
Chapter 3

There was a sweet smell...

Something pleasant, warm and comforting that surrounded him.

A smell that gave him the feeling of being at home, in his place.

It was not a concrete perfume.

Maybe some notes of wood fire and pastry.

Jiun tossed slightly in his still half-asleep bed, subconsciously trying to get closer to the smell of happiness.

It smelled like...


" You're awake ? »

Jiun suddenly opened his eyes, jumping up in bed. Haylinn was sitting cross-kneed on the floor, her head resting against her bed inches from her pillow.

"What are you doing in my room?" Jiun sputtered, heart pounding.

"I was watching you sleep. The teenager said simply, straightening up.

The big golden brown eyes looked at him with amusement, and Jiun rubbed his eyes with a sigh to wake up. He glanced out the window, the sunlight streaming gently through the drawn shutters.

"You don't have school? »

" It is Saturday. »

Jiun looked at Haylinn who was staring at him with a smile, her head resting against her arms again.

Her short, sleek black hair was long enough that some wisps hid her beautiful gaze.

Haylinn was hot.

He was the kind of person for whom looks alone made him popular with women and men. He had a white skin that even adolescence had never succeeded in altering. He could have been a model or an actor that no one could have doubted.

It was very flattering to be the object of his attention when he would probably just have to snap his fingers to have anyone at his feet.

"What are you doing at my house so soon?" Jiun asked, briefly looking at the time on the phone next to his pillow.

"I had the maximum mark in my last test. he said with a bright smile.

" And ? »

The Dualpha frowned, suddenly hesitant.

"You said you would kiss me if it ever happened." »

Jiun gave him a blank stare, trying to remember when he could keep such a promise.

It wasn't totally impossible that he had said something like that to her to curb her enthusiasm since one of Haylinn's few faults was her glaring lack of studies.

"You can't go back on your promise! Haylinn exclaimed as she sat up, quickly guessing Jiun's intention.

"You are underage. » Tenta Jiun

"I'll be of age in a few months, that's no excuse! »

Jiun sighed, avoiding Haylinn's expectant and hopeful gaze and got up from his bed, glad he had thought about putting on some pajamas before going to bed last night.

"Let me at least wash my face first. he growled

" Yes yes ! No problem ! Haylinn smiled widely as she let him pass.

The Sygma went to the bathroom across from his bedroom, trying to hide his nervousness.

He splashed water on his face, brushed his teeth quickly and returned to the bedroom, stopping in the doorway when he saw the teenager sitting quietly on his bed, his hands resting on his knees.

At least he wasn't the only one nervous.

It was laughable.

It was just a kiss.

But Haylinn was not just anyone.

He was the only person to make her heart beat a little faster and her Sygma senses stir.

He approached the young Dualpha with a smile, sitting down with a false relaxation on his knees. He put his arms around his neck, discreetly sniffing his pleasant scent. A smell that only Sygma could distinguish.

"You look all stressed out," Jiun teased gently against his ear.

"It's my first kiss. I've been waiting for this for years. Haylinn replied seriously.

Jiun didn't add anything. He knew he was her first love. He would never laugh at his inexperience for that.

He approached his lips to Haylinn's and gently placed them against them.

He kissed her slowly trying to ignore the rapid beating of her heart and the butterflies in her stomach. He had thought to stay soft but the Dualpha parted his lips and he couldn't resist the temptation to put his tongue there to play with Haylinn's. The kiss took on another dimension, he felt Haylinn's arms tighten around his waist and moaned softly as he felt the bulge in the teenager's pants. Haylinn was clearly inexperienced but the intensity he put into kissing her gently aroused him and he began to rub himself lasciviously against the Dualpha.

His hands had migrated to Haylinn's face preventing her from pulling away too long to return to kiss her.

If they continued kissing like this, Jiun was sure he was going to cum. Just by kissing her. This was the effect the Dualphas had on the Sygma. The effect Haylinn had on Jiun.

Haylinn took him by surprise with a long moan against his lips, her body shaking slightly against him. He had red cheeks, closed eyes and a swollen mouth. And he especially realized that Haylinn, him, had really just ejaculated in his pants, just by kissing him.

Jiun was rock hard, incredibly excited, and when Haylinn opened her eyes to look at him with new warmth in her eyes, he was this close to asking him if he wanted to go any further.

" You came. he said unnecessarily, a little surprised.

"It was even better than in my dreams. Haylinn said in a voice hoarse with excitement.

Without giving him time to answer anything, Haylinn held him a little tighter against him and rocked him against the bed. His mouth returning to devour hers with renewed passion and he heard himself moan as the hot tongue returned to taste it.

Haylinn's hand rested hesitantly on his hard cock, which was painfully gripped in his pants, giving him the effect of an electric shock. He firmly pushed the teenager away with one arm, his breath catching. Haylinn licked her lips seeming to enjoy seeing him at her mercy and Jiun flicked her forehead.

" Why did you do that ? Haylinn growled, rubbing his forehead with his hands, unsettled.

"You're a little too confident to knock me down on the bed." »

"You seemed to like it," he defended himself.

"You only got one kiss. Jiun said firmly as he stood up.

Haylinn sighed heavily as she flopped onto the bed, clearly displeased.

"You better go to the bathroom to clean yourself up before you come downstairs." Jiun said simply as he fled to the living room.

His father was sitting in the kitchen, a coffee mug in front of him. He watched him make himself a hot chocolate with a mocking smile. Annoyed, Jiun who had initially decided to ignore him snapped.

"What? Why are you smiling like that?"

"I guess you gave him his reward." his father said mischievously.

"What?" Jiun exclaimed with red cheeks. "Why do you know about this?"

"Your father wouldn't let me come up to your room, so I told him you promised to give me my first kiss." Haylinn explained simply, naturally joining them in the kitchen.

Jiun hid behind his hand, embarrassed.

" It was good ? his father asked slyly.

"Don't answer that Haylinn!" Jiun intervenes when he sees him open his mouth in horror.

"I feel like your father is finally starting to like me Jiun. I think it deserves to know that I enjoyed it and can't wait to do it again. »

"How do you never get embarrassed. Jiun growled, definitely flushed with embarrassment.

"Why would I be embarrassed to say how I feel about you?" I love kissing you and I love you Jiun. I look forward to doing other intimate things with you. Haylinn smiled softly at her.

" Yes. Good. His father said, clearing his throat. "I understand your enthusiasm, but please don't flirt with my son in front of me," he added, getting up to put his cup in the sink.

Jiun frowned only now noticing that his father was in a suit.

"Why are you dressed like that?" »

"I have an appointment with the banker this morning. »

" Do not worry. Haylinn said suddenly, surprising everyone. "Once Jiun and I are married, I will take care of him as well as his family. »

A stunned silence invaded the kitchen.

"Please Haylinn, don't add anything more and try not to say everything on your mind without thinking about it first." said Jiun, dead of shame.

Haylinn was far too honest and outspoken for her own good.

To her surprise, her father burst out laughing and patted Haylinn on the shoulder.

"Do your best, big boy. he said simply leaving them alone.

Haylinn nodded seriously and Jiun flopped down on the table.

"Concentrate on your studies already before making that kind of promise!" You have a long way to go before you can make a living. »

"I'm not going to continue after high school. The Dualpha said simply, sitting down across from him.

"What?" Jiun exclaimed. "It's out of the question, you better go to college. Your father warned you that he wouldn't let you join the company if you didn't get at least a university degree.

"I am his son. Even without a diploma, I have a guaranteed place in the company. »

"Haylinn, if you think I'd accept your marriage proposal just because you're entering the workforce. You are seriously mistaken. »

In front of the totally speechless look of the teenager, he knew he had hit the bull's eye.

"I don't know why you're in such a rush, but I wouldn't marry you until you graduate." Jiun said shaking his head, a little amused.

" It is a promise ! Haylinn cried, startling him. "You can't take back what you just said!" »

The Sygma's eyes widened as he realized that he had once again made a promise without thinking about it.

He pursed his lips in spite.

He wasn't even sure he wanted a relationship with Haylinn yet.

Basically, he wasn't her type at all. Admittedly, he was handsome and his muscular body, all in finesse, was absolutely perfect. But despite his feelings he had always imagined his Dualpha as someone tall and with huge muscles. Someone who can lift him with one hand and dominate him with just his charisma. Someone who, when entering a room, absolutely could not go unnoticed. He wanted a dominant in the first sense of the word. What Haylinn was still far from being despite Dualpha status. He was sometimes authoritarian and quite sure of himself, but he found it hard to see him imposing anything on him.

Someone rang the doorbell, saving him from answering the teenager. With a quiet sigh of relief, he opened the front door and was silent as he recognized Noam. Her ex. A handsome brunette with green eyes with the build of a rugby player.

" Hi ! Noam just smiled at him.

"Hi…, what are you doing here?" Well, I mean, I have nothing against you being here but-" Jiun rattled off, tangling his brushes.

"Calm down, breathe. Noam laughed. "I came to get your sister. »

Jiun's brain seemed to shut down for a moment.

"What? Are you dating my sister?"

"Of course not! You know very well that I am only interested in men. »

Jiun felt himself blushing and called himself an idiot, finally letting Noam enter his house by shifting.

"She just asked me to drive her to the mall. »

"And you accepted? Jiun asked skeptically. »

His sister was a pest and Noam had never liked her more than that.

"I had the idea of ​​taking the opportunity to invite you to the cinema. »

Jiun crossed his arms.

"Didn't we be clear when we broke up…the 7th time? »

"The 8th will be the good one. Noam said confidently, stepping close enough to grab a lock of her hair with those fingers.

Jiun took an uneasy step back.

"I promised Haylinn that it was definitely over between us. »

He still remembered far too painfully the discussion he had had with the teenager. Haylinn had cried and he had felt so bad that he had cried with him.

"That kid still chasing after you?" »

"The kid as you say is the same height as you now. Haylinn interjected, unabashedly laying a possessive hand against her hip.

Noam raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, you've grown well. Kudos for managing to look a more adult. But I don't seem to have heard Jiun say that he would go out with you one day. »

" Maybe but- "

"Noam, don't bother him. Jiun interjected.

Haylinn glared at him, probably not liking his choice of words.

"I have lunch with your brother. Jiun continued ignoring him. "But I'm not against going to the movies as a friend. He said emphasizing the last word.

"Really, I don't understand what you find in this kid. I know what you like and there is absolutely nothing dominant about it. »

"Don't confuse our Sygmas with your omegas. growled Haylinn.

Noam's smile didn't bode well but before he could say anything, Noam displayed his Alpha aura for a brief moment and even though he wasn't a werewolf, Jiun was affected by it. , letting out a moan that mortified him. Haylinn's grip grew stronger almost hurting her and Jiun glared at Noam.

"I knew I still had the effect on you. »

"As much effect as porn. But the videos, at least, manage to lift it. Jiun replied acidly.

It was a low blow coming from his ex.

The aura of the Alphas had almost as much effect on the Sygma as the pheromones of the Dualpha, just as Alpha Werewolves could sometimes feel drawn to the pheromones of the Sygma.

It was one of the reasons the omega werewolves hated the Sygma. This ambiguity had given rise to many debates about whether or not to let werewolves associate with Sygma.

"I wonder what kind of porn makes you hard. You never wanted to tell me or watch it with me. Noam said simply, curious and Jiun felt himself blushing, destabilized.

"Okay, that's enough now. Haylinn exploded, pulling Jiun to hide behind him. "I'm not going to let you continue flirting with Jiun in front of me. »

"I wasn't flirting with the virgin, we're just talking about sex. »

"Are you there already Noam? I thought to myself that I had heard a noise. Kimi exclaimed as she ran down the stairs.

She looked at them in turn, surprised by the animosity in the room, but finally preferred to ignore it to concentrate on her brother.

"You're lucky, I need money to buy clothes. Nothing suits me anymore. »

Jiun took the opportunity to escape and go to his room to take some money to give to his sister. He was surprised when he turned to see that Haylinn had followed him, her eyes dark.

He approached the brunette and lightly put his lips on his, hoping to cheer him up.

"Have I ever betrayed one of our promises?" he asked simply.

Haylinn, looked away, clearly pouting.

"Why do you keep being friends with your ex?" He spends his time flirting with you! »

"And you spend your time treating me like your property. But we're not a Haylinn couple. »

"I'll be 18 in three months and you won't be able to run away from me. Haylinn said Seriously. "If you reject me again after this I…"

" You what ? I never asked you to wait for me! You decided on your own to cling to me! »

Haylinn, grabbed Jiun's arm, pushing him against the bedroom door.

"Stop giving me mixed signals!" Haylinn cried out.

"I didn't do anything to make you fall in love with me. Jiun challenged him.

"So you want me to give up?" If that's what you want tell me now! Haylinn breathed, her eyes moist.

Jiun felt his heart skip a beat and unconsciously grabbed the Dualpha's t-shirt.

Haylinn gave a short but bitter laugh as she noted her reaction.

"As if I could do that. he whispered. "You have no idea how much I love you. Haylinn said softly as she rested her head on Jiun's shoulder.

Jiun remained silent, compulsively clutching Haylinn's t-shirt, so he couldn't pull away.

Nothing could be done. It was his Sygma senses acting. Hearing Haylinn say that he might not want him anymore had triggered all his Sygma instincts and the possessiveness he felt towards the teenager.

" I know you love me. Everyone knows it. Even your father ended up accepting me. I don't understand why you don't accept it. »

Because that's not enough. You are not enough.

Jiun closed his eyes, feeling his heart ache.

It was killing him to feel that.

It was unfair to Haylinn and he blamed himself terribly.

He loved her.

But he had this lingering feeling that something was missing.

And he didn't want to destroy his relationship with Haylinn by starting something with him when deep down he felt it would be in vain.

He loved her but it wasn't enough. Not enough. And he was unable to explain why.