

Back when fishes soared through the heavens, tigers laid eggs, trees prophesied, and chickens twerked; the destiny of all creation rested on the shoulders of a young boy, named; Ji Min! Our MC had been chosen by prophecy to become the Omni-Being; a peerless existence who was not only omnipotent but omnipresent and omniscient as well. As the forgotten cornerstone of the very foundation upon which all creation was laid, our MC was able to meet the requirements to be chosen as the herald of the forgotten True Spirit. But as fate would have it, our MC ended up transmigrating into the body of a little kid who had a soup of chronic diseases. So, in a world where the strong ate the weak, drank their blood, and picked their teeth with their victims’ bones, what would become of our dying MC? How will he survive in a world where Qilins are treated as pets and Dragons are made to play catch? A world where overlords grill their meat with tribulation lightning and drink lava?

The_Primal_Scribe · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
94 Chs

Behind You!


Ji Min sent a Lord Stage stomp at the lizard's flank, sending it flying to the side with a painful wail, before borrowing the momentum of the stomp to bolt toward the shocked and unsuspecting gecko.

With a furious grab of his fist, Ji Min delivered a vicious Lord Stage punch at the gecko, but the Serpent was quick to react, as it squirted its petrification venom at Ji Min.


The venom showered all over Ji Min's body, sending searing pains shooting through his body as his body began to petrify, slowing him down gradually.

The tranquil poison within Ji Min instantly went to work as it absorbed the petrification venom through his pores and converted them to pure energy before sending it back to Ji Min who used it all to fuel his punch.

The gecko suddenly saw the petrification stop and then begin to vanish, and in that time lapse, Ji Min managed to arrive in front of it and delivered his Lord Stage punch.

Realizing it was too late to spit out its goo, the gecko immediately retaliated with a sharp tail swipe of its own;

Bang! Spurt!


Ji Min finally drew first blood as the gecko was sent slamming into a nearby tree trunk with an agonizing hiss.

[Behind you!]

Sensei's warning echoed within Ji Min's head as he landed on the ground with another stomp, and used the momentum to twist his body at an odd angle before delivering another punch towards the tail swipe lashing at him.


This time, Ji Min was sent skidding across the forest ground, before the trio stopped at a stalemate. Ji Min looked towards the lizard and saw a tiny stream of blood that kept vaporizing as it came in contact with the flames in its maws.

He looked towards the gecko and saw a red chain mark on its tail with its sharp edge bent in an unnatural angle and blood streaming down its base, but the serpent remained fine with no visible external injury, and neither did it look like it was in pain either.

The beasts were also scrutinizing Ji Min as the serpent still seemed to be looking at him with a trace of shock apparent in its eyes; it was obviously shocked that Ji Min seemed to be resistant to its venom.

The other beasts, though in pain, were also gazing at Ji Min with wariness apparent in their eyes; they obviously knew a thing or two about the serpent's venom and its capabilities, but seemingly for the first time in their lives, they saw a being who seemed to be immune to it.

Finally, Ji Min seemed to be in high spirits and it also looked like his exhaustion seemed to have reduced a bit further than when they confronted him.


The Lizard spat out another stream of flames which covered a vast area this time as Ji Min prepared to evade it; but before he could make a move, a larger blob of goo came spraying towards him, cutting off his path of retreat.

The lizard then burst through its own flames as it snapped its sharp maws at Ji Min, while the serpent came through his only path of escape with a vicious tail swipe.

Realizing he was being attacked from all sides, Ji Min stomped hard on the floor and jumped high into the air, and whilst it was enough to evade the goo, it was not enough to evade the lunging lizard and the incoming tail swipe.

Rolling out the full length of the chain on his arm, Ji Min lashed toward the sky as the chain wrapped around a tree branch, allowing him to yank himself up just in time to evade the two beast attack by a hair's breadth.

With a 'go for the kill' momentum, the serpent, and the lizard found it impossible to break their advance and attack and thus, they both slammed into each other;



The Lizard was sent tumbling several meters away as Ji Min rolled out the chain on his other fist and lashed it toward the unsuspecting serpent.

Wrapping itself around the serpent's body, Ji Min yanked himself towards the serpent.

A stream of tranquil poison left Ji Min's heart, rushing through his bloodstream in response to his desire, before wrapping around his palm as Ji Min delivered a solid Lord Stage palm strike into the serpent's abdomen;



Then for the first time since the battle began, the serpent felt pain as it was sent flying several meters away into the bush.

Ji Min landed and without wasting another second, he took advantage of the situation to dart towards the gecko once again, and this time, the gecko was able to spit out another blob of goo as it aimed to divert Ji Min's advance.


[Go for it!]

With communication happening at the speed of thought, Sensei helped Ji Min urge another stream of tranquil poison to cover his arms and legs, as Ji Min joined tucked his head between his knees with his arms raised in a protective pose.


The tranquil poison ate through the goo as Ji Min burst through it and came out on the other side, landing right in front of the stunned gecko;


Ji Min bellowed as he sent a vicious punch toward the head of the gecko, slamming it to the ground before landing on top of that same spot with a vicious stomp.

Unwilling to let the opportunity pass by, Ji Min quickly rained down three successive Lord Stage punches on that exact spot, and finally, on the last strike, his hand went through the gecko's head, as blood, goo, and gore splattered all over him and the surroundings.

Ji Min stood victoriously over the gecko as he watched it take its last breath, but his victorious feeling was short-lived as he realized that he had just spent half of his remaining strength to kill one of them and injure the other two.

[It's not certain that I would be able to defeat the Abyss Medusa with the strength I have left. Furthermore, there is still that lizard.] Ji Min noted.

[Yes Young Lord; and even if you manage to kill the remaining two, you might not have enough strength left to escape from the ones lurking in the shadows and waiting for an opportunity to take advantage of the situation.]

Sensei added as Ji Min frowned; he could also sense the presence of these lurking shadows, and whilst most of them were in the early levels, two of these beasts seem to be at the Peak of Qi Gathering stage instead.