
Je T'aime. Imbècile

When a very sassy French-Korean jewelry designer, Seo Noèmie, finds herself embroiled in a tug-of-war with one of South Korea's most eligible bachelors, Hotel Tycoon. CEO, Jung Hoseok. She couldn't believe her misfortune when, due to a little mishap, she was forced to work as a maid in a hotel during her precious working vacation. cause the handsome CEO's life to become an unexpected roller coaster ride.

strawberry1d · Celebridades
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Chapter 6

When you walked into the foyer, everyone was staring at you. When was the last time the Chairlady spoke to a hotel maid?

You grin at the shocked expressions on the hotel staff's faces. You cordially wave and follow Mrs. Jung, who is quite chic and imposing.

At the door to the underground parking, Mrs. Jungs' driver was waiting for her.

"Thank you, Mr. Bang..." Ms. Jung nodded and slid into her Mercedes-Benz, gleaming in the dark. As she motions for you to get in the car, you grin. Your eyes widen as you desperately want to escape. You didn't believe she'd urge you to accompany her on her ride.

As you set your tote bag on your lap, you grin and say, "Thank you, Mrs. Jung."When the car pulled out of the parking space, you could feel Mrs. Jung's calculating gaze on you, making you feel a little uneasy.

Her cupid lips and eyes are identical to those of her imbecile son.

"So, Ms—-," she says, her brow arched in your direction.

"...er Seo Noémie.," you say, clearing your throat.

She had a slight grin on her face. "So, Ms. Noémie., how do you feel about Hoseok? I get the impression that your working relationship is stressful for both of you."

You took a deep breath to avoid letting her see your disdain for her son, whom you detest.

"Mrs. Jung...er, Mr. Imbe—-I mean Jung and I had a brief altercation a few days ago. It was not my aim to cause the slight collision, Ma'am. It wasn't my fault; it was his demon drivers' fault...and Mr. Jung refused to hear my side of the story. "You rant quietly. Mrs. Jung chuckled a little as she remembered her son's rants and raves over this; specific "maid." No woman had ever let him lose his cool in public like that. Authur and Meijiwoo, her son's confidante, told him that this French girl made her son sweat a lot. He is constantly criticizing her for her antics. She watches the girl's defeated expression with amusement. Mrs. Jung was enthralled by the charming french accent.

She notices the girl wringing her hands nervously and recognizes the magnificent diamond watch and "pinky" rose gold ring.

Her brows pulled together, "So, you're a brand-new maid doing community service...hmm. Is it true that you have a new baby and a husband waiting for you at home?"

You shook your head with a bit of regret, a guilty expression flickering across your face. "No, I'm sorry, Mrs. Jung, but your son and I aren't on the same page. I came to Korea for business and cannot complete my job due to the accident and Mr. Jung's unreasonable behavior."

"So you've got a job? I was perplexed how a maid could afford a $20 000 diamond wristwatch with the latest Cartier "toe and pinky "rose gold ring collection on her finger. Really, who are you?" She raises her elegantly arched brow in your direction. You sigh and decide to give her the truth because there is no way you can lie to her.

" My name is Seo Noémie., and I'm a Paris-based French-Korean. I'm one of THE HOUSE CARTIER's designers. I'm in Seoul for the Kim Contemporary Gallery's exclusive Diamond exhibition. I'll be staying for a few weeks, opening a new store in the mall and Gangnam-Gu. As you can see, Ma'am. I need to work on the exhibition, due in a few weeks. I've also wasted time at the hotel. Our items will arrive next week, and I must be present to ensure that they are genuine and secure." You try to explain to a matriarch who is wide-eyed. The collection itself is a few billion-dollar worths.

She apologizes, "Oh my...and Hosoek doesn't want you to leave." She is familiar with her son. He is determined, but she has a sneaking suspicion that this girl has captured his attention. She is well acquainted with Cartier's exhibitions. In their circles, it was well-publicized.

She had a worried expression."I'll speak with him and get you off the hook..."

You have a mischievous smirk on your face "Ma'am, please...I'm sorry for breaking our agreement. I don't want to spend nights in prison. If at all possible, please allow him to give me a few days off or allow me to go earlier so that I can complete my duties...perhaps I can pressure him to fire me, but it could get ugly." your face is apologetic. You want him to have a bitter aftertaste in his mouth because you're going to make him wish he hasn't met you.

"Well, then, I'll leave you and Hoseok to sort out your issues," Ms. Jung beams at the enterprising girl." Please be careful. My son is not the type of man to take things lightly. But I'm hoping to see him a little more "relaxed." She smiles as she strokes her chin delicately.

Hoseok has finally found his match in the form of this French girl who isn't swooning over his celebrity. Most girls would chase him down, but not this one. She was trying to get away from him.

This girl adds a little excitement to the life of her workaholic son... He doesn't discuss his prospective hotel, but he does complain about this obnoxious "french brat." She and Meijiwoo used to laugh at his latest "not-so-good" employee antics.

"All right, Ms. Seo. You have a French-Korean background. How are your parents doing?" She asks with keen interest."

"Oh, and my father is a French diplomat, and my mother is a former journalist who is now the CEO of a design magazine. I grew up as an only child. ---" you enjoyed talking about your parents. Mrs. Jung threw out a gasp.

"You remind me of an old high school and university friend...who I haven't seen in years—- Han Ara. Your mouth and your eyes. Oh my you---" She seemed to be analyzing your face. For four years, she and her friend were separated. What are the chances of seeing her daughter before her?

Your eyes widen, "(oh mon Dieu)! Oh my goodness!!! My mother's name is Ara, but she is better known in the fashion industry than Alma Seo. What a small world we live in. Before she married, she worked as a traveling journalist for several years." You're shocked.

"Well, well...what a small world both of us with only one child...estranged or divorced with our husbands—-so how is my whimsical Ara doing—-?" you were telling her about your mother's whereabouts and that she might come to Seoul for the exhibition.

Mrs. Jung informed you about her and your mother's college adventures. Until your mother moved to Europe to pursue her postgraduate study in France. You were astounded, and you continue to be mystified as to how life could be so cruel as to ruin Ms. Jung's life by giving her such an idiot for a son.

When you showed Ms. Jung your house, she was surprised that you weren't staying alone. You informed her that you would be staying with family for the month. You express your thankfulness and wave goodbye.

What a complete turn of events. That night, you phone your mom, who is pleasantly surprised that you ran into an old friend of hers, but you couldn't inform her about Mr. Hoseoks' car accident.


The next day, you made sure to arrive at work early. Hyerin had returned, and you were dressed in your uniforms.

You've been reassigned to clean the conference center and Mr. Hoseok's office by Ms. Meijiwoo (Jiwoo). When you learned that Mr. Jung had flown out of the country to Indonesia, where he is currently building a massive hotel project, you could have jumped out of your skin. He took his assistant with him and his office will be unmanned for the day. Meijiwoo and his mother will be in charge.

Even though the office wasn't dirty, you quickly mopped and vacuumed the carpets, ensuring that everything was spotless. His magnificent office can't help but captivate you. Everything screams "wealthy" and "classy." You heard from the workers that the Bangtan club's CEO is one of South Korea's wealthiest. Hoseok owns the most opulent apartment and has seen an art curator on and off for the past few years. His romance with his girlfriend has been put on hold yet again. You can understand how stressful it is for you to have such a long-distance relationship with your parents.

You also make sure his PA's area is clean. You noticed a message on her desk calendar as you were dusting the table. For the executives, today is a special day. A buffet lunch is provided for free in the restaurant located upstairs.

Why is it that only the executives have access to this special? You scan the information with a massive smile on your face. You have the feeling that everyone in the company has put in a lot of effort and that everyone should be rewarded. You rapidly scan the area to ensure that no one is about to come out of nowhere. When you're certain the coast is clear, You have to get down to work. You enter the PA's office and begin dialing contacts.

Hopefully, you'll get fired sooner because of this.

During the day, a confused Meijiwoo gave you and Hyerin the most pleasing news ever.

"Well, today is your lucky day, ladies. Usually, only the executives get a free multiple luncheon buffet at the restaurant today. Mrs. Jung issued a pass to the entire staff. A memo from the restaurant management has just arrived. "

Everyone is shocked, especially the maids, who will be unable to afford the lavish five-star restaurant buffet.

"The first-class buffet lunch in the VIP restaurant is open to all employees." "Wow!" said Bong, one of the maids.

"Well, it's your lucky day," Ms. Kim says. So by noon, all you have to do is get a bite. Girls, have fun. It appears that our employer is being unusually generous today."

You smirked inwardly as you stood next to Hyerin. You summoned Ms. Kim back before she could leave the area.

"Ms. Kim, I worked till 5 p.m. yesterday. Is it okay if I get a bite to eat at 11 a.m.? We still need to clean the presidential suite, which will take about an hour, and I won't be able to dine with my team until 12...just asking." You make a charming pout and widen your eyes. You are well aware of your female charm. No one can say no to you if you ooze honey, sweetness. You never utilize your allure like that, but before Mr. Jung learns about your latest scheme, you must do so now.

"Okay, the buffet is open from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. You're free to leave now. Is Hyerin aiding you in any way?" Ms Kim inquires as she shifts her gaze from you to your teammate. Both of you nod. You and Heyrin exchange a grin and dash to the staff quarters to change into your casual wear for the time being.

"This is such an unexpected treat," Hyerin exclaims. "Wow. Mr. Jung does it solely for his top executives. I can't believe the entire staff is included. I can imagine the grumpy chef's expression when he was told he needed to prepare for today's staff. Today, we have nearly 40 employees."

You smile as you sweep your hair back to allow it to run freely down your back. Hyerin's eyes widen as she sees your magnificent mane.

"Wow, Noémie....your hair is... gorgeous!" She stroked her fingers through your glossy black hair, gazing in admiration. "My fingertips go straight through it. It reminds me of Indian women, for some reason, "she trails off, muttering about how some women have Rapunzel-like hair. You smirk with delight.

"I owe it to my mother to say thank you. Let's go have a bite to eat before Mr. Imbécile returns." You grabbed her arm and dashed up to the door. Hyerin had a puzzled expression on her face...

"What are you talking about? Mr. Jung is currently in the Indonesian capital of Jakarta. He'll show up the next day and--" she said.

"Really... Eh, Bien, Je ne serai pas là pour ressentir a fureur (well, I won't be here to feel his fury ) you said In French; turning around with a broad smile, you stated, You're hoping Ms. Meijiwoo isn't going to call him today. He must be on his charter airplane at the moment.

"He'll be back tomorrow evening, according to what I heard. So, tomorrow is your day off. That's great. Have a lot of fun." Hyerin, said As you enter the elevator to the fourth floor, Link your arms with hers.

The five-star restaurant, which is usually quiet, is now quite crowded. The buffet section is brimming with some of Asia's most exquisite cuisine. You and Hyerin shared smiles as you decided to eat Japanese and Vietnamese dishes. You took selcas and images of your food for your social media pages. You email pics to your mother and best friend, Anais.

You ordered drinks and spent the next hour eating and sampling various dishes. You could only hear Hyerins' laughter as You told her about your uni days. You enjoy spending time with her. As you returned to the staff lockers to change into your maid uniform, you were full.

By 4 p.m., you were sitting in your uber. With a satisfied grin...What a glorious day this has been. There were no obnoxious bosses surrounding you, and you enjoyed a first-class buffet lunch that costs nearly half of your monthly maid's income.

Because you were snickering alone, the Uber driver looked at you in the mirror.

He smirks, "You seem quite happy there miss... had a fantastic day today?"

With dazzling eyes, you return his grin. With your arms stretched out in front of you, "Yes, Mister ( Monsieur), My day was absolutely (fantastique!)",



Hoseok's eyes widen. When he received a call from Meijiwoo, he was shocked. "What!!!" he yelled in disbelief.

That French brat has a lot of nerve!!!


A/n. I hope you love this update on Noémies' latest scheme.


Wow! Thank you for all the reads. Kindy comment your thoughts

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