
Jinyu no Hanei (AI)

Are we truly free? DISCLAIMER : This story is created with one person and an AI system. The version written by just me exists in a separate universe to this story and is on my page.

silentwindbell · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

Doomsday (AI)

Life is something that should eventually die. Once time passes we shouldn't have do overs, every single one of us should keep moving forward to our inevitable future. I know this yet I've spent lifetime after lifetime trying to fix the same fixed future. Nothing I have ever done works and causes the world to change, nothing I've done ever keeps them alive. This entire time I've clung to the last words I heard you all say to me. I still hear the echos of faint voices crying out for me to save them that day. I couldn't save them, I can't save them, but I'll keep trying because maybe the next me will do it someday. I'll end this never ending war even if I have to send myself back in time for another eternity, I won't be the only one to live on that day anymore. 6/12/22 The sun was hiding behind clouds leaving the sky a gloomy gray as I raised from my bed. It was around 10AM on a Tuesday and there was practically nothing to do today. Highschool had finally set us free from what felt like an endless four years, and my friends wouldn't have even entered the city I was in until around 3ish. Today was clearly going to be extremely boring. I laid there for around 30 minutes until I finally just got up and go for a run. As I stood up, I felt the blood rush to my head, and I got lightheaded from the speed I had stood up with. I began walking through the hallway outside my room; I lived in an apartment by myself and I don't like to spend money, so everything just a tad empty. Something about today felt weird, maybe a gut feeling. My chest was pounding and something was fogging my head up. It was almost like my brain was trying to remember something; I ignored it and continue walking down the empty hallway. Once I made it to my living room, I grabbed a bottle of water that I had left there from the night before; it seemed to have enough water for a run left so I grabbed it and walked to the door. Opening the door made let the beams of light shine into my eyes, I tried to cover them for a moment but just kept walking and stopped covering them. ??: Help us. I looked around the area I had sat down in; it was an empty park, not a person or animal in sight, nothing more than the trees swaying back and forth blocking the sun away from the ground. At this point I panicked, why was I hearing things? Was I losing my mind? As my panic begun, everything hit me at once. What seemed like years and years of memories flew through my head like water heading down a river, I could barely even think for myself in that moment. I saw not just the death of my friends, but my parents, teachers, police officers, everyone died, and saw it hundreds of times. I saw missiles and bombs that lead to pools of bodies and blood; it was like someone spilled gallons of Coolio Ai all over my bedroom floor. A sense of hopelessness, of futility, of helplessness. I saw a boy. A boy I knew very well. In that moment the memories came flooding back in, and with them the emotions, fear, sadness, anger. Everything that makes up who I am.


As the memories came flooding back, so did a determination to change the future. Something needed to be done, someone needed to help. I began to run back down the hallway when the door swung open.

"Wait "

I stood in the doorway facing the boy, he was around four feet ten inches, with black hair and brown eyes. He had a t-shirt advertising a Dropkick Murphys show from eight years ago.

"Wait, why am I in my hallway?"

The boy looked at me with complete confusion, he was not used to being addressed by someone with such an authoritative voice, let alone one he did not know. "Wait, why are you in my hallway?"

"Who are you"

The boy stepped back, almost knocking into the wall behind him. "Who are you? What are you doing in my hallway?" I snapped out of it and was placed back inside the park, everything I had saw had simply been me hallucinating . "I'm nobody, and I'm nowhere. You got the wrong guy." "Wrong guy?"

"Get out of my head, these memories are driving me insane, why me."

The boy stared at me with complete and utter bewilderment. "Me? You're the one who's been causing all this?" "What are you talking about? These memories are for me." It was like another person has taken me over and is trying to force their own memories on me, but these are not my memories. "You've been causing these visions?"

You say "Yea, I'm sorry but I have to take over your mind, just this one time"

The boy put his hand up to block me from taking control of his mind. "Don't try taking over my mind, you won't be able to." "But-"...