Juliet was taken to Mum Abayomi house and she thought it was going to be fun only for her expectations to be dashed and be plunged into a very dangerous situation she never wanted to be. What will she do?
#Episode 14
I knelt down in tears! If I could kill myself and go to heaven, I would be the most happiest person on earth. I just don't know what exactly to pray anymore.
Oh! I just remembered. Mummy said I should pray to God to open my eyes. That's a good prayer point. I started to pray that God should open my eyes.
"Father open my eyes! Father open my eyes! Lord open my eyes. Jesus open my eyes. Holy Spirit open my eyes. Open my eyes. Father open my eyes!"
What kind of boring prayers is this? I was just repeating myself. Open my eyes, open my eyes. I'm tired! I need another prayer point.
I tried to ransack my brain if I had any other prayer point and discovered I had none. This is ridiculous. For tye past ten minutes, I've been repeating the prayer point, open my eyes.
"Lord teach me to pray!" I said admist tears.
A hand tapped me and I jerked in shock.
It was Susan! Praise God! I almost thought that even l man was back to continue from where he stopped. I was not going to scream Jesus ooo! It's mummy I was preparing to shout. I had made an idol out of her. I can't believe that was what I intended to do.
"I've been listening to you on the bed trying to pray. I discovered you're just repeating one particular prayer point. I know it's not easy to pray for long in words, so I wanted to suggest. Why not pray in tongues? Why not pray in the Holy Ghost?" Susan asked.
I looked at her with a hint of confusion in my expression.
"Susan! The Holy Ghost needs to descend on me heavily. I need to be in an atmosphere where the spiritual energy is so strong so I can connect and burst into tongues. Everything here is too quiet for the Holy Ghost to move. Besides, I don't have the gift of tongues. I guess I only spoke in tongues because I was baptized in the Holy Ghost, that's all".
Susan smiled and squeezed my shoulder.
"No Juliet! Once you get baptized in the Holy Ghost, you receive the gift of tongues. It's a free package that follows it. You don't need atmospheres in other to speak in tongues. All you need is to open your mouth and he will fill it. He gives the utterance and you speak.
Can I ask you a question?"
"If I give you an Android phone, do you have the freedom to pick it up and use it whenever you feel like?"
"Yes", I answered.
"That's exactly how the gift of tongues works. It's a gift from your beloved heavenly daddy. It's like the android phone in your hand. Anytime you feel like using your android phone, you pick it up and start using it. That's how the gift of tongues is.
Anytime you feel like speaking in tongues, open your mouth and start. He will always give the utterance. All you have to do is to open your mouth and listen the way you did the first day you spoke in tongues.
You don't have to struggle with what to pray. The bible says, in Romans 8:26. Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.
You don't know what to pray about. But the Holy Ghost will help you pray the right prayers in a language you cannot understand. He will give you the utterance and you will say them.
You can be on the street walking and you're speaking in tongues. You can be in the kitchen cooking, and speaking in tongues in whispers. You can be in the classroom and you're whispering in tongues. Anytime you want to speak, he's always there to grant you the utterance. It's a gift from your heavenly father and the gifts of God are without repentance. He never takes them back. It's yours for life.
So go ahead and open your mouth sis!" She tapped me and went back to bed.
"Wait Susan, one more question".
"Yes", she replied with her eyes shut.
"Can I actually understand what I am saying in tongues?"
"Of course! Why not? But that's another gift of the spirit called the gift of interpretation of tongues. That gift is not for free. If you are desperate and really want to interpret tongues in english, you can start fasting and praying for that gift. But, you can go ahead and pray in tongues without understanding it.
Praying in tongues is one of the best ways to pray. The bible says in 1 Corinthians 14:4. He that speaketh in an unknown tongue edifieth himself; but he that prophesieth edifieth the church.
Do you know what it means to edify yourself?"
"No", I answered.
"It means to build and nuture your spirit man. So praying in the Holy Ghost is one of the best ways to groom your spirit man and make it grow faster than usual. So if you love your spiritual life so much, you would pray more in tongues than in words.
I'm not saying you cannot pray in words anymore oooo. But I'm only saying if you're praying, let tongues be 80 percent and words 20 percent.
Do you understand?"
"Yes!" I replied grinning.
I threw my arms around the sleeping girl and hugged her tightly.
"Thank you so much darling!"
"Don't mention! Say all the thank you to God", she replied and soon drifted back to sleep.
I knelt down again with a smile on my face.
"Father open my eyes and cause me to see what I'm supposed to see", that was what I said.
I opened my mouth and soon, from nowhere, what to say began to flow in and I began to say it. Soon I was speaking in tongues fluently as if it was a language I knew how to speak from childhood.
I caught myself smiling at intervals because the tongues was just sweeting me ooo.
I didn't know one hour had passed. I was just blasting in tongues when suddenly, my eyes were opened.
The place was completely smokey and dark. I looked ahead and saw 3 person's walking to meet me. Two ladies and a man. They had chains on their necks and on their hands.
Why were they chained?
Immediately I saw one of the ladies, I recognized her. It was Fejiro. What was she doing here in this dark and dirty place? Why was she chained?
I couldn't recognize the two others, only Fejiro my classmate.
It was clear I had asked gif to open my eyes. Now I should get ready to see what he had to show me.
Fejiro ran to meet me and held my hands like her life depended on it.
"Juliet! Please don't fail us. We are counting on you!"
I was still trying to get over the shock of seeing her in chains, so I quickly asked so as to he clarified.
"What are you doing in chains?" I asked.
"Don't ask me that question. You're the reason why I'm in chains. The children of Israel were in bondage crying to God for freedom. Not knowing that their deliverer was sitting in the Palace, eating and drinking like a glutton. Sleeping like a log of wood and forgot about his assignment on earth.
Don't you know that there are destinies tied to you? Your failure to rise and fulfill destiny is going to change everything for them.
We have been begging God to intervene in our school and save the lives of all those teenagers perishing in immorality and he sent us you. But you're so occupied with the pleasures of Egypt that you have forgotten that you're wasting time.
Look at me now! Do you like what you're seeing?"
I took a good look at her and honestly. I felt sorry for her. But how was any of this still my fault?
Wait did I just say that? It was clear I wasn't getting the message. These people are destines tied to me. Destinies that would never manifest untill I do.
"I'm so sorry Fejiro! I promise not to fail you!" I was still apologizing when she vanished.
I jerked back and looked around. She was gone.
I turned and next was the lady I don't know standing in front of me.
"Who are you?" I asked.
"My name is not important. You'll meet me in the future. You'll nickname me Aunty Rhema. That's what you'll find yourself calling me in the future.
I am a great teacher of God's word. I am like Apostle Paul in this generation. I carry the oil of devouring the mysteries of God's word. Through me, many lives will be transformed and revivals would break out.
My generation keep crying to me in the dream repeating these e words, 'Give us the bread! Give us the bread!'
They keep meeting me in my dreams telling me to give them the bread. I am not a baker. I am the CEO of the Kolapo production company. I know this bread is not a physical food. But the bread for the hungry soul.
But I am plagued with the spirit of insanity. I'm a mad woman! Satan had seen my star early enough and had struck me with madness.
The reason why I'm here is because you are the one God has ordained to deliver me from this spirit of insanity. So if you fail your generation, you're not just going to fail yourself. You'll be sentencing me to a madwoman for life.
Many mad people roaming the streets today have already being assigned to someone to deliver them. But the deliverer is still in Pharoah's palace. Unwilling to leave his or her comfort zone to pay the price and fulfill destiny. Enjoying the pleasures of Egypt which would only last for a season.
So those mad people will remain mad people. Just because one man was unwilling to pay the price to fulfill destiny".
At this point, I had tears in my eyes. How could God assign so much to me? And here I was wasting away?
"Aunty Rhema! I'm sorry!"
"Don't apologize! Make sure by the time we meet in the future, you're already that deliverer God had destined you to become. I'm counting on you! God is counting on you!"
That was how she vanished.
I fell down on my knees and began to cry profusely. A generation would be lost if I fail God. A generation of souls. How many lives are tied to my destiny? I know it's not just 3, but God wanted me to see something that I needed to see.
Soon, the man stood in front of me.
"Please! I can't take this anymore! God this is too much for me!" I said as I noticed the man was about to speak.
"Actually Juliet! I'm your God given husband!
I jumped up and looked at him very well. I must be dreaming! Wait! How can I be dreaming in a dream?
"You said what?"
"That's right! If you don't manifest your destiny, you would never be able to set me free. And any other person you end up getting married to is the wrong person.
I am one of your converts. I am one of the people you would bring to Christ through your preaching. If you refuse to preach the gospel, you'll never meet me and get me converted.
I'm here to tell you that if you really don't want to miss it in marriage, you have no choice. You must manifest your destiny. Because if you fall into the hands of the wrong man, forget about your destiny. You'll never be able to fulfill it".
I felt a tap on my shoulder and opened my eyes.
"Juliet! It's time for family devotion", Susan said.
To be continued....
I was not up to 5 years old when I was hospitalized. I was in a comma for a week. I couldn't open my eyes or eat food through my mouth.
My father fasted and prayed that I must come back to life.
God answered his prayers and I survived that sickness.
Many years later, I was listening to a preacher on TV. The preacher said, God always have a reason for performing miracles. He never performs a miracle without a reason. And I felt God had a reason why he saved me when I was little.
So I decided to ask God in prayers why he saved me. I prayed and asked God to reveal to me why he saved me.
That night, I had a dream. I saw someone telling me in that dream that why was I wasting time? He told me to look around that there are people who need the word of God. He said I should stop wasting my time and go and start preaching.
That was how I went into the house and came out with my bible moving from person to person to preach to.
Ask God to reveal to you who you are. Tell him to open your eyes so you can see. It would help you sit up spiritually and face your destiny with all seriousness.
Many of you are the deliverer your family has been asking God to send.