
Jawata Kingdom (English)

'Pasvaati'. A Magical Heritage kept in Tanapura since hundreds of years ago, It waited The Heir with talent of 'Pure Spirit'. Taja traces a familiar trail while living in Tanapura. A fragment of a dream, a broken memory, an invisible figure, a legendary heirloom, and gather the pieces of the puzzle of life. A destiny brought Taja with the right people. The 'Heritage Archers' team was formed to unite the legendary heritage in Tanapura. Then they jointly deployed the 'Ultimate Weapon'. Taja's adventures in the 'Heritage Archers' team, took part in Tanapura's mission to realize the mandate of 'Babad Wasiat Jawata' in the mission of the King's coronation. But a great enemy lurked from the darkness, full of anger, the Jealous creature with magic and all the power of the Slaughter Army. They won't let the 'Heritage Archers' carry out to acted in the Jawata mission.

JWTKingdom · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

008. The Heirloom

"Pasvaati Heritage chooses the Heir to the heart of spirit and soul."


Taja looked around several times, following Radhit. In contrast to Radhit, who walked casually, straight without sound.

"Oh yes. Isn't he just a soul. Like air, of course his steps are silent," thought Taja, stepping carefully on tiptoes when he passed the guards at the entrances and exits of the Palace of the Oldest Books. It was strange, the guards seemed to be in a state of dismay. They even looked like they were sleeping standing up.

"The Magic Spell of Sleeping lasts only a few moments. We have to hurry before they wake up!" whispered Radhit firmly. His arms were clasped across chest. That's how he walked casually.

"The mass Sleeping incantation, can be in the form of a flute hugging the soul, dissolving the consciousness of anyone who hears it," explained Radhit briefly.

"So you put them to sleep?" muttered Taja after knowing that it was the result of Radhit's actions. Had thought, if he also mastered the Sleeping Magic Spell.

A few moments later, they arrived at the Heritage Palace and managed to enter without difficulty. The relaxed atmosphere of the night made it easier for them.

In the Heirloom Palace room, a large table with various heirlooms arranged. One of them was the most special, a heirloom covered in white cloth was attached between two supports.

"That's it" said Radhit staring at the cloth-wrapped heirloom none other than the Pasvaati.

"What should I do?" Taja was not sure that this effort will be successful.

Radhit glanced at him for a moment. Seeing Taja's expression, he was confused and seemed to be thinking hard.

"Open the wrapping cloth!" Radhit started giving signs. Taja also follows Radhit.

The heritage of arc weapon in white metal. Slightly glowing in a slightly dimly lit room. Pasvaati's light dazzles both eyes. Taja felt a bit dazzled for a moment. At night, it turn out that Pasvaati glow more.

Taja looks closely at the resplendent Pasvaati Heritage.

"What is it that you desire most in this world?" Radhit asked. Meanwhile Taja just stared at Pasvaati in front of eyes.

"Nothing. I feel ... barely have any desire," said Taja softly. Meanwhile, Pasvaati stole attention.

"But, be sure that you have a goal, don't you?" asked Radhit again.

"Of course," replied Taja briefly.

"Try to listen to him," Radhit signaled again.

"Who should I hear?" Taja asked back, focused to Pasvaati.

"Pasvaati," replied Radhit.

"He's talking to you, did you hear him?" asked Radhit.

Taja was silent. The more he observes and listens more carefully.

"Listen with your mind, not with your ears," continued Radhit.

A moment later, more solemn. Taja began to communicate with himself. There were soft voices, getting louder and louder.

"It sounds like as ... someone is praying," Taja said softly, "But I don't know what language that is."

"Everytime, Pasvaati is praying. Praising the Most Merciful," said Radhit next to Taja.

"Pasvaati is not an inanimate object, but he is also a living being. Even though his body is only an heirloom," he added words. Meanwhile Taja focuses attention on Pasvaati.

"He whispered," said Taja. The more clearly he heard the voices that appeared. Obviously not only from heart, but centered on Pasvaati who was talking to him.

"That's a greeting ...," replied Radhit.

"What language is he speaking? I can't reply ...," Taja still didn't understand.

"Partly the language of angels. Partly the language of the wind. Partly the language of the Guardians," replied Radhit and then softly and firmly said spelling in a strange language that Taja had never heard before. Like hissing.


Radhit's lips were muttering, enough for Taja to hear the last part of the spell he was saying. After that, Taja was even more stunned and he seemed as if a force was pulling hand, then the tips of fingers were getting closer to Pasvaati. Then his fingers started touching Pasvaati gently.

The slightly stinging energy surprised Taja. Suddenly a glimpse of light hit the sight of Taja. Instantly he saw the surroundings changed like a bright morning. A beautiful beautiful garden. Beautiful and cool. One could even feel the soft grass beneath the soles of feet. Sunlight hit the place. All around the place, sounds of soft voices coalesced into the sky.

You see someone dressed in all white. Very unpretentious. His hair was neatly laid down to her shoulders. His face was so bright that it was impossible to see clearly what it looked like. Fragrant fragrance fills.

Taja knelt on the knees of the man dressed in all white. Only face to face but feels very serene. The figure replied by touching Taja's crown. Warm air flowed all over body. The rest, the sound of clattering softly could be heard from all over. Mixed with the voices of prayer gathered into one, then echoed into the sky. The voices seemed to come from thousands of serene souls.

In the hands. An old book, without known what book it was about. The book that emits light.

Suddenly the atmosphere dim again. The light suddenly disappeared. In an instant, Taja found himself back in the dimly lit room of the Heritage Palace. It was as if he had just returned from the other side of the world.

When he woke up, Pasvaati's heirloom was still in Taja's hand. He was surprised to see his own hand holding Pasvaati. I do not know since when it happened, Taja just realized with his own eyes.

"This ...?" Taja flinched. Can't believe that the heirloom was actually in his hands.

"A pure soul is a soul that is awake. Protected from wrath. Protected from heart disease. Protected from prejudice. Protected from all worldly desires. Not greedy. Not arrogant. A heart that bows."

Radhit's voice made Taja realize that he was not alone. Radhit spoke not just saying. Instead, he was reciting the magic spell and Taja seemed to understand its meaning.

"If you are able to combine the Gendewa with Pasvaati as an arrow, then we will know how terrible what happened. Of course with the incantation from the Book of Muhaqqina," continued Radhit.

"There is one very efficacious incantation to use to control Pasvaati," said Radhit again, "Pasvaati will act as a protector with that spelling words."

"Pasvaati can transform into Ultimate Weapon, that is Shahada," Radhit added, making Taja even more amazed.

"Shahada? Ultimate Weapon?!" Taja repeated that one name.

"But ... I'm not sure I can unite the Gendewa and Pasvaati, especially with the Muhaqqina spell at the same time," Taja shook head slowly, although he looked very enthusiastic but not sure enough to do it.

Unnoticed tears flowed from the corners of the eyes. Not sadness. A sense of serenity and serenity enveloped to the marrow of the bones.

The room where Taja and Radhit are, becomes brighter as the reflections of Pasvaati's light fill the room all the way through the roof.

This incident lasted quite a long time. But Taja forgot the time. Suddenly a sound startles Taja and Radhit.


Suddenly Princess Alingga was in front of Taja. He didn't know since when she saw Taja in the room.

"Is it true you did this?" continued Princess Alingga with a look of surprise and disbelief.

Taja froze where he stood with both hands still holding Pasvaati. Surprised to see the presence of Princess Alingga. Taja looked at the princess was standing in front of him. For a moment he glanced at where Radhit was last, but apparently Radhit's figure had disappeared suddenly.

"I ... umm ...," Taja suddenly awkward.

"Secretly, you infiltrated the Palace of Treasures alone and held the Pasvaati by your own hand?!" said Princess Alingga, shocked a lot. Taja just realized that Princess Alingga caught his action in this condition.

"Umm ... I ... I'm with Radihit," Taja looked around himself. But Radhit was not visibled. Only Taja and Princess Alingga were currently in room.

"Radhit? Who?" asked Princess Alingga while looking around, but no one saw Radhit besides himself.

Taja didn't have much time to explain. The sound of the footsteps of the guards came to the place.

"Woe!" Princess Alingga felt that something was threatening them if they remained in that place.

"Put Pasvaati back in the place!" screamed Princess Alingga, holding voice so that it wouldn't be heard from outside.

Taja immediately returns Pasvaati back to previous place.

"Follow me!" asked the princess, immediately pulled Taja's hand, panicked when she heard the boisterous sound of people approaching the Heritage Palace room.

Taja and Princess Alingga rushed through the back exit of the Heritage Palace, carefully walking and sneaking between the alleys on the dark side of the palace. The surrounding situation was getting lively with the arrival of the guards towards the Heritage Palace.

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