fix it after a while, but my potential strength will be restricted in the future.' Toji thought while sitting on the bed.

"Anyways what are you all doing here? Get out."

"You should thank us sensei. Since the last three days Mai has been watching over your body everyday. We barely convinced her to take a rest giving the excuse that the three of us will be watching over you." Gojo said.

"She thinks that happened because you had sex with her." Gojo said while Barely looking at Toji with a straight face.



"HAHAHAHAHAAH imagine going into a coma because of having sex HAAHAHAHAH" Gojo couldn't stand it anymore and started laughing so hard he fell to the ground.

Even Geto started laughing in the end.

"You're getting on my nerve." A giant tick mark had appeared on Toji's head.

"W-we apologise." After a few seconds both Geto and Gojo were bowing on the ground with two giant bumps stacked on their head.

"Good. Now that I'm fine you all can leave, except Shoko." Toji said while waving them away.

"Huh? Whatever, just stay out of trouble sensei." Both Gojo and Geto exited the room leaving only Shoko and Toji left inside.


"Made any progress?"

"Yes. I can mold it into basic shapes." As Shoko said that in her hand black energy was molded into a cube, pyramid and then finally a rectangle.

"Your talent.... It's outstanding."

'even I wasn't this good I think.' Toji just smiled wryly at her.

"Sensei.... Are you okay?" Shoko tilted her head at him.

"Hmm? What do you mean."

"Your body. It's in shambles, after coating my eyes with chaos energy I can see through your clothes and into your body."

Toji stared at Shoko for a whole before smiling.

"Well, let's just say this I sustained damage to my soul. Damage to the soul directly affects the body. In my case, my soul was only slightly damaged, it's perhaps at 90% right now. There's no real way to heal the soul. So in my case I've lost 10% of my potential battle capacity, even at my peak my techniques will be incomplete if I don't get that 10% back."

"Mhm, sounds bad. Hope you recover " shoko just spoke uninterestedly and nodded at Toji.

"Well anyways I think it's time to give you a lesson on chaos energy." As Toji got up from the bed blood slowly poured out of his body but at a much slower rate.

"Are you really supposed to be doing that Toji-san?" A tiny amount of worry showed up on Shoko's face.

"That's the last thing you should be worrying about right now."

'My internal organs are already recovering from the shock of losing a part of my soul..... It shouldn't be a while before my body is back to normal. but it won't be the same without that piece of my soul. Tch. Seek the right path my ass.'

Toji snapped his fingers, but this time a portal slowly appeared this time much smaller then normal.

"Get in." Toji said.

After Toji jumped into the portal Shoko followed him inside.