

The platoon tends to the wounded co-pilot and the two gunners of the crashed helicopter. They are introduced as Captain Jensen Brooks, Sergeant Richard Gavins and Sergeant Mason Starling. The pilot of the helicopter was killed from the crash, having a sharp piece of glass impaled into his throat, thus making Jensen now the ranking of captain. Knowing they have to get out of the current location they are in, they start heading back to the village they came across right as they come under sudden heavy fire! Bullets fly all around them, as they struggle to return fire. Collingsworth takes a post from a higher ground and fires back, able to hit a few enemy soldiers until he gets a bullet through the head, killing him instantly. His lifeless body falls to the ground below when Tent is shot to death himself. More enemy troopers begin to appear to their left and an RPG is fired at them and while mostly everyone is able to move, Brooks and Gavins cannot as the rocket explodes, killing them upon impact. Franks returns fire, taking down a few more, but they don't make a dent. Suddenly, a tank appears and fires, but doesn't hit them. One of the homes in the village is destroyed and Franks yells into the radio they need air support. When several enter the village, Brody quickly goes on the attack, fighting two at a time in hand-to-hand combat, displaying incredible fighting abilities as he is able to defeat and kill his opponents. 


2nd Lt. Adam Franks: Where the hell did you learn that?


Brody Kelly: You would be surprised what you can learn from YouTube, lieutenant.

Brody takes aim and kills three more, takes a grenade and throws it as it explodes and kills five more. The marines start fighting back, able to kill a large portion of the enemy soldiers around them, but their ammo starts to dwindle, and they won't have enough to even make a dent in the battle. Brody announces he is down to his final clip and reloads as Franks tosses him one last clip. The marines all run out of ammo and as they begin to accept defeat, Jericho suddenly arrives as he slams to the ground, destroying the tank and killing dozens of Hakim terrorists. His wrist bracelets start to glow a bright blue color as Jericho thrusts them outwards and an energy blast shoots from it, destroying many of the Hakim vehicles and killing dozens more. The marines watch in amazement at this as Jericho is able to defeat this wave and send the rest retreating. Jericho then empties the wrist blasters and reloads two more into them and places them into rest mode. He turns to look at the marines when he tosses them the two bags of the weapons he stole.


Jericho: There's plenty in there but go easy on the ammo. Use it wisely.

Following the battle, the marines and Jericho take shelter inside one of the abandoned homes, covering Collingsworth and Jenkins' bodies with some blankets. They all sit in a circle as Jericho remains posted on guard, keeping watch.


Cpl. Ameyo Jurgo: So, what do we do now? I mean, they know we are here.


2nd Lt. Adam Franks: Ricardo, try that radio, see if you can get anyone.

Adam looks over at Jericho but doesn't have the courage to say anything. Brody catches his gaze and looks over to him as does Kristina and Shaun. Jericho looks out at the horizon and spots something moving so he climbs up onto the roof to try and catch a better view but can't see. Brody soon joins him up there and Jericho informs him to remain put and takes off at superhuman speed. He finds what he saw, and it turns out to be nothing and as he goes to head back, he is suddenly tackled to the ground by an unknown being! Jericho kicks this person off and jumps to his feet as the mysterious person and Jericho start throwing punches and kicks at each other, but neither are able to land any due to them being evenly matched. Meanwhile, Allyson has excused herself to use the bathroom and after she finishes, she is suddenly ambushed by three Hakim terrorists. They zip tie her wrists behind her back and place a hood over head as they drag her to one of the waiting hummers and speed off. Jericho senses this and is about to rescue her when the person he's fighting keeps him from doing so, but Jericho is able to fend the assiliant off and charges the hummer by plowing himself into it! He pulls the driver out and slams him face first into the ground, kicks the other in the face and disarms the third before impaling him in the side of the neck with a shard of glass. He helps Allyson out of the car, unties her then lifts her into his arms and runs back to the village. He places her down as he coughs and vomits up a strange black liquid, much to the disgust of the marines. But, before he can recover, the same mystery person attacks him again and throws him to the ground. Jericho throws a punch, but the mystery person blocks it, headbutts him in the face, punches him, knees him in the groin and delivers a roundhouse to his face. Jericho tries to stand to his feet, but the mystery person delivers a sharp kick to his ribs to keep him down, but Jericho trips the person down and punches the assiliant in the face. Continuing the assault, Jericho rips the person's mask off to reveal it to be a woman. She looks up at him, smirks and her eyes become that of a reptile and her tongue is snake-like as she spits venom into his face. She lets out a hiss and retreats as Jericho writhes in pain on the ground as Brody rushes to try and aid him, but Jericho stumbles to his feet, claiming to be all right and is proven to be as his eyes have already healed. 

At nightfall, the marines huddle around while Jericho stands outside as Brody walks out with him, handing him a drink. Jericho accepts it and turns away to drink it, not wanting him to see his face. Brody informs him he's read about him and that nobody knows where he came from as Jericho taps his fingers on his cup. It's at this moment when Allyson steps outside and asks Brody if he could give them a minute.


Cpl. Allyson Jenkins: I don't know anything about you, I don't know who you even are, but in the time that I have served in the marines, I have seen a lot of horrible things that our worst nightmares can't even draw up. I've seen things I can't explain, but what you did not only to save me, but to those men, those fully grown men, I can't explain.

Jericho stands there, as he gently sets his cup down and sits down on the ground as Allyson does the same. He looks at her with only his eyes visible but refuses to unmask himself.


Jericho: Nobody knows who I am, what I am or where I came from. And that's because I allow it to be that way. There are things from my past I choose not to share, because I would never wish it upon my worst enemies. My past has followed me like a demon waiting to slay me. These skills and powers, most see them as gifts or miracles, but I see them as a curse. A curse I cannot escape from.


Cpl. Allyson Jenkins: What happened? From your past.


Jericho: It's something I would rather not talk about, corporal.


Cpl. Allyson Jenkins: I understand.


Jericho: I'm going to get you all home. One way or another.


Cpl. Allyson Jenkins: I know.

Jericho suddenly stands to his feet and starts to look around, which makes Allyson become cautious. He tells her to get inside as they both do so and barricade the doors and windows just as Railer arrives. Jericho motions for them all to stay silent and not make a sound. They listen as Railer moves around outside, listening to every step that he takes. The woman from earlier is also there and is revealed to be Monica Lemke as Jericho hears Railer say her name as well as her alias, Viper. Monica snickers in a hiss as her snake tongue slithers in and out of her mouth. 


Monica Lemke: I don't like to be kept waiting, Railer.


Railer: Don't worry. We will destroy him. Together.


Monica Lemke: Tell me, Railer. What issss it you fear?


Railer: Fear? Fear runs at the sight of me, hell, it flees when my name is even mentioned. I don't fear it. Fear itself fears me.

Monica erupts into a hoarse, hissing cackle then her face becomes menacing, her eyes like a slithering, angry serpent and her tongue slithering in and out. She starts to walk towards Railer, her nails becoming razor sharp with a sinister smirk across her face. She gets very close to Railer's face, her breathing raspy and low as she sniffs him then looks him right in his eyes and steps back.


Monica Lemke: You don't fear. You have become it.

Monica turns and walks away as Railer looks at the home where Jericho and the marines are barricaded and approaches the door then places his hand on it. 


Railer: Soon, Jericho. Soon.

Jericho breathes heavily as he looks at the marines then yanks the door open and finds both Railer and Viper gone as he looks around. The wind blows softly, and Jericho walks a few steps when he is suddenly shot at, but the bullet narrowly misses him! A sniper hundreds of yards away notices he missed and reloads his rifle, but Jericho is gone. The sniper looks up then through his scope again when his vision goes dark and when the sniper looks, Jericho is there and grabs him by the throat, lifting him off the ground. The sniper struggles to release himself, but Jericho is much too strong, and he hurls him into a wall. The sniper takes out his side gun when Jericho grabs him, knocks the gun away and throws him around, brutalizing him just as the marines are surrounded and held a gunpoint. They are all restrained and taken away as Jericho leaves the sniper and hurries back when he is clotheslined by Railer. 


Railer: Play time is over.

Railer lifts Jericho up and delivers a thunderous punch to his chest, sending him a few yards away as he leaps into the air and crashes into Jericho. Injured, he struggles to his feet as Railer grabs him by his hair and delivers two hard blows to his face and kicks him in the face. The marines are taken away while Railer continues to pummel Jericho to the point he is bloodied and battered.


Railer: Now, you will see who is the strongest.

Railer then knees him hard in the face and throws him down, but before departing he lifts Jericho up with both his hands and slams him down, breaking his back on his knee. Jericho lets out an anguish yell when his back makes a gruesome crunching sound and is unable to move as Railer smirks. In agony and pain, Railer kneels down as Jericho looks up at him with rage in his eyes.


Railer: This is all on you, Jericho. All you had to do was accept my invitation and all of this could have been avoided.


Jericho: I'm going to kill you.

Railer chuckles as he places his hand on Jericho's chest as he stands up, making Jericho yell in pain. Railer tips his hat and walks away, leaving Jericho there for dead.