
Jake In The Walking Dead

Surviving in the world of Walking Dead with 3 wishes , powerful mc and building here and there Walking Dead is the work of Frank Darabont and Gale Anne Hurd :) only changes and mc are made by me

MonkeyDAnish · Videojogos
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12 Chs


After the sky darkens I barricade the door to make sure and sleep next to Thor, Rex, Dawn. While Fenrir is hugged to death by Rose as she sleeps next to him.

Rick's pov

I opened my eyes slowly and noticed I was in a different building, as the roof was different then the one I'm used to. It looks like a hospital bed which looked well taken care of but with little dust here and there. I remember giving chase to thieves with my brother Shane, in the chase I got caught in cross firing and got hit with a shot and blacked out. As I tried to get up my legs gave up on me, I tumbled back to the bed, looking around, I found a pack of wolves surrounding a little girl in a defensive position at the door.

ROSE POV ( thank you Zachary_,,)

You're finally awake, you've been in a coma for 2 and half months. I thought you were never going to wake up. Did you know during your long beauty sleep the world has gone to hell, it all started with a plague that caused the people to act weird then they started attacking others. Afterwards those bitten by them started the cycle again and now most of the whole is infected with the plague. Thankfully you're awake mister 

Rick's POV

Rick my name is Rick Rose

I found out that I have been in a coma for almost 3 months. This young girl called Rose told me about the plague and how it affects the people and how it causes the dead or bitten ones to rise again. I don't have any clues of what she's talking about but I know that if the staff members were not here they would not allow the wolf pack to be running around with a little girl in the hospital. I need to see whats happening. 

I made my way outside of the room I was in. Outside in the corridor of the hospital I found blood stains and ammo shelves all over the floor. I was getting really nervous and scared as I saw more and more blood spilled all over the floor. I moved away from the wolf pack as there's too much blood and the only thing that can cause it is the wolf pack or the girl. The only thing I can think of right now is getting to my family and making sure they are safe.

As I moved along the corridor I found a young man eating breakfast with the news playing. Hearing about what happened I was fearing the worst for my family, I needed to find my way back home fast. I make my way to the exit but the young head turns to me and tells me that the world has changed. If I want to go outside I need to change the way I see the world for my safety. As I looked closer, that young man looked very familiar, umm I remember now it's Jake from the shooting range, when Shane had visited the shooting range to relieve some anger, he told me that he found an amazing kid. He had everyone watching him shoot.

Later Shane said he gave some shooting advice and the kid was improving, he even showed me a photo of Jake. Since that day I have heard of him a few times around the place. He was a close friend to Carl, as he was helping him with school bullying. I had tried helping my son but it got worse with my involvement. This led to me and Lori fighting as I missed a lot of family time with Carl and her. During one of the fights she even said that Shane spends more time with them as he keeps Carl Company.

 I appreciate him helping Carl out with school and other things while I had to work overtime to cover for others. Remembering everything made me want to be there more for them as a father figure for Carl and a husband to my wife. I never met Jake but heard about him from my son and Shane. I told Jack that I appreciate what he was saying and I understand if what was happening in the news is true then I would need to change my worldview as many things have changed during my coma. But I will find my family and protect them. 

MC pov

 Explaining things to Rick took some time but it's better to have him understand what's happening then just throw him out there. Following Rick to meet the group of the main cast is exciting as I enjoy watching them but is it truly worthy of my time to spend all the time just looking for them while I could have started something with the gaming system it gives me everything I need what should I do should I follow Rick or should I leave Rick to his family and then part ways.

Now have the strength to choose my path, I will help Rick meet his family and then change many of the events with my knowledge of those future events. It took some time but I have prepared everything I can from inside the hospital. The supplies are well loaded into begs. I asked Rick to join me in my breakfast while Rose ready had her breakfast with Fenrir, Thor, Rex and finally Dawn. Rick and I had some canned chicken, 2 eggs, and apple juice for breakfast. Now that I look at Fenrir, Thor, Rex and Dawn who are playing with Rose some changes are becoming more noticeable, like there are more wolf-like features and changes in their aura to think all of this is caused by injecting them with nerfed Super soldier serum with all the Z coins saved.

The serum has given their wolf bloodline a huge boost. They're stronger, and their physical appearance has changed to deadlier like a true predator, ready to hunt. 

Back to Rick, he is getting more and more impatient. I think it's time to say adios to this place. Turning to Rick, I told him to get some rest as I loaded the jeep with supplies. Rick with a beaming smile tells me he will help me to load up the Jeep with supplies so it's faster but I reject him as he needs more time to adjust to moving.

I start loading the jeep, with Rose's help. Rex copying Rose started dragging one of the begs near the jeep. Seeing this brings a smile to my face, others not wanting to be left out start dragging one bag each but not Thor as he drags 3 to show off *^* in front of Rose. What a fine wolf-dog of culture he is. 

Within 5 mins we are done and seated, ready to head to Rick house. Fenrir, Thor, Rex and Dawn in the back with Rose while Rick's in front. We slowly make our way into the streets. With a deep breath, I stepped more onto the gas to speed up. The first few minutes were normal but after a turn of corner I spotted some struggling zombies. Hearing the car, the zombies turn our way and start moving towards us. This number of zombies is okay to run over with the car but if there's more we may need to fight. With a couple of turns we made it to Rick's house, while Ricks ran ahead into his house I made sure to check for Duane and his father Morgan. 

Rick POV 

As I run ahead and make it to the door, busting it open I find that my house has been turned into a mess with all the items on the floor. Clothes on the floors, papers etc . I headed to the rooms to check but after turning another corner into the kitchen I only had time to turn and barely avoided a shovel that was making its way to my face. The kid looking scared tried to hit me again but I caught it. I discovered that the boy named Duane Jones, thought he was a walker so he tried to hit him. 

Jake POV

Morgan showed up to Rick holding the shovel while his boy was on ground so he pointed the gun at Rick and told Rick to drop the shovel and step back. Rick, seeing that it looks bad, drops the shovel and takes some steps back with hands in air. 

I saw Rick holding his hands in the air, making my way inside to see Morgan holding Rick at gun point with his son on the ground. Drawing my gun, I place it on Morgan's head while Rose stands behind me and the wolves circle Morgan and his son. I order Morgan to lower the gun and tell him that nothing will happen to him, his son if he explains what he is doing in Rick's home willingly.