

Back when fishes soared through the heavens, tigers laid eggs, trees prophesied, and chickens twerked; the destiny of all creation rested on the shoulders of a young boy, named; Ji Min! Our MC had been chosen by prophecy to become the Omni-Being; a peerless existence who was not only omnipotent but omnipresent and omniscient as well. As the forgotten cornerstone of the very foundation upon which all creation was laid, our MC was able to meet the requirements to be chosen as the herald of the forgotten True Spirit. But as fate would have it, our MC ended up transmigrating into the body of a little kid who had a soup of chronic diseases. So, in a world where the strong ate the weak, drank their blood, and picked their teeth with their victims’ bones, what would become of our dying MC? How will he survive in a world where Qilins are treated as pets and Dragons are made to play catch? A world where overlords grill their meat with tribulation lightning and drink lava?

The_Primal_Scribe · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
94 Chs

The Shrewd Old Coot

"It initially weighs about 30Kg which allows the serpent to move with flashing agility, but once it catches its prey, it then gradually grows heavier and slower as it strangles the life out of its prey and devours it with no hassle whatsoever.

It is a treasure that our ancestral bloodline founder managed to obtain when he stumbled upon a group of them having an epic territorial showdown."

Ji Tang paused as Ji Min/Qing gazed at the chains that were wrapped around their limbs in awe, relishing the honor of using such an ancestral treasure as training gear.

"How heavy are they?" Ji Tang asked with a scrutinizing gaze.

"Each of them feels different but they all weigh around 350 K-pounds on average." Ji Min stuttered before cringing subtly.

He had nearly given his secrets away just then and if it wasn't for Sensei's timely interventions, he would have revealed himself and landed himself in trouble.

If he were to tell Ji Tang that one of those chains weighed double the amount he just claimed, then Ji Tang would have known his true strength instantly.

[What a shrewd old coot; thanks Sensei.] Ji Min thought in relief.

[It's my duty, young lord.] Sensei replied as their short dialogue was interrupted by Ji Tang;

"Good; though it is much heavier for a 2 Star Commander Stage cultivator, I guess there are new unique things about your body strength that we are both yet to figure out." Ji Tang deduced as Ji Min wrapped about 1500 kg worth of chain around his body.

Even for a 1 Star Lord Stage cultivator, it was still a whole lot; he even tried to lift a foot off the ground, but he felt like someone with equal body strength to his own was pulling his leg to the ground.


His foot sunk about seven inches into the stony terrain.

"Shit, my weight has almost quintupled." Ji Min cursed as he unknowingly voiced out his plight.

"Good; you are going to run with these on and we must arrive at the peak of that mountain by dusk, tomorrow." Ji Tang paused as he looked at the frowns etched on the kids' faces.

'Even without these chains, it would still take us about a day and haa lf to travel such distance, and that is even by squeezing every ounce of determination in us; but now he expects us to do so with two-thirds less the normal time?' Ji Qing thought to herself but Ji Tang once again interrupted their train of thought;

"But if this is already difficult for you, then I will give you a last chance to return because this is nothing compared to the start of your training." Ji Tang spoke in a tone that insinuated an absolute lack of leniency.

"Hehe; I would have been disappointed if it was any easier." Ji Min replied with a smirk as Ji Tang turned to Ji Qing;

"Qing'er, your chains were also crafted from the spine of Steel Abyss Python's hatchlings." He said gesturing towards the white chains wrapped around her limbs.

"But grandpa, why do I get the chains from a hatchling while he gets the ones from the adults?"

Ji Qing asked with a slight frown as she felt Ji Tang wasn't taking her training as seriously as he is with Ji Min.

"Qing'er, these hatchlings possess the same trait as their parents, the only difference is their color and the limits of their weights." Ji Tang explained.

"Grandpa, do you mind telling me what these caps are?" Ji Min asked as he could tell from Ji Qing's expression, that she wasn't convinced one bit by Ji Tang's explanation.

"Each of the black chains caps at 10,000Kg whilst that of the white one caps at 5,000Kg each."

Ji Tang didn't feel offended by the queries and even took his time to clearly explain the answers to their questions about the chains, as he felt that the more they knew about them, the more familiar the chains became, and the more benefit they can obtain from them.

When Ji Qing heard that her chains could reach such a stunning level of weight, she no longer felt bad about herself.

"How much does it weigh?" Ji Tang asked.

"They weigh around 100 kg each." She replied with a slight smile.

Since Ji Min's chains weighed 150 each and hers was around 100 each, she felt it was a gap that was still crossable; but as for the difference in the number they both wore, she simply believed it was due to the difference between their cultivation paths.

"Alright, that's enough talk for today; time to head to your training venue." Ji Tang spoke and without wasting another second, he darted into the distance leaving a cloud of dust in his wake.

Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!

Before Ji Min could even register another thought, Ji Qing already ran past him leaving only the heavy thuds of her footsteps behind and a taunting snort.

Ji Min simply shook his head and gave a dry chuckle before tagging along at a steady but relatively fast pace.

Dawn the next day;

~Heh~ ~Heh~ ~Hah~ ~Hah~ ~Heh~ ~Hah~

The bating breaths of Ji Min and Ji Qing echoed across the forest as they tried their possible best to catch up with Ji Tang who was putting a steady but increasing distance between himself and them.

They were just arriving at the mountain range where their training would be held; and up ahead, in the distance was the specific one they would be staying at.

It was the biggest mountain in this region of the outskirts of the demon continent, and it was so tall that dense clouds surrounded its peak.

One would think the outskirts in the name meant the area wasn't overly dangerous, but there are a few reasons why this place seemed devoid of humans to the kids.

For one; just as its name suggested, it was an entire continent filled with all sorts of demon beasts of varying species, affinities, and abilities.

Secondly; just like every other continent, the outskirts of the demon continent were even larger than a megacity in size.

Lastly; the area was teeming with all sorts of unique beasts; from the ones the size of a finger, with venoms that could melt a Qi Sea Stage cultivator, to others that were so huge they could gulp a wrecking ball with no added effort; at least, that was based on what they've seen so far.

They had come across a 7 Star Qi Sea Stage Shadow Blood Bat earlier; a beast of unfathomable ugliness and savagery, with a level of bloodthirst that was so tangible they could almost taste it; and it tasted like death; one the duo didn't savor one bit.