
Jade: The Conqueror

After witnessing the death of his Entire Clan, The Vragon Clan! . . . . Jade has become a ruthless warrior, Some call him a monster, Some sees him as a Villian who is the only warrior who wants Revenge against the Six Ultimate Clans and the Empire, He has watched his father beheaded. Jade has grown to be more powerful than his father ever was, To serve his purpose of ultimate Destruction, His hunger for vengeance and Obliteration...He has created an Organization of dark hearted warriors. Coming from the race of powerful beings, Vragon warriors, The most Destructive and brute force in the entire Cosmos, Their name and personality strikes fear and chaos through out the entire Empire. Growing stronger every time, Unstoppable, Unbeatable! Stronger than ever until he meets his brother Jace...! Will he be responsible for the Destruction of the Empire? Will the Almighty Jade become worst than his father? The Rage...The Anger, The Aggression... Listening to the sorrows of his enemies, A once lovely kid will soon become the Author of complete Destruction... Shall the Prophecy of the Conqueror be fulfilled? Who shall bear the powers of the Ancient James of the Vragon Clan? The world shall know pain and sorrow, The Complete Obliteration be averted, Shall the Seven Demons of Terror be Awakened...!! After the Destruction of the Vragon Clan, The world has never know peace and happiness, Sorrow and Terror has ruled all this long...Craig Vragon, Jace Vragon and Jade Vragon...The Brothers of chaos. Who shall be the next Conqueror? Will a broken and dark hearted being become a pure hearted being? Or will he create more Chaos and pain, Will the sacrifice of his friends and family be in vain? Found out in this Story?

Emeh_Wonder · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
44 Chs

Chapter 42: Amastu Ninja plots, Rika's plots

Just like the Vragon Clan, The Six Ultimate Clans are located outside the Shirlian Empire, They were made to protect the Empire due to the peace treaty signed two hundred years ago, James is still the Drio then.

Unlike the Vragon Clan which is located in the dark and unpredictable jungle, The Amastu Ninja Clan are located in the Desert, The First Drio and his warriors created the Kingdom in the desert and had the desert reptiles give them information.

Governed by the ruthless Drio Konin, The Amastu has become the second feared Ultimate Clan in the world, They are known for their Destructive ways but aren't that feared by the people of the Shirlian Empire.

Especially the Harishama Village who hosts dangerous and Dreaded powers!

The Watchmen guarding the Gates of the Clan are all alert and ready for battle, Dressed in their blue ninja outfit to show that they are of the Amastu, The Clan is flooded with traders and warriors of both men and women..

Just like The Vragon, The Amastu Ninja Clan has a very beautiful and well guarded Castle for their Drio, The Blue Ninjas stood on their guard spot as requested while the maids and servants were doing their respective duties.

Inside the Castle and Inside the Throne room, Drio Konin is spotted relaxing his back on his throne with the Elders sitting on their positioned chairs before their Drio, The Amastu has four Elders in the Council.

" Elders, What should we do about the Seven Demons of Terror? We can't let them attack the Empire " Drio Konin said,

" Lord Drio, The Six Ultimate Clans awaits the orders of the Emperor and besides the Seven Demons of Terror are yet to attack us " The First Elder spoke up, The Elders were warriors During their time.

" I know that already but there is something we can do, Like Attacking the Vragon Clan " Drio Konin said, Just then the door of the Throne room opened up and Three men in their forties walked in.

" Drio Konin, The Legendary swordsmen of the Amastu greets you " One of the Men spoke out, They greeted without bowing and that didn't seem to both Drio Konin at all, It's like he himself fears them.

" The Birect brothers of war, I am surprised to see you three standing before me...Why are you here? " Drio Konin asked, The Bisect brothers are warriors known to be the Legendary swordsmen of the Amastu.

" Drio Konin, We are here because there is something I need to tell you...I was attacked by a snake " The man whose seems to be the Leader and the Elder brother of the two Bisect brothers uttered.

" And how does it concerns me if you were attacked by a snake, There are hundreds of snakes in this desert, Anyone could have attacked you, Cons " Drio Konin said with smiles on his face as he stared at the warriors of warfare.

" Lord Drio, It's not an ordinary snake...It has been trailing me for some weeks now and I managed to notice it then killed it after sensing who sent it " Cona the Eldest and the Leader of the Bisect brothers stated.

" Sent it? What are you trying to say, Cona? " Drio Konin asked.

" The snake is a rare kind of snake and it has never been seen by an ordinary eyes, You and I have seen this snake twelve years ago, When My son wanted Revenge against you for killing his lover " Cona answered.

" Huh? Are you trying to tell me that Rika sent that snake to follow you? I thought that brat hated this Clan and wanted nothing to do with us anymore? " One of the Elders asked and Cona smiled, He remembered when he attempted to kill his son.

" I believe he has found hope and now seeks revenge, And I know that he isn't coming for you this time Drio Konin, He is coming for me " Cona said and the Elders stared at him with a confused look on their faces.

Twelve years ago, Drio Konin ordered the Clan's executioner to execute the best friend of Rika back then, two days later he sent snakes to attack Konin but Konin killed the snakes and he sent the Bisect brothers to bind Rika.

" What do you mean by that Cona, Drio Konin has always been his target " The second Bisect brother whose name is Hinari asked.

" I did terrible things to him twelve years ago, He didn't leave the Clan back then, He escaped from my torture and went straight to the next Empire, He wants to kill me " Cona said and he then smiled.

" I kept that bastard of a son alive for him to be my weapon, I don't know how powerful he has become but I will surely put his hopeless life down " Cona said, He is a Superior Warlord in the ranking and he is B+ Superior Warlord, Feared by the Shirlian Empire and no one dared to challenge him, People claims that he has mastered a forbidden RINGAN.

" Do as you like with that bastard you bored as a son Cona, I am creating a plan to infiltrate the Vragon Clan and assasinate all of them, I need those pests called the Vragons dead " Drio Konin said with gnashed teeths.

⏱️⏱️⏱️ Flashback ⏱️⏱️⏱️

⏱️⏱️⏱️ Twelve years ago ⏱️⏱️⏱️

Young Rika could be seen running deep into the Forests as the rain dropped down from the sky, The ground is all muddy as the rain fell heavily, Tears dropped down from the wet eyes of the young Rika.

" Don't come close to me, Don't come close to me " Rika yelled as he continued running as it rained, His body were filled with bruises and marks caused by whip and dangerous weapons, Suddenly Rika halted.

He shook with fear as he sighted a man in the shadows, He made to run to the opposite side when he felt harpoons piercing into his skin, Rika screamed out in pains as he fell on the ground still in tears.

" Are you trying to escape from me, Son? " A deep grutal voice asked from the darkness, A man walked out of the Darkness with a dagger in his hands, His clothes is dripping wet due to the rain as he slowly approached Rika.

" Don't come close to me, Please don't come close to me " Rika pleaded as he slowly moved back amidst the pains of the harpoons, The man whose face is revealed as Cona slowly approached Young Rika with smiles on his face.

" You are nothing but a weapon to the Amastu Clan, If you don't accept your fate then I shall kill you " Cona said as he brought out three Kunai knifes, He tossed the Kunai knifes at Rika and Rika successful ducked two but was too late.

" Ahhhhhhhhh...Why are you doing this to me " Rika asked as he groaned and Shivered in pains, Cona got close to Rika and he raised his sword to strike the Young child down.

" Since you will be dying today, I am doing this to you because you are nothing other than a weapon, A tool for my glory and I find you useless...You are a failure, Rika..A failure " Cona stated.

Cona brought down his sword to sliced Rika into two when he suddenly screamed out in pains, A snake crept out of Rika's body and bit Cona in the hand, Seeing his way of escape...Rika rised up to his feet and he ran into the deep Darkness.


Rika appeared from a Portal to see his snake lying down dead and it has been severed into several pieces, Rika bent down and gathered the pieces of the snake and he saw what happened to his snake.

" You did well my beautiful snake, So my father is already in the Amastu Ninja Clan already " Rika stated, He watched the Amastu Ninja Clan from a mountain top and he made sure that no Ninja set his or her eyes on him.

" By the look of your body, I can tell that he already knows who the sender is right? He knows that I am after him and I am pretty sure he is very well prepared " Rika said, Suddenly snakes started emerging out of his skin.

" I will not kill him now because I have a mission to complete, It's just remaining two weeks for the Seven Demons of Terror should be finally unleashed...I need to Keep the Empire busy, So I am going to send you guys " Rika stated, He weaved a hand sign as the snakes came together and stared at him.

" UNLEASHING...SNAKE TRANSFORMATION RINGAN " Rika said as the snakes suddenly started transforming into men, The twelve snakes Transformed into Twelve men but they still had their snake eyes.

" Keep my father busy, I will return to put an end to the Bisect brothers misery and laid them to rest " Rika ordered and he vanished from the mountain top immediately, The snake men hissed as they faced the Amastu Ninja Clan.

" Cona of the Bisect must die " the snake men said in unison as they dived down from the mountain top, They ran into the Clan without the Watchmen noticing their invisible movements and the sky Suddenly turned dark


Rika appeared on a mountain top which reveals the Shirlian Empire to its full glory, Rika's eyes turned dark and he started muttering ancient tongues, In a blink of an eye..The sky became covered with dark scary bugs.

Rika smirked after seeing the Demonic merged bugs with his serpent, An hideous Creature personified, Rika directed the monsters turned the Shirlian Empire with full force and they flew towards the Empire.

" This is just the beginning of the End " Rika muttered before Disappearing!