

You can kill her. She means nothing to me' Adrian said. Jayda looked at him wide eyed. The betraying bastard she thought. She had always had the nagging feeling that he was going to give her up at the slightest chance. She turned her head to look him in the eye. No she was not going to cry in his presence. She was going to show him that she could survive without him. 'If she means nothing to you, how about i keep her. I have been searching for a new pet' his brother Jordan said while looking at Jayda like he wanted to devour her. 'You can have her if you want ' Adrian said without breaking the eye contact battle he was having with Jayda. Jayda suddenly started seeing flashes of their intense lovemaking the day before ,she could hear the ripping sound her dress made when he tore it off her. She cringed inwardly not believing that she had given up her body and soul to this ravaging vampire who was trying to betray her and give her up for his kingdom and clan. She knew she would regret it. She knew nothing good would come from falling for a vampire. She had often read about vampires in books and seen them in movies but she could not believe that she would ever meet one let alone fall for him. She should never have taken him in that day. She should never have taken pity on him or even nursed his wounds. It was all her fault. Now she was going to die mercilessly at his hands.

Venuss_venus · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs


The vampire clan and wolf gang lived on different sides in the mystic world. There has always been a thug of power between the two kingdoms. They were always fighting about who gets to lead mystic world and for that reason mystic world was divided and each kingdom went their own way and established their own leadership and rules. While the vampires lived in dark caves and dark ancient buildings because they could not walk under the sun so as not to burn their skin,the wolves lived more freely in the daytime and their abode looked more alive with the green grass and bright sunlight. The two kingdoms were separated by a wild gigantic bush of thorns.The wolf gang always kept watch during the night because that was when the vampires had liberty. The wolf gang did not trust the vampire clan to stick to the agreement of maintaining their own boundaries especially now that xavier was king. They were on guard as usual when Rexy crossed the barrier and entered mystic world.

The night watchers knew what happened to Rexy so it was a total shock to see him back at mystic world. It was weirdly odd. Xavier was merciless and ruthless. There was no way he could have revoked his banishment.

'why do you think he is here?' one of the night watchers asked his colleague.

" how would i know? Do you think we should inform the king?"

'you do that, i'll keep an eye out for that disgusting traitorous vampire'

He quickly transformed in to a gigantic wolf and raced down to the pack.

They had an abundance of trees, so they lived in wooden houses except for the palace of the king which was a gigantic brick tower that was built centuries ago. He raced through the little village to the tower. He changed back to his human form when he reached the tower. He requested an audience with the king while emphasising on how urgent the matter was. The king's guards asked him to wait outside while they sought permission from the king for him to be granted an audience.

The king was in the middle of a meeting with the council members of the wolf pack when the gigantic oak door swung open and a guard stepped in. The guard went directly to the king and whispered in his ears. The king hated to be interrupted when he was in the middle of a meeting but seeing as the request was from a night watcher, he knew it was a matter of urgency. He would not have come to see him if he had not seen something. He asked the guard to let the night watcher in.

'i suppose you have a good reason for interrupting this gathering', the king asked.

' my lord ' the night watcher said as he bowed.

'speak' the king said.

'my lord, Rexy the banished vampire has returned to mystic world'

'when was this?' the king asked.

'i came as quickly as i saw him,'. It was dark when Rexy made his return but wolves have sharp night vision and so they were able to identify him.

The king looked thoughtful for a moment.

'he would not be here unless he had something to offer. I know xavier too well'

One of the council members spoke, 'what if they found it ? After all these years.'

The king looked up quickly.

'we do not know if ''it'' ever existed' he replied.

Another member chimed in, ' there is only one way to find out '.

The king sitted at the head of the table surveyed the faces of his council members and by the looks on their faces he could tell what they were thinking.

He turned to the guard,' get me prince Cade'

The egoistical non chalant prince of the wolf pack, Cade was getting down with his prey for the night when the guard knocked on his door and came in to his room. The guard immediately seeing that he was in bed with a girl and both naked, quickly turned around. Cade was infuriated but that did not stop him from pushing in and out of her. The guard could hear the girl screaming ' argh..argh....yes ...yes ' as Cade shoved in and out of her with such fast and powerful thrusts. He looked at the guard and yelled 'what is it now ?'

'Your father has requested your presence urgently' the guard replied quickly.

Cade was frustrated. He would have to kiss his lay good bye. He continued shoving his big cock in to her tiny hole as he growled with pleasure. He finally released his seeds into her as he collapsed on top of her. He slowly rolled out of bed ,put on his pants,picked up his black shirt and black boots from where they lay on a heap on the floor and put them on. He left the room without uttering a word or even sparing a glance at the equally disappointed girl on his bed.

He barged into his father's palace chambers looking like an annoyed little boy.

'you sent for me father' he said with no enthusiasm.

His father, Lord Duncan knew his son had no interest in the affairs of the kingdom. He still loved him nonetheless and accomodated his many excesses.

'there has been spectulation that the hybrid does exist and is infact alive'. He looked at Cade to be sure that he was paying attention.

'You remember Rexy, yes? well, he was seen making an entrance from the outside world and he is now in mystic world.'

'we believe he has news about the hybrid. Of course we are not sure about that but we will find out soon'

Cade was already bored with all the talking.

'so what do you want me to do ?' he asked.

'you will join the night watchers and keep an eye out for those traitors on the other side'. By traitors he meant the vampires.

'if you see anything suspicious, i want you to report back to me. if the need arises, i want you to have them tailed and followed.'

Cade was boiling now but he could not say no to the king.

He mustered up all his courage instead and said 'yes my lord'.

He left seething with rage. Duncan knew Cade did not like to be given assignments like this, but he wanted him to learn because one day he would have to sit on the throne.

Adrian and Rexy left the vampire clan at midnight and were making their way towards the barrier that separated their world from the human world. Both totally unaware that they were being watched. Cade found it interesting that Adrian was going to the human world. He and Adrian were sworn enemies and could not stand the sight of each other. They had deep hatred for each other and would do anything to ruin each other's happiness. They always fought whenever they met. Now Cade was more determined to find out what all this ruckus was about. If Adrian was involved then it was worth it. Now this was getting more interesting he thought. He did not go back to report to his father, he sent one of the night watchers to go report to his father and tell him that he would be back soon. He followed Adrian and Rexy but he was cautious enough to put a safe distance between himself and them.