
Jayden King - Rise of The Reegan

A young charming yet mean student bullies a student to his death and suffers consequences he never imagined he would and triggers a curse now he has a destiny, the only path to redeem himself, and the only way to find peace is to follow the path.

Mayali1512 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
50 Chs


Instead of asking Rose, Jayden started spying on her but not in a way that would destroy her privacy, after all, he couldn't just simply ask someone if they were a wolf or not, so instead he took care of her.

Whenever she felt down he made sure to cheer her up, and the way he took care of her started growing feelings in both of their hearts for each other.

She didn't know who he was before he met her, she just knew she was with a man who cares for her, she liked spending time with him, they'd study together, they'd spend more time together, this made it easier for Jayden to keep an eye on her, he almost forgot his bitter reality when he was with her, days of Prom were coming and Jayden was gathering a lot of courage to ask her out, so he was waiting that day for the lunchtime so he can ask her in the canteen.

"Hey, I was thinking..." He was about to ask but then he stopped, he was afraid she might say no.

"You want to ask me for the prom!" She giggled.

It felt strange to him, how she confidently completed his sentence while he was feeling shy "Yep!" He nodded, it's not that he hasn't been with a girl before but it was never about love before, what he had before was always hookups but this

"I will" She blushed.

When she left for home she jumped with joy, and he watched her hopping all the way to her home like that, and that sight made him happier.

They couldn't wait for prom night, he was imagining her, in gowns and different outfits, she wasn't less than a fairy for him, a fairy who brought joy into his life and filled his heart with such strange magic that no matter what he does it keeps attracting him toward her, he couldn't wait to be with her.

He practiced the dance by watching videos on the internet, his mother was finally satisfied to see him happy.

Days passed and finally, today was the prom night, everyone was happy and ready just like Jayden, he was so ready to see her, in the hall Jayden was waiting for Rose to arrive through those gates any second now, he waited desperately, no matter what he did to pass the time his heart made him keep turning his head to the gates.

After half an hour there was still no sign of Rose, Jayden became restless when a thought disturbed him "Maybe she turned because of some reason"

He rushed out and searched everywhere for her, he's never been to her house but he knew where she lived when he got to the street where she live.

Before he could knock on her door he sensed something, as he turned his back he saw Rose sitting on a bench and crying her eyes out.

"What happened?" He asked.

She couldn't handle her emotions she exploded into tears.

"Hey? Tell me what is it?" He gently tucked her hair behind her ear.

"I wanted to come but Rita came with her friends, I didn't know what they were up to Rita distracted me for long enough to let them ruin my dress" She started crying again, and burying her face in his chest.

"Ssshhh… You can rock anything you wear you know?" He whispered.

Within a second she stopped crying "What?" She wiped her tears.

"You are beautiful in every way, you can wear a sweatshirt and you'd still look like a fairy" He whispered with the slightest smile on his face, slipping his fingers in her hair.

She got lost in his eyes, her heart was pounding "You could have been enjoying the party" she whispered.

"I would rather enjoy your company than stay at a party where you aren't" He regretted right after saying "What if she doesn't like me?" He thought "I am sorry" He was sweating.

"I lost my brother in an accident… My parents sent me here to have a fresh start… since I arrived you are the only thing that makes me forget about him" She exhaled a warm breath.

He could see how attached she was to her brother, her eyes were drowning in tears again, so before she could start crying again he stood up and extended his hand toward her "We will make our own prom here" He asked her to dance, and they both started dancing without any beat or any music.

"Moon is so beautiful!" She was looking at the moon.

"Yes, it is" He held her face in his hands, his eyes were stuck on her face looked prettier shining under the moonlight.

She blushed when he got close to her, he was just about to kiss her when she pulled herself back from him.

"Not here" She giggled and asked him to get inside her house with her "Give me a second," She said and went to the bathroom.

He was nervous about what was going to happen he breathed on his palm to make sure he doesn't smell bad, afterwards, he went in front of the mirror and combed his hair with his fingers, pulled down his collar when his eyes fell on a picture frame lying on the dressing table.

He picked it up to watch who is it, but his happiness vanished away and his excitement turned into pain when he saw the frame that had a picture of Rose with Felix.

"This was her brother? The innocent student I killed?" He started losing his breath, he couldn't face her "She will hate me!" He started panicking "I can't be here!" he murmured and left the house as soon as he could.

When Rose got out she couldn't find him anywhere, she got out of the house and looked everywhere but he was gone.

She couldn't understand what happened to him, why he left, but then she heard her phone vibrating, it was a message from Jayden "Sorry there was an emergency" She smirked with disappointment but that entire night she couldn't sleep remembering the way Jayden was looking at her, she knew the kiss that couldn't happen tonight will happen any day sooner.

She wasn't the only one who was restless, Jayden was restless too, he was afraid to face her the next day at the school "What can I do to undo what I did" He shed some tears until he fell asleep.

That night changed everything for both of them, while Rose was completely involved with Jayden, he was trying to figure out how he could escape her.