

You can kill her. She means nothing to me' Adrian said. Jayda looked at him wide eyed. The betraying bastard she thought. She had always had the nagging feeling that he was going to give her up at the slightest chance. She turned her head to look him in the eye. No she was not going to cry in his presence. She was going to show him that she could survive without him. 'If she means nothing to you, how about i keep her. I have been searching for a new pet' his brother Jordan said while looking at Jayda like he wanted to devour her. 'You can have her if you want ' Adrian said without breaking the eye contact battle he was having with Jayda. Jayda suddenly started seeing flashes of their intense lovemaking the day before ,she could hear the ripping sound her dress made when he tore it off her. She cringed inwardly not believing that she had given up her body and soul to this ravaging vampire who was trying to betray her and give her up for his kingdom and clan. She knew she would regret it. She knew nothing good would come from falling for a vampire. She had often read about vampires in books and seen them in movies but she could not believe that she would ever meet one let alone fall for him. She should never have taken him in that day. She should never have taken pity on him or even nursed his wounds. It was all her fault. Now she was going to die mercilessly at his hands.

Venuss_venus · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs


Jayda stood transfixed as she watched all that happened. She was too scared to move or shout. Did she just see a human change in to a wolf ? Her eyes seemed to glow anytime she was feeling emotionally overwhelmed. And so without her control, her eyes had glowed selling her out for the third time.

When Cade had run off and was now nowhere to be seen, jayda shakily approached Adrian. He was holding on to his bleeding shoulder and gritting his teeth. She was scared that her neighbours might come outside to find out what all that barking and growling was about. She helped Adrian up and took him into her house. When she turned on the light she was a bit embarrassed about how scantily furnished her house was but that was not important at the moment. She made him lie down on one of the two sofas she had. She spent the next one hour bandaging and dressing his wounds. None of them said anything to each other. She had helped him out of his jacket and his shirt. His bare chest and chiselled abdomen kept distracting her while she dressed his wounds. Cade had done a good job by sinking his canine deep into his now aching shoulders and left a deep gash. Jayda knelt down in such a way that their faces were close as she treated his wounds. Despite the pain he was in, he could not stop staring at her face and wondering what it would feel like to kiss her. He was staring at her so intently that it felt like she must have noticed because she turned her head to look at his face. He did not still look away. They held each other's gazes, none backing down. Adrian put his good arm at the back of her neck and gently pulled her down towards him. Their lips sending a wave of electric shock through the both of them. First the kiss was slow and passionate,their tongues intertwining. It quickly picked up pace and became hungrier and faster. Adrian pressed jayda closer to him and he half sat up to feel her body more. When his hand moved from her back to the area between her thighs, she quickly pushed him off and got up.

'wait....wait. i need answers. who was that guy ? what happened outside?

' wait '...she paused

'who are you ?'

Adrian looked at her. He thought she still looked as sexy and beautiful standing there in her tank top, jeans and combat boots.

He knew he could not wiggle his way out of this one. He started off with lying and now he was going to have to lie again. For the first time in his life he wished things were different. He sat upright and looked her in the face.He still held on to his bad arm. Jayda could not stop herself from admiring his bulging biceps. She moved her eyes away from his arm back to his now serious face.

'would you believe me if i told you that werewolves and vampires did exist ?'

she looked at him doubtfully.

'yes, they are real. As real as you and me'

''As real as you and me''

'what is that supposed to mean ?' she asked.

'it means you are one of us' he said matter-of-factly.

'what are you talking about' she asked.

' i am telling you the truth'

' i do not believe you'

' don't you feel your nose get prickly when you perceive blood ?'

' don't you feel your heartbeat quicken when you see blood ?'

' or how fast your wounds heal ?'

' those are not natural. i'm sure you are not aware that your eyes glow when you are scared or emotionally overwhelmed '

'what' she said wide eyed.

' you are a vampire...pause..... only that you are a hybrid'

' a hybrid ? what's that?'

' it means you have the genes of a vampire and a werewolf. You have werewolf and vampire blood in your veins'

She just stared at him. This was totally unbelievable. She sank to the floor.

Adrian continued 'the truth is that in our world vampires and wolves are never supposed to be together. It was a rule. The two kingdoms agreed on it. But your parents defied the rules. They apparently fell in love and had you. The wolf clan would not let it go and insisted that they pay the price for such treachery. They ran away to the human world and had you. But when they were caught your mother lied that she had aborted you. Nobody believed her. There was a huge manhunt for you but you were never found. The wolf king killed your parents and now that he is aware that you are alive, he would stop at nothing to kill you too.'

Jayda just stared at him. Her whole life was taking a different turn over night. This was too much for her.

'why would he want to kill me? i have not done anything wrong. i do not even know or remember anything about my parents'

' it is because a hybrid is a contamination to the blood line. You do not fully belong to the wolves and you do not belong to the vampires. You will answer to no one. And legend has it that the powers of a hybrid are beyond comprehension. A hybrid has immesurable powers and for that the wolf king is scared. He knows that you may not have realized your full potential and that is why he is trying to kill you before you become fully aware of what you are capable of ' Adrian explained.

'so where do you fit in in all of this ?' she asked him.

' my father heard from a reliable source that the wolf king found out about you. He knew that he was not going to rest until he found you. My father kept a closer watch on them and when he heard that they were making plans to come to the human world, he sent me out here first.'

' it was my luck that i ran in to you like that. Or perhaps fate'

' so you are like my saviour ?' she asked.

' call it whatever you want but i am here to protect you'

She looked at him thoughtfully.

'How come you did not do anything when that wolf guy attacked you ?'

' i did not want you to see me looking like a vicious blood sucking monster. Believe it or not, vampires have good hearts.'

The look on her face made him correct himself immediately

'maybe some' he added quickly.

She ran her hand through her hair. This was was a hard pill to swallow. She instantly felt tired, exhausted and drained. She just wanted to go to sleep. Plus she had work the next day. She got up from where she had been sitting on the floor.

'Can we talk about this tomorrow. i feel really tired. you can sleep on the couch'

She headed toward the bedroom, which was the only one in the house. She paused as she was as about to turn the door handle. She turned to face him.

' you said you were here to protect me?'

He nodded.

' can i trust you? '

He stood up and went to her. He put his hand on her shoulder ' yes, you can'. He smiled charmingly. She loved the proximity, and had they been in a different situation she would have hugged him or stood on her toes to kiss him because he towered over her. She gently backed away, entered her room and locked the door. She took a hot shower and got in to bed. She did not sleep at all and she did not leave her room until the sun rose in the morning.

Adrian hated himself for all the lies he told jayda. He could not tell her that he had initially come to kill her and that it was his father who had infact killed her parents.