
Jeff The Killer X Reader

If your under the age of 13 or 18 be warned that this story does contain Smut for you little Jeff simps out there feel free to read this is for you lovely's out there I myself IS a JTK simp so I high wear that as a patch on my banner

20wilbursoot24 · Outros
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10 Chs

Chapter 7 How me and Jeff first met

(Authors note this is when me and jeff were in Elementary school.)

It was a normal day out I was in school at the time a boy came up to me in the playground at recess we started to talk to each other it was almost the end of the day I said we didn't give each other's name my name is Shadow what's yours the boys eyes widen in surprise he mumbles Jeff Jeffery Woods I heard him say his name. Well it's nice to meet you Jeff is it okay if I call you jeff he nods then walks off one of the adults told him that they were going to pick him up I on the other hand I yelled STRANGER DANGER I was in front of jeff at this point you take him you got to go through me and his brother first. Jeff smiled at me happily. The police officer arrested the man and took him to his car. My parents got to know Jeff's parents it was parent night for mine and Jeff's parents. I went over to Jeff's house. Me and jeff were in his room I was sitting on his bed he was laying down facing me he kept staring at me I look over at him. Jeff: Lay down. Shadow: No, I do not want to. Jeff looks away and turns on his side acing his back to me he then fell asleep I saw he had a TV in his room I went to go turn it on I somehow knew the PIN or some reason I turn tubi on I choose the penny-wise movie. Jeff had pretended to sleep I did not know he came and joined me. Jeff: I like this movie. Shadow: -I jumped- WTF when did you sit down beside me. Jeff: Uh ... like 10 minutes ago. Shadow: Oh. Me and jeff continue to watch movies I eventually fall asleep in jeff lap, and I cuddle his legs. Jeff started to pet me while I slept on him, he picked me up and brought me to his bed and he put me on top of him I buried my face into his neck jeff then fell asleep holding me.


~next day~


Jeff woke up before me like 20 minutes before me he blushed so fucking hard, he used his hoodie sleeve. I started to stir I opened my eyes like after 10 minutes I yawned I knew who I was with, but I did not know I was in his arms I sat up Jeff greeted me good morning sleepy head. Shadow: Shawt Ap motherfucker. Jeff eyes widen at what I said this is new.


~3 hours later~

Shadow: Jeff. What did I say this mornin when I woke up. Jeff: … you told me to shut up and called me a motherfucker. Shadow: Get used to it cause im mad for some reason that idk of. Jeff: Okay.

Me and Jeff where at the park a Karen walks up to jeff and accuses him not being with an adult I told the old hag that he's with me and my family the old hag did t believe me so she tried taking jeff away I was 5 jeff was 9 years old I on the other hand my sanity snapped I took out my pocket knife and I lunged at the Karen I killed her I knew what I did I drag jeff back to my parents and then we left the park I was in my room with jeff keeping a good distance from me I keep telling him I not going to hurt him but he doesn't believe me so I locked the door I put a shackle on jeff he looked at me with sad and betrayed eyes I felt bad I kissed him he didn't kisses me back I unhooked him and unlocked my bedroom door Jeff left my room and told my mother something me and my family moved the next day I 

Could not tell Jeff goodbye that day and I know I saw him until I was sixteen, he went to Randy's neighborhood that is when we saw each other again. Our lives went smooth after we saw each other again but after that night Jeff left without saying goodbye, I was sad that he did not tell me he was leaving I deserve it I did not tell him I moved so we are even now. I was now sixteen. Jeff was in my neighborhood looking or people to kill his eyes landed on me jeff eyes widen in surprise that he would see me again I asked my mom to change my name to Blaze cause of how many kills I had to the name Shadow.