
Jade: The Conqueror

After witnessing the death of his Entire Clan, The Vragon Clan! . . . . Jade has become a ruthless warrior, Some call him a monster, Some sees him as a Villian who is the only warrior who wants Revenge against the Six Ultimate Clans and the Empire, He has watched his father beheaded. Jade has grown to be more powerful than his father ever was, To serve his purpose of ultimate Destruction, His hunger for vengeance and Obliteration...He has created an Organization of dark hearted warriors. Coming from the race of powerful beings, Vragon warriors, The most Destructive and brute force in the entire Cosmos, Their name and personality strikes fear and chaos through out the entire Empire. Growing stronger every time, Unstoppable, Unbeatable! Stronger than ever until he meets his brother Jace...! Will he be responsible for the Destruction of the Empire? Will the Almighty Jade become worst than his father? The Rage...The Anger, The Aggression... Listening to the sorrows of his enemies, A once lovely kid will soon become the Author of complete Destruction... Shall the Prophecy of the Conqueror be fulfilled? Who shall bear the powers of the Ancient James of the Vragon Clan? The world shall know pain and sorrow, The Complete Obliteration be averted, Shall the Seven Demons of Terror be Awakened...!! After the Destruction of the Vragon Clan, The world has never know peace and happiness, Sorrow and Terror has ruled all this long...Craig Vragon, Jace Vragon and Jade Vragon...The Brothers of chaos. Who shall be the next Conqueror? Will a broken and dark hearted being become a pure hearted being? Or will he create more Chaos and pain, Will the sacrifice of his friends and family be in vain? Found out in this Story?

Emeh_Wonder · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
44 Chs

Chapter 4: That Time

" We have arrived sons "

Drio James announced after four hours ride on the Carriage, He watched his sons slowly open their slippery eyes, Their eyes beamed with excitement immediately James opened up the carriage for them to see.

" Papa, Are we in the Empire? " Jade asked.

" Mmmmhmm, yes we are sons...This is the Shirlian Empire, You two were once here but that was two years ago " Drio James answered, He lifted his sons and drop them down immediately their legs touched the ground.

" My Lord, the luggages? " One of the servants asked, With just a snap of his fingers...James made the luggages to appear right before him, He didn't want to stress the guards and servants with the bags he brought.

" Take them to my room, The Emperor gave the Drios every room in this Castle " James ordered, He advanced into the building with his sons ahead of him, They were running and jumping happily.

" Drio James! " James heard a masculine voice calling him, He looked up to see the Emperor Karsas and Drio Konin of the Amastu Ninja Clan coming down from the long stairs, The Emperor is smiling but Konin isn't.

" Emperor Karsas and Drio Konin of the Amastu Ninja Clan, The fourth ultimate Clan right? " James asked sarcastically, He never liked Konin for once because Konin is always a jealous Drio who is always a fault finder.

" Drio James, I thought you wouldn't come for the Ceremony, Like you always do " Konin said and James smirked.

" I wanted to not come to this Ceremony of his lordship but I guess, My first son Craig will be taking the responsibility as a Regent and my twins will be going on a vacation to the Empire, I guess it is worth it " James said...

" James, look at you..As young as ever, I remembered the time you taught my father how to manifest the spirit kage and you thought me the Kozawa...You really are a legend " Emperor Karsas interuppted.

" Don't flatter me your royal Highness but I am only but your humble warrior " James said, He sighted Jade and Jace running back to him and he smiled, The Emperor and Konin faced the incoming little kids.

" Your sons are grown ups James, I wonder if they would be like you, Warriors with the taste for blood, The Destruction of villages that refuses to bend to their will...Who knows what they might bring " Emperor Karsas uttered.

" Father, Father...This place is really cool " Jace stated in excitement, Immediately Jade heard someone calling his name from behind, He turned back to see a dazzling beauty just like him, Six years of age.

" Ah, that's my daughter... Princess Layla, Isn't she adorable? " Emperor Karsas asked, she ran to meet Jade with excitement because it's been two years since she last saw Jade and his twiny Jace.

" How are you doing Layla, You know it's been so long " Jade said as Layla hugged him first before hugging Jace, they all ran upstairs to play happily while the Emperor and the Drios watched.

" So my Lord, Where are the other Drios? " James asked as he scanned the premises with his eyes.

" You are the only late one here James, the five Drios are up in my throne room and they are all waiting for you, Mostly they were all surprised to here that you are attending this Ceremony, After all you are a legend " The Emperor whispered.

" Don't flatter me my Emperor, All I have done is for the protection of Empire and to build the Vragon Clan a better name to the people, All the bloods that I have shed are for the greater good and nothing more " Drio James stated.

" Stop whining and let's get going Drios " Emperor Karsas said, They climbed the stairs of the magnificent golden Castle, It has many beautiful but not powerfully made diamonds, golds and special stones.

" You know our Empire is one of the richest in the World and that's because of you James, my grandfather fought alongside you to Destroy the richest Empire and then you burned all the people to ashes that same day, You know seeing you always makes me happy James " Emperor Karsas said.

" Can we not talk about my past? I know that I have lived my life as a murderer and a ruthless warrior but I am becoming a changed man, I have sons and a wife, So I don't need to be all ruthless again " Drio James said and the Emperor nodded.

On getting to the Throne room, The guards standing beside the door opened it up and they entered immediately, The Drios and the ministers stood up to welcome the Emperor and we're all surprised to see James.

" Greetings Great Emperor Karsas, Drio Konin and Drio James " All the Drios and Ministers said in unison, The Emperor walked up to his throne and he sat down comfortably which caused the remaining Drios and Ministers to sit.

" It's good to see you all Drios of the Ultimate Clans, The Vragon Clan, Amastu Ninja Clan, The Senju Dragon Clan, The Opra Clan, The Nakraki Clan, The Oksutuki and the Utero Clan, It's an honor to have you all seated before me " Emperor Karsas voiced out.

Just then the door opened up and Minister Zaibon walked in, His face brightened up immediately he sighted James and the remaining Drios, James frowned as he could a familiar energy radiating around Zaibon.

" Greetings Great Drios of the Ultimate Clans, I am Zaibon, The Chief of Empire's Council and the Head Minister to the Emperor, It is an honor to behold your faces and especially you Drio James, I never thought you would come " Zaibon announced.

" Well I am here " Drio James said and Konin scoffed.

" My Emperor, can we round up this meeting because I can see that the Drios are irritated by my presence, You know if this happened two centuries ago, I would have ripped off your heads off but I got sons to meet " Drio James said.

Before Zaibon or the Emperor could make any statement, He stood up from his chair and he walked out of the Throne room with smiles beaming from his face, He got so close to Zaibon that he touched Zaibon's shoulder with his right hand.

He could feel the dark familiar energy but he couldn't detect who has it because he might have forgotten that already, He has faced hundreds of dangerous and dark foes throughout his three hundred years as a Drio, He had one thing that is thinking after exiting the throne room in a strange way.

' What the hell is that Zaibon guy? ' James asked him self in Confusion.

He climbed the stairs down to see Jade and Jace playing with the Emperor's daughter and the other Drios children and he smiled, He sneakily walked out of the Castle so that he could not be seen by his sons.

He appeared on a plane and quiet area meant for meditating, He sat down on the floor and he crossed his legs, He closed his eyes and he calmed his nervous system, Entering a trance so that he could detect that familiar Auras.

He found himself standing on dead bodies slaughtered during war, He could see the Vragon warriors slaughtering innocent villagers ruthlessly, The screams and the pains...The torture and the sorrow.

He watched himself behead the wife of a Drio, The Drio started powering up after witnessing his wife's death, He charged at James to fight only to be welcomed by James sword's piercing through the heart of the Drio.

And he remembered the Drio's last words...!

" For what you have done to my people, For the wickedness you did to me and my people, Your sons shall witnessed the downfall of you and your people James, You will die a woefully death Drio...I promise you " The Drio cursed and James mockingly thrusted out his sword and he chopped off the Drio's head off.

And then James is woken up by the calls of his son Jade.

" Father, Father are you ok...You are crying? " Jade asked as he slowly wipes of the years of James, James looked up in the sky before looking at Jade who is wiping his tears off, He then hugged Jade.

" You see Jade, Father is not crying because someone hurt him, He is crying because he hurt people " James said, He rised up on his feet and he brought out his sword and he tossed it at Jade who fell whole trying to catch it.

" You are going to be the next great warrior son, You will take after your elder brother Craig and will become the second best warrior or even beat him in a battle, Who knows...You might even be Conqueror Jade " James whispered and Jade face brightened up.

" Really? " Jade asked.

" Mmmmmmhmmm, A Conqueror son " James said.

" Wow, A Conqueror, Jade the Conqueror...Father train me, train me..I wanna be a Conqueror, The next Protector of the Empire, Teach me to be a Conqueror father " Jade said in excitement, He pleaded while he tried to lift his father's sword.

" Becoming a Conqueror will really require you to be an extraordinary warrior, The First Conqueror did achieve the techniques of the gods and became a demi god but I will give it a try " James thought to himself.

" Why don't we get home then I will begin your training son, Besides you have friends here and don't you forget your precious Layla, She is cute you know " James said and he linked at Jade who smiled sheepishly.

" Ok father, but as soon as we get home...You promise to train me right? " Jade asked.

" Of course Yes, I promise to train you "